Primary 5

P5 have been working on a variety of tasks this week.

In Topic each country group has presented their display to the class. They came up with some unusual facts to share with each other. Both Miss Morris and Mrs Gilmour are very impressed with the effort all the children put into this! You will have an opportunity to read these when you visit us on Parents’ night and on our open day in October.

In writing the children have started to investigate the persuasive genre. They are writing letters to persuade people to come to our open morning using persuasive language. Look out for these letters coming home soon.

On Wednesday both classes took part in a Multi-sport Festival at DCHS. This was a great success and the children enjoyed trying out a variety of sports and meeting new friends. They were able to learn new skills in basketball, football, hockey, team games and athletics. Well done everyone!

Over the past few weeks the children have been learning about patron saints in R&ME. This Thursday Miss Morris’ class learned about Scotland’s patron saint, Saint Andrew, whilst Mrs Gilmour’s class looked at Saint David, who is the patron saint of Wales. We have all really enjoyed learning about the different traditions each country in the UK has when celebrating these religious figures.


Outdoor PE- Monday.

Indoor PE-Thursday.

Starting Monday 30th September Mrs Gilmour’s class will have a block of Futsal. This will take place indoors and will replace outdoor PE. Miss Morris’ class will continue working outdoors on a Monday.


Landmark challenge- due Friday 27th September. Thank you to everyone who has handed this in so far! They are absolutely fantastic!

Numeracy –due Thursday 3rd October

Spelling- due every Friday. Please remember to do Look, Cover, Write, check and a sentence for each word.

Thank you for your continued support.

Have a good weekend

Mrs Gilmour, Miss Morris, Mr Shanks and Mrs Muir

PE update

What a great week in PE.  We had another class who all remembered their PE kit – Well Done Primary 5B

Please remember PE kit on gym days as performance is so much better in comfortable PE clothing.

And please remember to hand in Aldi stickers so we can get to our 300 target- thanks in advance

Did you know the Rugby World Cup starts this weekend? Scotland play their first game on Sunday morning against Ireland.


They learned about  rebounding the ball after a shot has been taken. They tried this in small group practice and then put the learning into 2 v 2 games.


We got outside for Cross Country training and let the dice decide how far they were to run! And then they had to work out what pace we could run the distance. It’s 2 weeks until they take part in the cluster event at Dechmont Law so if they can try and run over the weekend that would improve their stamina even more.


They had fun working with a partner to make letters of the alphabet with their bodies.  They took pictures using the ipads to see whether or not it looked really like the letter. Partners then gave advice on how to make the letter shape better.


Today they recapped balances and then linked a balance with a roll. eg Front support to pencil roll There were so many ideas and it was great to be able to share these with a partner and sometimes with the whole class.


The class played games that helped with throwing and catching. They worked out that team mates should move closer to the person throwing the ball to make it a bit easier and ensure they can catch.


Today we  were learning how to cartwheel using benches, mats and dots on the floor. lots of the class can already cartwheel and they were challenged to manage it in a straight line , or along or over a bench.



Mrs Ferguson


Primary 5

A short but busy week in P5.

The children have been writing rules to keep themselves safe when using the internet and websites. They were very knowledgeable about the dangers and what to do if they experience any difficulty. We would appreciate it if you could please keep speaking to your child/children about internet safety and what they should do if there is a problem. In P5G the children also got to design a phone/computer of the future. They came up with some very interesting designs. In P5M the children created posters to demonstrate their understanding of Internet safety rules.

In Topic the displays the children are creating about Scotland, England, Northern Ireland and Wales are taking shape. They have been busy finding out facts about each country and trying to present them as imaginatively as possible. We were also able to incorporate ICT into this and many children now know how to copy a picture, paste it on a word document and then edit it. Each group will present their display to the class next week as they are now the experts on their chosen country.

Next Wednesday all of P5 are taking part in a Multi-sport Festival at DCHS. This is an outdoor event so please ensure the children are dressed for the weather. They will need trainers, joggers/trackies, sweatshirt, t-shirt and a waterproof jacket. You may also want to give them extra water to bring on that day. Please return the EE2 as soon as possible. Thank you.

You should have received the letter about the P5 open morning which will take place on Friday 25th October where the children will showcase their landmarks and you can taste a selection of food from Scotland, England, Northern Ireland and Wales. Hopefully we will have lots of visitors for what promises to be an exciting morning.



Outdoor PE- Monday.

Indoor PE-Thursday.

Starting Monday 30th September Mrs Gilmour’s class will have a block of Futsal. This will take place indoors and will replace outdoor PE. Miss Morris’ class will continue working outdoors on a Monday.


Landmark challenge- due Friday 27th September

Numeracy (For Mrs Gilmour) –due Thursday 26th September

Spelling- due every Friday. Please remember to do Look, Cover, Write, check and a sentence for each word.

Thank you for your continued support.

Have a good weekend

Mrs Gilmour, Miss Morris, Mr Shanks and Mrs Muir

Primary 5

Hello to all,

Another busy week in P5 where the children are becoming more knowledgeable about Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The children cut up maps and made jigsaws with them. They then located major cities using clues in a treasure hunt format. On Wednesday each group chose a country to research and they are creating a display with all the key facts about that country. They will become experts on their specific country and teach the rest of the class all about it!

We are continuing to read the Spiderwick Chronicles and the children particularly enjoyed acting out various parts of the story. Please continue to encourage your child to read for enjoyment at home.

In outdoor PE the children are creating playground games. They taught another group their game and after improvement comments were given they made the necessary changes. All the children had fun learning these new games. We hope to teach these games to an infant class at a later date.


Outdoor PE- Monday. Kit-trackies/leggings, t-shirt, sweatshirt, trainers

Indoor PE-Thursday. Shorts, t-shirt, indoor shoes


Landmark challenge- due Friday 27th September

Numeracy (For Mrs Gilmour) –due Thursday 19th September

Spelling- due every Friday. Please remember to do Look, Cover, Write, check and a sentence for each word.


Thank you for your continued support.

Have a good weekend

Mrs Gilmour, Miss Morris, Mr Shanks and Mrs Muir

PE weekly update

PE Kit

It’s been a fantastic week in PE with  P7A  winning the first Most Prepared for PE Certificate of the year when all of the class brought PE kit for their basketball lesson. Please help your child to remember their PE kit on PE days as it is much easier, more comfortable and usually safer to take part in PE with shorts/leggings, t-shirt and gym shoes than while wearing school uniform.  They are all desperate to get a certificate 3 weeks in a row because that wins their class a choice of activity for PE.


Class activities

At the moment the classes that come to me are learning/developing the following activities:

P7  Basketball

P6 Cross Country

P5 Gymnmastics- Partnerwork

P4 Gymnastics- Rolling

P3A  Benchball

P3B  Gymnastics- shape

How can you help

Please ask them what they have been doing and ( if safe to do so) show you what they have been learning.

See how active you can be over the holiday weekend.  The sun is to shine so can you get out on your bike, go for a walk/run, take a ball to the park to play football/rugby/netball.

Mrs Ferguson


Primary 5

Hello to all,

The children have been working hard on a variety of activities this week.

All children were given their BIG Homework task on Wednesday which is to be completed by Friday 27th September. The children can choose any landmark they wish and use a variety of materials to build their model. If you encounter any difficulties with this task please contact us at school. Good Luck and have fun building!

We have been using our imagination when writing. Our story is set in the woods and the children have been working hard on thinking of imaginative words to describe the setting. Some of these were our Word Boost words as well.

Another key focus this week has been internet safety. We have been looking at how to stay safe online when on different websites and games. We would appreciate it if you could also discuss this with your child.

A gentle reminder about PE kit. It is important that the children have a PE kit they can change in to for indoor and outdoor PE. Unfortunately quite a few children are coming to school with no kit. Please can you ensure that your child has outdoor kit on a Monday and indoor kit on a Thursday. Thank you for your help and support with this.

In maths we are investigating symmetry. We have been discussing what makes a shape symmetrical and drawing symmetrical patterns. As homework please could you support your child to  look for real life examples of symmetry at home and in the community. Thank you.


PE- Outdoor on a Monday. Indoor on a Thursday


Spelling given out on a Monday due in on a Friday. The children have to do Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check and a sentence for each word.

Maths – Time homework given out on Tuesday 3rd due in Tuesday 10th.

Landmark homework- due Friday 27th September

Thank you for your continued support. Have a great weekend.

Mrs Gilmour, Miss Morris, Mr Shanks, Mrs Muir

Primary 5

Hello Everyone,

We have had a busy week in P5. It was lovely to meet lots of you at Meet the Teacher on Wednesday. Hopefully you were able to see some of the work the children have completed so far.

We have been working on our display for the small hall all about achievement. The children were able to identify some of their personal achievements which they wrote about and drew a picture of. They also drew round their hands and used a variety of patterns to decorate them.

We started our Great Britain topic by looking at maps and labeling the different countries. Look out for exciting homework about landmarks coming home next week.

The children have started French (bonjour) and Spanish (hola) lessons this week. If anyone has any expertise in these areas and would like to come in and share their knowledge with the children please contact at school.

We have started reading our class novel, ‘The Spiderwick Chronicles’. We are aware that the movie is being shown on the television at the moment so we would appreciate it if the children do not watch it as we are hoping to watch it altogether at the end of term.


  • Outdoor PE- Monday. Kit-trackies/joggers, trainers, warm sweatshirt
  • Indoor PE- Thursday. Kit- shorts, t-shirt, indoor shoes


  • Spelling homework- given out on a Monday due in by Friday.
  • Children to continue learning Times Tables and number bonds
  • Children to read a variety of genres at home eg. newspaper, magazines, novels, non-fiction books.

Thank you for your continued support.

Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Gilmour, Miss Morris, Mrs Muir and Mr Shanks

Primary 5

Hello and welcome to a new year in Primary 5. The children have settled in well and are beginning to become familiar with their new rules and routines.

We have had a busy start to the new term and the children have been working hard. We have created our class charter and discussed how we can be respectful of others and how others can respect us. We have written about what we did in the summer holidays and how excited we are to be back at school! The children are working on creating silhouettes to show a variety of information about themselves. See if you can guess who each silhouette is of.

Hopefully you will see the results of their hard work when you come to Meet the Teacher on Wednesday 28th August. We are looking forward to meeting you then.



Monday-outdoor kit required. Thursday indoor kit required.

Please ensure your child has a pair of indoor shoes to wear in the classroom.

Homework will start soon and we will put reminders on here to let you know when it is due.

Thank you for your continued support. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Morris, Mrs Gilmour, Mr Shanks and Mrs Muir



Primary 5 16.06.09

Primary 5 have had a fantastic week.  On Thursday we performed our show Rockbottom Rocks.  We were so proud of the children; they sang, danced and acted so well and had great fun doing it.  A big thank you to all parents and families who came to see us, having such a good audience made the performance special to us.

This week we have continued to work on our topic Charlie and the Chocolate factory.  We wrote stories about a visit to Loompa Land to bring the Oompa Loompas back to the factory.  Everyone has worked hard and really enjoyed writing these stories.

In maths we completed our weight topic with a problem solving activity afternoon.  We weighed out ingredients to make chocolate crispies, worked on studyladder and worked on problem solving activities.

We have been thinking about sports day next week and in PE we identified the fastest runners for each house for the house relay.  We look forward to seeing you next Thursday morning.  Remember to wear house colours if possible.


Have a lovely week.


Mrs Jamieson, Mrs Davies

Primary 5 7.06.19

This week Primary 5 performed our show Rockbottom Rocks for the school.  We were all very proud of ourselves. The  singing, dancing and acting was amazing and we can’t wait to show our Parents next week.  Thank you to everyone for their help in providing costumes.

We have been working on our project Charlie and the Chocolate factory.  We learned about the Cadbury family and completed posters to display our learning.   We made models of the Chocolate room which were very good.  We designed our own chocolate bars and next week we will be recording adverts to promote them.

In Maths we  have been learning about weight.  We have been learning about the relationship between Kgs and grams.

Some of us took part in the Triathlon at Deans on Tuesday.  We are all very proud of our medals.

Letters were given out this week about our next Health topic which is relationships and sexual health.  Please ask your child if you didn’t receive it.

We look forward to seeing you all next week.

P5 24th May 2019

Good afternoon,

We have had a busy week rehearsing for the show, everything is coming together nicely.  Can we please ask parents and guardians to help your children to learn their lines as our dress rehearsal is only a week away.

A letter regarding t-shirts and leggings will be coming home asap.  If your child is a main character, an egghead, a growler, a miner or a cavey your tops will be provided.  Everyone will need to provide black leggings/trousers with zig zag cuts at the bottom please.

In maths we have started looking at measurement, using rulers to calculate the perimeters of different shapes.

In reading we have begun to plan our debate on whether Charlie (and the chocolate factory) should have saved or spent his 50p.  We will continue with this next week, children have come up with great arguments!!

Hope you have a lovely weekend

Mrs Davies and Mrs Jamieson

Primary 5 10/05/19

Good Afternoon,

Hope you all had a lovely long weekend, great hearing all the children’s news when they returned on Wednesday.

We have had a busy few days, in Math’s we continued looking at money, adding up different items from a menu and problem solving with decimal points.

In Literacy, the children carried on planning and writing their newspaper report on Willy Wonka’s competition to win 5 golden tickets, great seeing them come together!

Show rehearsals are now in full swing.  We would really appreciate if you could continue to practice any words your child has to learn with them at home. The show performances are on Thursday 13th June at 1:30pm and 6:30pm. More details will be provided about tickets for this event soon.

Please remember that the P5s have their Learn to Swim session at DCHS on 15th May.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Davies & Mrs Jamieson


PE – Wednesday and Friday – please make sure your child has the correct gym kit for outdoors.

Primary 5 3.5.19

Primary 5 have had a busy week with  rehearsals for our show Rock Bottom.  We have been learning our songs and dances and the actors are beginning to learn their parts too.  Please encourage them to keep learning their lines at home.

In Maths we have been working on money.  We have been working on problems related to best value for money.  All children have a new studyladder account to work on money at home.

In Spanish we have been learning about different foods, we have also learned to say what we like and don’t like.

In health we have completed our topic on drug education.

This term we are doing some reading for enjoyment.  The children have been given a sheet to fill in to encourage them to read at home.  There are books in school for them to borrow if they need to so we would appreciate your encouragement with this.


Have a lovely holiday weekend.

Mrs Jamieson, Mrs Davies

Primary 5 Week beginning 8.03.19

Thank you to everyone who came to our assembly last week.  We enjoyed performing for you and hope you enjoyed learning all about the Scottish Wars of Independence as much as we did.

On Monday some parents came to join in with our number talks where we were learning different strategies for mental addition.

This week in Science we have started our topic on Solids, liquids and gases.  We completed an investigation on how solids react to water.  We made predictions and then checked the results.  In writing we wrote a report about it.

In reading we have started a mini topic on poetry.  This week we read a poem called morning and wrote our own poems.

This term we have started learning Spanish.  We can already say our name, talk about feelings and greet someone in Spanish.

In Maths we have been working on division.

Next week some of us are going to Lendrick Muir.  We are looking forward to this and hope to update you everyday on our activities so keep an eye out for more news next week.

We are also going on a trip the Bannockburn to complete our topic.

Mrs Jamieson and Mrs Davies

Primary 5 15.02.19

This week Primary 5 have presented their class talks on their 13th century characters.  The standard of the presentations was very high and we enjoyed listening to them.  Thank you to all the parents for your support with this in helping research information and making the costumes.  Many of the presentations will be used in our class assembly in 2 weeks time.

In Maths we have been working on fractions, this week we have learned about equivalent fractions.

In RME we learned about the story of Moses and will soon be learning about Jewish festivals related to this story.

This week Primary 5 won the best prepared class for PE award which was great.  Please encourage your child to remember their PE kit every Monday and Thursday.

Have an enjoyable holiday weekend.

Mrs Jamieson, Mrs Davies

P5 1.02.19

Hello from Primary 5.


This week we have started learning about the events leading up to the Scottish Wars of Independence.  We have learned about the life of King Alexander and the problems his death caused for Scotland.  We worked in partners to write a news report with his wife Queen Yolande and are looking forward to presenting these next week.  We had a discussion about the succession crisis and made a Ragman Roll, which was a document written at the time to swear allegiance to King Edward.  Many children have been talking about their progress with the big homework task and we are looking forward to seeing them in a week’s time.


In Maths this week we have been learning about fractions.  We can record fractions as mixed numbers and improper fractions. We have also been doing some work on mltiplication in number talks.


Primary 5 14.12.18

Primary 5 have been in the Christmas spirit this week.  We had a fantastic time at our party, we all looked amazing in our party outfits and enjoyed dancing and playing party games.  We also got to watch the infants perform their Nativity plays, which were fantastic.

We are busy writing Christmas adventures using all the writing skills we have learned this term.  We have definately improved in using our core targets and description.

In Maths we completed our work on 3 shapes by making 3D shapes with K Nex. This was a real challenge but we were very creative and managed to make 6 different 3D shapes.

In French we learned vocabulary related to Christmas and made pictures to illustrate our new vocabulary.

We are looking forward to our last week next week where we will have a talent show and lots of other Christmas related tasks to complete.

Mrs Jamieson, Mrs Davies

Primary 5 7.12.18

Primary 5 have been getting into the Christmas spirit this week.  On Monday we watched a pantomime called Beauty and the Beast.  It was very entertaining and everyone loved it.

In RME we revised the Christmas story and wrote news reports which we performed to the class.

In Maths we have been learning about the properties of 3D objects and have made cubes, cones and cuboids from nets.  Some of us turned these into Christmas decorations which are on our class Christmas tree.

We have continued learning about endangered animals in Science and this week we were learning about Invasive Species.  We discussed red squirrels and learned about conservation projects to try to help save them from extinction.

Next week we have our Christmas party on Tuesday, we have been learning some traditional dances and games in preparation at PE.

Have a lovely week

Mrs Jamieson, Mrs Davies


Primary 5 16.11.18

Primary 5 have had a very busy week.  For Children in Need we set up a shop which has been very busy.  Thank you to everyone for their support in this.  This morning we had a dress down day and enjoyed seeing all the spotty outfits.

Next Friday is our class assembly and we have spent the week preparing presentations and learning our song.

In Maths we have continued to work on multiplication and should continue to practise our times tables at home.

At present we are working on our Christmas Enterprise topic and the materials for our products have started to arrive.  We are looking forward to beginning production over the next few weeks.

Homework this week will be:

Reading our Group Novel

Learning Assembly parts


Spelling/Handwriting sheet.

Have a lovely week

Mrs Jamieson/Mrs Davies

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