Primary 7 20.4.18

Hello everyone!

In P7 this week we have been very busy organising our last term in Primary School.
Our Leavers hoodies have arrived and they look great! We also have started planning our Leavers Assembly and we have been allocated parts. We can’t wait to perform it.

In indoor PE we are learning how to play badminton, it is really fun! Mrs Ferguson teaches us on a Wednesday every week.

In writing we are focused on mystery and suspense paragraphs. This week we wrote a paragraph about a haunted house and now they are on the wall with a matching picture.

In Science we have a DCHS transition passport and we have activities to complete to get us ready for high school science.

We have self, peer and the teacher has assessed our WWII projects and they are fantastic! Miss Clark & Mrs Macaulay are really happy with our work! 🙂

Have a great weekend everyone!

By Luci, Daisy, Imane and Ellie

P7M – Swimming on Monday
P7C – PE on Monday

Both classes – Indoor PE on Wednesday

Primary 7 – 13.04.18

Hello and welcome back after our long Easter holiday!

This week we have been extremely busy. We have started to plan our leavers assembly which will be on Wednesday 27th June at 1.30pm. We have all chosen an area to work on for the leavers assembly and we are really excited for you to see this and celebrate our years at Carmondean.

In PE with Mrs Ferguson we have been focusing on badminton. This week we were practising hitting a shuttlecock and making sure it didn’t fall on the floor. This may sound easy – but it wasn’t! Mrs Macaulay’s class went for their first swimming lesson at DCHS and had a great time! Miss Clark’s class enjoyed playing basketball outside.

In writing we were looking at suspenseful writing. We looked at four main features of creating suspense in our writing. We highlighted these features in a range of texts and then wrote our own suspenseful stories. Next week we will continue to focus on creating tension and suspense in our writing.

In health we have been looking at helpful and unhelpful thinking. We are able to identify types of thinking in certain situations and can give our opinion on how we can change to think more positively.

By Callum D and Robyn


Monday – P7M swimming/ P7C outdoor PE

Wednesday – Indoor PE

Thursday – Transition Group

Thursday PM – Spring Disco!!

Friday – Maths and spelling homework


Thank you for your continued support,

Mrs Macaulay & Miss Clark

Snow day 3

Hi Everyone,

Well done to all the children who have sent in pictures of what they have been doing. It is good to see all the inventive ways you are completing work.

My reading groups keep practicing your reading. This can be your school reading book or something you are reading at home. Next week if would be good if you could bring in any comics, magazines or books you have been reading to share with the group.

My math group keep a list of the games you have been playing to share with the group next week. Which is your favourite?

P6 and P7 I hope you are finding time to practice your words for the show. You could ask other family members to play the other parts to help you.

Euro Quiz group it would be good if you could share any interesting facts with us. What is the most obscure fact you have found? What fact has surprised you?

Enjoy your snow day but keep safe and warm.

Mrs Gilmour


Primary 7 – Snow day 3

Hello Primary 7!

I hope you have all been having a great time out in the snow! Have you been out to measure how deep the snow at your house is?

If you would like to take part in a science experiment using ice/snow from outside why not try this? All you need is a timer, water, sugar, salt and ice/snow. Which will melt first/last and why do you think this happens? How could you improve this experiment? Share your results in the comments section.

Image result for ice melting experiment snow day activity

There have been lots of activities which you can take part in posted on the blog if you are looking for ideas. If you want some more take a look at the following:

You could work on your spelling words – why not get someone to test you on this weeks words or challenge another family member to speed write with you?

Your My Life so Far first draft is due in on Friday (9th March). You could carry on working on your project.

Your WW2 project is also due in just before the Easter holidays.

You could create your own bootcamp style workout which you could share on here/or at our next PE session

For maths – you could try to create 10 questions based on your current learning. You could get someone at home to answer these or post them on the blog? (Remember you will need to know the answers for these too!)

You could continue to learn your script/song words/dance moves for the school show.


Don’t forget to comment/share photos to let us know what you have been getting up to!

Have fun and stay safe in the snow!

Mrs Macaulay & Miss Clark

Primary 7 – Snow Day 2

Hello Primary 7!

Thanks to all of you who left comments on our blog post yesterday. It was nice to hear from so many of you.

Today is our second snow day and there is a LOT more snow around now! Maybe this afternoon, if the weather is a bit calmer, you can get back outside again and try to build a snowman or to try out some of the fitness activities that Mrs Ferguson posted in her blog post yesterday? I think they would be good for stamina!

If you would rather stay inside though here are some activities that you can continue on with today:
– My Life so Far (your first draft is due in next Friday)
– WW2 Booklet (research one/several aspects of life in WW2)
– Literacy Circles homework (you could begin reading your next set of pages).

Today is World Book Day! Now, if we’re in school tomorrow, we will be visiting other stage’s book corners and showing off our own and the new books we have purchased for it. Today – why don’t you pick up your favourite book, a new book or a book you loved reading when you were younger. What do you like about it? Why is it your favourite? What happens? We’d love if you could tell us about them in the comments if you have a chance 🙂

Remember – these suggestions are all just a guide. You certainly don’t need to do all of them. Most importantly, keep safe and keep warm and we’ll hopefully see you soon! Remember to comment on the blog and tell us what you’ve been up to 🙂

Mrs Macaulay & Miss Clark

PE snow day ideas

I wonder if any of you fancy being the next Lizzie Yarnold?  Have a look at the video clip of Lizzie winning her second gold medal at the recent Winter Olympics and then get out sledging today! Remember to be safe though!

If you don’t have a sledge you can just get out in the snow and try all different activities in it.  I think you’ll find it’s much harder walking, running and jumping in the snow.  How many different activities can you do in the snow and  how does your body feel when you try them?

And if you cant get outside here are some indoor activities you can try.

Cha Cha Slide Plan Challenge:


Dungeon Runner Fitness Quest:


Just Dance:


Snowed in HIIT Workouts:


Various Games and Activities:


Mrs Gilmour’s Groups

Good morning to all my groups. I have listed below some activities you can work on at home. You can also access the P5-7 winter weather work which is posted on the BLOG.

Primary 5-Reading
Please practice reading the stories about different families we have read so far. Remember to discuss any words you do not know with an adult.
Here are some activities you could work on-
o Make a family tree of all the people in your family. You can design it any way you like. Try to include name, date of birth and relation to you.
o Interview someone in your family about their life at school-what they liked, did not like, what they did at playtime etc.
You can also practice your phonic book and complete the next new page if you have at least 5 ticks on your previous one

Primary 6
o We have been working on adding TU to TU. Make up some sums and have a race with someone else to see who can complete them first.
o Practice reading the time throughout the day. You could make a timeline of everything you do today- what time you started, what time you finished and how long you spent on the activity. You could also draw a picture on your timeline.
o go online to or and play some games

o Practice reading your Totem book.
o Remember you have homework sheets to be completed this week.
o You can also play the game on the back with different people in your house.
o You could also write a book review of a book, comic, magazine you have read explaining why you found it so enjoyable.

Primary 7-Reading
o Read the pages of War Horse we have discussed in class.
o Complete Literacy Circle homework-Art Director. Remember to write a few sentences explaining what picture you have drawn and the main events.

To all my groups remember to have fun outside in the snow. Take pictures of any snow people you build or be adventurous and build an igloo. Upload your pictures to the BLOG.

Stay safe and warm everyone.

Mrs Gilmour

Primary 7 – Snow Day!

Hello Primary 7! We hope you have a lovely day outside in the snow!
Here are some activities you can do in the snow today:

– Take some photos or film what you get up to outside in the snow today. We can edit them into a movie back at school or you can try and do this at home if you know how 🙂
– Enjoy building snowmen and making snow angels – can you post a picture in the comments?
– Make your own snowflake design in the snow just by using footprints and walking around. Remember snow flakes have 6 points!

Here’s some activities you can do when you’re back inside in the warmth:
– Find out the word for “snow” in as many different languages as you can.
– Write a winter poem/story using metaphors, similes or alliteration. Go outside and take some photos to give you some inspiration.

Your My Life so Far first draft is due in next Friday (9th March). You could use today to carry on working on your project. Your WW2 project is also due in just before the Easter holidays.

Remember you definitely don’t need to do all of these activities today. These are just suggestions of how to spend parts of your snowy day 🙂 Any questions then please leave them in the comments.

Most importantly, stay safe today P7 but have great fun! 🙂 See you soon!

Miss Clark & Mrs Macaulay

PS- Mr Shanks has also left some fun snow day activities in a blog post down below. You might want to try some of the P5-7 ones 🙂

Primary 7 – 15.02.18

Good afternoon everyone,

This week has been a short one. But we have been very busy with our p6/7 show. This week we had no homework! 🙂 Except P7’s My Life So Far and ww2 project . that is taking a lot of time and work. Please remember that the first draft of My Life So Far is due on the 9th March.

We will be continuing to practise our school show songs, scripts and dances over the coming weeks.

In art we have been creating onomatopoeia words using pop art with Ms Fox. And in maths the cubes, squares and circles have been working on fractions with Miss Clark. The pyramids have been doing algebra. Finally the triangles have been working on fractions and percentages of amounts with Mrs Macaulay.

Thank you for reading our blog this week!


  • Reading homework
  • Maths homework
  • First draft of My Life So Far on 9/3/18
  • Keep working on ww2 project
  • Spelling homework
  • Indoor PE Monday
  • Indoor PE Tuesday


Thank you for your continued support,

Mrs Macaulay & Miss Clark

Primary 7 8.2.18

Hello everyone

Last Friday 30 P7s went to the sports hall event we competed in running, standing long jump, speed bounce, javelin and time laps. On Monday we found out the results we came first by an outstanding amount. We were all so happy!

On Tuesday we had PE and we have been doing dancing in our groups. We have to make our own dance routine.

On Wednesday we had parents’ night and we will have another tonight. We hope that everyone showed parents their amazing work they have been doing in school.
Today (Thursday) we had our photos taken for the Primary 7 class pictures on the wall next to Mr Shanks’s office. (We hope they look great!)

We also have been carrying on with our WW2 booklet and our My Life So Far.
Reminders: We are off on Monday and Tuesday. On Wednesday transition club need their PE kit as normal.

Letters about our My Life so Far projects were sent home today too. They tell us the date that the first draft and final copy are due.

Have a lovely February break!

By Anna, Katie, Cameron, Zayan and Nathan

Primary 7 – 01/02/18


This week we have been working very hard creating our own dance routines in PE. We have all chosen a group and a song to dance to. We will continue to practise for the next few weeks and then we will be performing our dances to an audience of our choice – we can’t wait!

For topic we have been learning about WWII. We have been given a challenge to create an informative booklet about a WWII subject of our choice. We have to research information and write it in our own words. We will be presenting our booklets to the class when they are complete.

Last week a few people went to Morrisons to ask the public about how alcohol affects their community. Today in maths we really enjoyed collating the results from the survey. We created tables, bar charts, pie charts and worked out fractions and percentages. Everyone worked extremely hard!

Before Christmas we were given the task to plan a new reading area for the P7 classroom. We had to stick to a strict budget. We also got to choose our own book to put in the library which we are enjoying reading. Inside these books we put a special label to say who chose it and why someone should read it so that other people can enjoy the books too! This week our furniture arrived and we have been busy organising it. We have included some photos below to show how much we are enjoying this.

Congratulations to everyone who auditioned for a part in our P6/7 show – everyone has been allocated a part. In music we have been working very hard to learn our song words. They are sounding fabulous! We will be practising the show and learning scrips/song words for the next few weeks!

On Monday the senior challenge group held the Scots afternoon – it was a great success! All classes sang to the visitors and read Scottish poems. The drummers also performed spectacularly!

Thank you,

Kaii, Declan, Sarah, Sam & Faith

Next week Reminders:

Monday – Outdoor PE

Tuesday – Indoor PE

Wednesday – Literacy circles homework due

– Parents evening

Thursday – Parents evening


Thank you for your continued support,

Mrs Macaulay & Miss Clark



Primary 7 25.1.18

Hello everyone!

This week we have been to the Risk Factory there was lots of different stages it was amazing. We’d love to tell you more but we don’t want to spoil it for next year’s P7s!
We had auditions for the Burns Assembly. Daisy, Imane, Ammad and Robyn have been selected to represent P7 – well done!

6 members of Primary 7 went up to the local Morrison’s with Mr Shanks and Mrs Harding to ask people how they feel about alcohol in our community as part of our health topic.

In PE we have been working towards the Sports Hall athletics competition where 30 primary 7s are going to compete in 4 events.

In science we have been planning a polar expedition just like Craig our polar explorer. We have been working using a budget and planning what equipment, clothing and food we would need to take on a Polar Expedition.

Kaydi, Ellie, Mason, Tyler, Natasha & Nicole P7C

PE days – Monday and Tuesday
Literacy Circles homework due on Wednesdays
Spelling and maths homework due on Fridays
My Life so Far first draft due on Friday 9th March
WW2 Booklets (see big homework sheet) due Friday 16th March


I am delighted with the effort our chosen gymnasts have been putting in to get ready for the gymnastics showcase next week. Just a reminder that there will be a practice for all on Thursday lunchtime in the big hall so please make sure you have your PE kit with you and you are ready with your routine. If you have any questions then please come and see me when I am back in school on Wednesday. We have such talented gymnasts that I’ll bet they are finding it hard to select their favourite 6 or 8 skills. Could the Rhythmic and partner sequence gymnasts also come at playtime on Wednesday.

Many thanks

Mrs Ferguson

Primary 7 14.12.17

Hello everyone

We have had a lovely week in Primary 7 so far. We had the opportunity to watch both the Nursery/P1 nativity and the P2/3 nativity. We loved both performances and we thought that the children did really well.

This week we have been putting our ICT skills to the test! We will be using GLOW throughout Primary 7 to look at the blog and for transition activities with Deans Community High School. In order to use this platform we had to reset our passwords. We also went to P1 and P2 to help them to log into the computer and reset their GLOW passwords. All adults have been very impressed with how skilled the Primary 7s were at teaching the younger children in the school.

There will be no homework next week. Homework will resume again on the second week back (wb 15.1.18) after the Christmas Holidays.

The P7 Christmas Disco will take place next Thursday 21st December from 6-8pm. Please note that children must be picked up from inside the school at 8pm, we cannot allow children to walk home themselves.

This will be our last blog post before the Christmas so we would like to take this opportunity to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

We are looking forward to welcoming the children back to school on the 9th January.

Thank you for your support.

Miss Clark & Mrs Macaulay

Primary 7: Ready, read, repeat

Hello everyone

Primary 7 had an excellent day last Wednesday during “Ready, read, repeat” (our school book event). Many children dressed up as their favourite book character and participated in our first P7 book swap! Each child brought in a wrapped up book and swapped it with someone else.  It felt a bit like Christmas morning when we all opened our ‘presents’!

The children then used their own devices to look into the different types of furniture they could buy to brighten up our classroom library.  Each child also picked a new book each for our classroom library after looking online.

At the end of the day we went down to P1 to visit our buddies.  We gifted them with a special book that we had created for them.  Our buddies were the main character of our stories! We also read other story books with them.

P7 had a fantastic day of reading! We hope you enjoy reading your books everyone!

Miss Clark & Mrs Macaulay

Primary 7 30.11.17

This week in p7 we have been busy getting ready for the Christmas fair. We have made lots of unique products, games and tasty foods that you can buy tomorrow. The Christmas Fair takes place betwen 6-8pm. Please come to the P2 classrooms to visit our stalls!

On Tuesday we had a whole school St Andrew’s Assembly hosted by our fantastic house captains. Every year group sang a Scottish song. We sang Caledonia.

On Wednesday we had our book day (Ready, Read, Repeat). We all dressed up as our favourite book characters and every year group got £1000 to redecorate their library. We also received an extra £200 to pick new awesome books for the library. We also took part in a P7 book swap and were delighted with our new books! We were eager to start reading right away. For a couple of weeks we have also been very busy making books for our buddies and yesterday we finally read our buddies our books and they loved it! We think the next years Primary 7s are going to love this activity.

Also, a huge congratulations to Cara, Louisa, Melody and Anna G who all came back from the West Lothian Gymnastics Competition with medals! We are very proud of you 🙂

Zayan, Lu’ay, Molly and Anna – P7C

Reminders –

PE days have now changed. The children will have Outdoor PE on a Monday and Indoor PE on a Tuesday. Please ensure children come prepared for PE on both days. P7C have another 2 weeks of swimming lessons on a Monday.

Spelling and maths homework is due in on Friday

Christmas Fair tomorrow – If helping to set up after school P7s should bring a packed lunch to school or order a packed lunch in the morning.

Gigantic Medal Haul for Gymnasts

More sporting success for the incredibly supple and talented pupils of Carmondean P.S., who almost swept the board at the West Lothian Gymnastics Competition this morning. Two Carmondean teams  took the Level 2 Team Gold and Team Silver, while another team took the Level 1 Bronze. There was individual success also with one Carmondean pupil taking the Level 1 individual gold and another taking the Level 2 Individual silver.  You could say we were turning somersaults when we heard of our teams’ successes. Well done everyone, and an especially big well done to Mrs Ferguson our P.E. specialist, who coached both teams – what an asset to our school.

Primary 7 23.11.17


We have been very busy in Primary 7 this week.

Primary 7 have been making their Enterprise games and products. We look forward to sharing these with you next week at the Christmas Fair. We have been working very hard and making sure they are presentable!

For our St Andrews Day assembly next week we have been learning the song ‘Caledonia’. It is sounding brilliant and most people have learned the words off by heart!

The choir have been getting ready for their competition at Dalmahoy. We wish them the best of luck!

In art P7M have been completing their Japanese masks and P7C have been finishing off their tea cups.

We hope you have a lovely weekend.


Spelling homework for Friday

Maths homework for Friday

P7C swimming kit for Monday

P7M indoor PE kit for Monday



Thank you for your continued support,

Mrs Macaulay & Miss Clark

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