Primary 4 8.10.21

This week has been very busy in Primary 4! We have finished our class novel ‘Yours Sincerely, Giraffe’ and have spent time preparing for our costume party! Photos of the costume party will be posted on our P4 Twitter page when available and we hope the pupils have a lot of fun! The costumes are looking spectacular!

A link to our Twitter can be found here:

We had a very active French session finding classroom items in French all over the classroom with our French scavenger hunt. In Topic we learned all about Scottish food and produce which made Mr Woodward very hungry! We looked at produce from all over Scotland and the pupils designed some delicious looking dishes to share their knowledge of what is grown and farmed in Scotland.

We have developed our reading further with a great lesson with some other cluster schools on Teams. Pupils learned the art and importance of questioning throughout reading and there were great links to our clarifying and predicting lessons! The story was superb and engaged everyone well and we are looking forward to putting our skills into practice after the holidays!

Thank you to all our amazing parents for your support and hard work this term. We hope you and our hard-working pupils have a lovely week off and we look forward to seeing you all after the holiday!

Miss Morris and Mr Woodward

Primary 4 1.10.21

Hello everyone,

It has been another great week in P4.

In reading, we have been working on developing our clarifying skills. Primary 4 know that there are many strategies we can try if we are unsure what something means and this week we had a go at using a Frayer model. The children did really well with this.

In topic, we made fantastic Nessie models from different materials. All the children were very creative and we loved how unique every design was! Check out our twitter for photos. We have also been continuing to develop our ICT skills to research landmarks.

In maths, Primary 4 have been learning the difference between am and pm when telling the time. We then looked at how the sky changes throughout the day and how it helps to show the passing of time. The children created lovely art today to show this.

A little reminder that the school photographer is in school next Monday and Tuesday so please ensure your child wears their school uniform on Monday rather than their P.E. kit. They can bring their kit and get changed in school.

We look forward to meeting you (virtually!) at Parent’s Evening next week.

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Morris and Mr Woodward

Primary 4 17.9.21

Hi everyone!

Primary 4 have had a very busy week!

In Writing the children completed their recount about crash landing on the moon and meeting an alien! We have been working hard to make sure we are using time words (first, then, next etc.) and reading over our work to make sure it all makes sense.

In Maths we have been focusing on time over the last few weeks. The children so far have been learning to tell the time in 5-minute intervals on an analogue clock and we have just started to look at digital time. Please ask your child to tell you the time at home to show you what they know and for a wee extra practise!

In ICT we are continuing to practise logging on and using Teams. We have also been developing our research skills by finding information about Edinburgh Castle on a website and transferring this onto a word document. The children worded really well on this and some even managed to add pictures to their document too.

In RME we are learning about the importance of water in religion and this week Primary 4 had a go at baptising a baby (doll!). Check out our Twitter for some photos! (@CarmondeanP4)

Have a lovely long weekend everyone!

Miss Morris and Mr Woodward

Primary 4 3.9.21

This week in Primary 4 we’ve started our Scotland topic and the pupils were very excited to share what they want to learn about the country they live in! We had the Kelpies, why the unicorn is Scotland’s national animal, the cities, the history, the landscape, the languages, and much more! We began by trying to draw Scotland, which is difficult enough when you can see a picture but the pupils drew it picture-less and did a fantastic job! Linking back to our ‘The Dot’ artwork, we had lots of Scotland-ish drawings! We have also introduced climbing Munroes as our PE warm-ups; hopefully as a year group we can climb all 282!

We have been developing our typing skills this week now that pupils are very confident logging onto Teams. The pupils played typing games to improve accuracy and then played ‘Beat the Teacher’ to see who could get a higher score! While Miss Morris remained unbeaten, Mr Woodward didn’t fare so well, losing to P4B in spectacular fashion!

We’ve been continuing to read Yours Sincerely, Giraffe, putting on some fantastic character voices and learning about the importance of connecting with each other. We have also learned through about character and looked closely at Professor Whale. We talked about his characteristics and what kind of character he is using some fantastic adjectives to describe him!

If you would like to follow the year group on Twitter you can follow us @CarmondeanP4


PE: Mondays and Thursdays

Please ensure your child comes dressed in school PE colours on these days: black/ navy bottoms and a white t-shirt. As PE is outdoor this week, please ensure your child also has a black/ navy jumper as the weather is growing colder.

Homework has been posted on Teams and pupils can have paper copies if needed.

Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Morris and Mr Woodward

Welcome Back Primary 4!

Hello everyone!

We have all had a lovely first week back and have enjoyed getting to know all of our new Primary 4’s! The children have settled in really well to the routines of their new classrooms.

We have read a couple of great stories this week. On Tuesday, we looked at a book called ‘The Dot’ which was all about trying new things and “making your mark”. Then on Wednesday, we read ‘Ish’ which focussed on being kind to others and that it ok to not be right all the time. The children made their own dot and ish pictures and they were brilliant!

Over the next few weeks, our Health and Wellbeing topic work will be based on the story ‘Yours Sincerely, Giraffe’. The children made excellent predictions by looking at the front cover and blurb. After reading the first Chapter, we discovered two of the main characters were feeling nervous for different reasons. We thought about the times we have also felt nervous and suggested some top tips that may help us whenever we feel this way.

Our PE days will be a Monday (outside) and a Thursday (inside) this term. We appreciate your efforts in ensuring the children come to school wearing their PE kits (white T-shirt, navy or black shorts/ trousers and a school jumper) on these days. The children can wear shorts under their trousers if they wish to for indoor PE on the Thursday as it can get quite warm in the hall.

A newsletter will be coming home next week with more information about what we will be learning this term.

Here are what some of our Primary 4’s had to say about their first week back:

“I enjoyed P.E. this week.” – AH

“I enjoyed making the birthday cards.” – XC

“I enjoyed making the hot air balloons.” – MB

“I enjoyed starting to read our book.” – ZB

“I enjoyed art.” – JR

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Morris and Mr Woodward

Primary 4 11.6.21

This week we have seen our caterpillars grow and become chrysalids! The pupils are all very excited that the metamorphosis from caterpillar into butterfly is beginning and hopefully very soon we will have our beautiful butterflies.  During our topic, we have been researching intently looking at different mini beasts which have been started to be put into Sways to present to each other. There has been some very detailed research and we are looking forward to learning lots of new information.

We have continued to look at analogue time in maths and have been looking at minutes past and minutes to the hour and the pupils have picked it up in no time. They have been enthusiastic about learning about the time and we have made our own clocks to tell the time with. We have also been rounding in 10s and 100s with good confidence.

We’re nearing the end of Charlotte’s Web and we’re hoping for a lovely happy ending for all the animals. We created menus for Templeton the rat with the scraps at the fair and it’s safe to say that all menus were suitably and horrifically disgusting!

Over the last couple of weeks we have had presentations from our Chanter and Brass teachers and there has been a real musical buzz from the pupils. There should be a group call going out at some point in the near future to give more information.


PE: Monday and Thursday

Thank you for all your support and effort, have a great weekend,

Miss Clark and Mr Woodward

Primary 4 4.6.21

Hello everyone!

It has been a very fun week in Primary 4.

We have been enjoying watching our class caterpillars continue to grow. They are getting really big now! We looked at photos that we took of them on Day 1 and Day 5 and the differences were incredible! We are looking forward to watching them transform again in the next week or so.

We have been continuing to read Charlotte’s Web in class. The children are really enjoying the novel and Mr Woodward and I are so pleased that so many children are volunteering to read aloud in front of the class. This week we learned about a miracle that happened on the farm. The children became news reporters, writing amazing reports about the miracle on Zuckerman’s Farm. Some of our roving reporters even included interviews with a main character in their newspaper report – amazing job Primary 4!

This week we drew our art topic on colours to a close by creating amazing insect art work. Last week each child sketched either a ladybird, a spider or a worm in pencil and then went over their lines in black pen. This week the children used poster paint to paint their insects lots of different colours. The children were only given the primary colours, white and black and they still managed to create the most amazing, multi-coloured insects through using their knowledge of primary, secondary and tertiary colours. Well done Primary 4!!

Our Primary 4 Sports Day took place yesterday. A huge thank you to Mrs Ferguson. Mrs Coulter and Miss Malloy who organised and ran the whole event which was a huge success! Thank you also to the Primary 7s who planned all of the events that the children took part in yesterday. All the children had a fantastic time. A special well done to SUTHERLAND who were the winning house (Miss Clark was especially happy as she is in Sutherland too!) All the points from each stage’s Sports Day will be added together and a final house winner will be revealed soon!

Homework is due in next Friday 11th June. This will be our last piece of homework in Primary 4. Reading books should also be returned to school by this date. Thank you for all the help and support you provide the children with, it is greatly appreciated it.

As the weather is becoming warmer we would like to go outdoors more with the children. Please ensure your child is wearing sun cream to school on hot, sunny days. We cannot apply this in school. Thank you.

Have a lovely weekend when it comes.

Miss Clark & Mr Woodward

Primary 4 28.5.21

We have some new friends in Primary 4 this week to go along with our mini-beasts topic. Our happy little caterpillars have finally arrived and have been wiggling around and have settled in well to Primary 4. They are hungry wee caterpillars and we’re hopeful that in no time at all we’ll see them grow and grow on the way to becoming beautiful butterflies. 

Staying with topic we have been developing our art skills this week using pencil sketching to draw some amazing and detailed mini beast artwork. The pupils had the choice of ladybug, spider or worm and the pupils really showed their enthusiasm and their eye for detail.

We have been continuing our recount writing topic and used A Bug’s Life to retell a very dramatic scene with the bugs trying to escape a hungry bird. The pupils were able to retell the scene using great description and story-telling ability. In reading we’ve been making great progress through Charlotte’s Web and the pupils seem to be very enthusiastic about the story. We’ve had some great ideas about how the story will end and some good discussions about the lovely relationship between Wilbur and Charlotte.

Pupils have been strutting their stuff this week in PE with the flash-mob rehearsals in full swing. The smiles on faces and enthusiasm in doing the moves has been amazing to see and we hope they’ll have been cha-cha-cha-ing around the house all week!


PE – Monday and Thursday.

This Thursday (3rd June) will see Primary 4 take part in their Sports Day events. If possible, can pupils please come dressed in PE kit with an item of clothing to match the colour of their house.

This Thursday will also be our Talent Show auditions and all pupils are welcome to sign up to show off their skills!

Thank you for your hard work and support,

Miss Clark and Mr Woodward

Primary 4 21.5.21

Primary 4 has been a hotbed of hard work and creativity this week. We’ve been revising and learning new French words all to do with the weather. With the unpredictability of the weather this week, although maybe typical for Scotland, we have certainly seen a huge range to talk about in French.

We’ve been developing our knowledge of mini-beasts and using videos to take notes and create something new. There was no squeamishness when they were shown videos of insects crawling around and they created some great detailed notes in pairs. They also looked at colour wheels and creating Sways which will be used later on in the term to create creepy crawly based presentations and art work.

Doing greater than/ less than in maths we have been introduced to the Number Croc! Pupils quickly got to grips with knowing which way the jaws of our Croc faced, always open jaws to the biggest number. We’ve also continued to develop our knowledge of place value using 4 digit and 5 digit numbers.  Pupils are becoming more and more confident as they continue to learn and the effort they are showing is super.

We had a nostalgic time in writing this week thinking about our last birthdays. Pupils reminisced about what they got up to, who they were with and the food they had and it was a joy to listen to their enthusiastic recounts. We have continued to read Charlotte’s Web and in predicting how Charlotte saves Wilbur we had some wild, wonderful and very imaginative stories!


As Monday is a holiday we will be doing PE Tuesday and Thursday this week.

If there is any help required with the homework please post on Teams in the Ask the Teacher section or ask us when you’re in class and we’ll be happy to help.

Thank you for all your hard work and support, enjoy your long weekend!

Miss Clark and Mr Woodward

Primary 4 14.5.21

Hello everyone

It has been a fun and interesting week in Primary 4.

This week we have continued learning about our topic of mini beasts. Miss Clark’s class learned a new ICT skill this week – making a Sway. We did this through Glow and told others all about ourselves. The children will use this skill in the future to create a Sway about mini beasts. Mr Woodward’s class developed their knowledge of primary and secondary colours through creating a colour wheel. They used primary colours to mix the secondary colours for their colour wheel. They will use this knowledge to help them to create some mini beast art in the coming weeks. Next week the classes will swap activities.

Thank you to everyone who has handed in their homework this week. New homework will be issued on Monday as well as new reading books. Please remind your child to hand in their homework/hand back their reading book as soon as possible. Thank you.

In PE this week we finished our work on circuit training. We discussed what the word stamina meant and how our stamina has improved over the past few weeks. We also discussed how our bodies felt before and after exercise. Next week we will begin a block of work on Athletics. In PE with Mrs Ferguson the children are now taking part in Orienteering activities outside in the playground.

This week in writing we wrote an explanation piece all about how to look after Planet Earth. The children had great knowledge in this area and wrote excellent explanation pieces which hit all of the genre targets and core targets that we have been working on for the past few weeks. Well done P4! We are now going to be working on recounting events from our own lives in writing for the next few weeks.


– PE kit should only be worn to school on Mondays and Thursdays when the children have outdoor PE. Uniform should be worn at all other times.
– Please ensure that your child has indoor shoes to wear when they are in the classroom. Outdoor shoes should not be worn in the classrooms.
– Please bring full water bottles to school each day. These can be refilled throughout the day if required.

Thank you for your support. Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Clark & Mr Woodward

Primary 4 6.5.21

Hello everyone

Although this week has been shorter we are still having a busy week in Primary 4. Our mini beasts topic is well underway and the children have been showing lots of enthusiasm about what they are learning during class discussions. This week we learned about “vertebrates” and “invertebrates”. Many children had fantastic prior knowledge about this topic that they brought to our class discussion. We also had great fun playing a dominoes game which meant we had to match up vertebrates and invertebrates. Poppy from Miss Clark’s class mentioned something about “exo-skeletons” this week. I wonder where this line of thought will take us?

Also in topic lessons we have been exploring the world of non-fiction books. We have been learning about how non-fiction books are structured and on Tuesday we used the index to help us to research different mini beasts in non-fiction books, some of which we had never even heard of before! Most children have now been given a non-fiction book home to read. Please ask them if they can identify the contents page, index and glossary and explain their purpose. We are soon going to be using non-fiction books in class to help us to research.

This week we have set homework on Teams. There is a video on the “Primary 4 Year Group” Teams page explaining how this homework should be completed. The due date is next Friday 14th May and only starred activities need to be completed, the rest are optional. Please let Mr Woodward or Miss Clark know if you have any further questions regarding home work.

In Numeracy we have begun work on Place Value. This week we explored 4 digit numbers and what each of the digits represented (Thousands, Hundreds, Tens and Ones/Units). We also worked on ordering 4 digit numbers. Focusing on looking at the furthest left digit and moving inwards towards the hundreds and tens digits if the numbers were similar (e.g. 1456 and 1465). Next week we are going to be working on identifying the numbers “before”, “after”, “more than” and “less than” 4 digit numbers. Please ask your child what they have learned about 4 digit numbers.

In reading we are continuing with our novel study “Charlotte’s Web”. The children are enjoying the story so far and we have already met the main characters Wilbur and Fern. We are looking forward to meeting Charlotte herself next week! There is lots of excellent description in “Charlotte’s Web”. So much so that we were able to draw accurate pictures of Zuckerman’s Barn just by reading the description of it! This week we wrote our own descriptive paragraphs entitled “My Favourite Place”. The children wrote fantastic paragraphs that focused on what they could see, smell, hear and even touch and taste in their favourite places! They were so fantastic that Mr Shanks even wanted to see some! Keep up the good work Primary 4!

We hope the children are enjoying their day off and we look forward to seeing them again tomorrow! We hope you all have a lovely weekend when it comes.

Miss Clark & Mr Woodward

Primary 4 30.4.21

This week has flown by in Primary 4 with the pupils being as busy and enthusiastic as ever. We started our new topic of Mini-beasts this week and the energy for the topic is sky high! We have had so many stories of mini-beasts and the knowledge of different insects is huge. We started off with some amazing insect art with drawing, painting and building different insects. The creativity was stunning and the different styles on display were impressive. We have spent time designing bug hotels and with the stunning designs it’s safe to say there could be a lot of very well taken care of mini-beasts in the future!

In health we have looked at emergency situations and the pupils performed very effective dramas showing a situation and how it would be resolved. They were confident identifying which emergency service to use and how situations can be made better and they were all so encouraging of each other with fantastic positive feedback. We even had a superbly mimed stretcher on the go!

In maths we have been revising place value and reminding ourselves of how numbers are built. We have also been learning compass points and how we can find our way around using compasses, and how we can help each other move around too.


PE – Monday and Thursday.

Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather, which has been very hard to predict at the minute!


We will be handing out homework starting next week so please look out for this. If your child requires a hard copy of them homework that can be provided.

Homework will be on a 2 week basis. On the grid there are starred activities which should be completed within the 2 weeks and other optional activities as well.

We hope you all have a fantastic long weekend,

Thank you for all your hard work and support,

Miss Clark and Mr Woodward

Primary 4 23.4.21

Happy Friday everyone, it’s been so great to have everyone back after the Easter break! We hope you all enjoyed a super holiday and are loving the amazing weather we’ve been having. We have loved being back in class with everyone and we are very excited for the term ahead.

This week we’ve been finishing off our Viking topic with some Viking based art. We used clay to create some stunning Viking brooches and then painted them. There was a lot of originality and creativity and although it was tough and some of the clay was difficult to work with everyone persevered and the end results are fantastic. Our new topic this term will be Mini-beasts and we’re hoping to get the opportunity for some real life creepy crawly experiences!

We’ve started our class novel this term which is Charlotte’s Web which the pupils have been very excited by and the enthusiasm people are showing, even those who have seen it or read it already, is great. There have been some lively readings and discussions and the predictions of what will happen in the story were so varied and interesting!


PE: Mondays and Thursdays

With the weather improving it is advised that on especially sunny and warm days pupils can bring a sun hat to stay safe in the sun as throughout the term we will be looking for opportunities to take our learning outside when possible.

Thank you for your continued hard work and support,

Miss Clark and Mr Woodward

Primary 4 30.3.21

Hello everyone!

We are having a great week of learning in Primary 4! Last week we learned about the story of Easter and why Christians celebrated Easter in RME. Our big question (asked by Lucy G in P4C) was “What’s a bunny got to do with Easter?” We explored how Easter was a spring time celebration and often represented new life. We also spoke about the symbolic meaning of eggs in relation to spring and Easter. The children then made their own Easter baskets by folding paper and we filled them with some Easter treats!

In Numeracy we have been continuing to learn about fractions. This week we have been comparing fractions by putting them on a number line from smallest to largest. We discovered that the bigger the “denominator” was, the smaller the size of the fraction.

In school this week the children are completing SNSAs (Scottish National Standardised Assessments) in the areas of Reading, Numeracy and Mathematics and Writing. The children are working very hard and we are very proud of their achievements 🙂

Our dramas about the Viking creation story are really coming together. The children will be performing/filming tomorrow and we are really looking forward to seeing everyone’s hard work come to life 🙂

Last week in writing the children wrote fantastic fact files about one of the Viking gods (Thor, Freya, Odin or Loki). These pieces of writing were absolutely filled with interesting and surprising facts! The children are also working extremely hard to achieve their writing targets each week – we are very impressed P4!

Our last day of school is Thursday this week. We hope you have a fantastic Easter break and we look forward to welcoming the children back on Monday 19th April.

Thank you for your support.

Miss Clark & Mr Woodward

Welcome back to the P4 Blog!

Hello everyone!

Mr Woodward and I have loved welcoming to the children back to school! It is so lovely to be back together and learning again. The children were so excited to return and have been working so hard in every curricular area! We are very proud of them 🙂

Our new PE days for this term and after the Easter Holidays are:
Monday – PE with Miss Clark & Mr Woodward
Thursday – PE with Mrs Ferguson
Both sessions of PE will take place outdoors so please make sure your child is prepared with warm clothing, a waterproof jacket and shoes that you do not mind them getting wet/muddy.

In Reading we have been doing lots of rhyming and reading aloud activities related to “The Cat in the Hat” by Dr Suess. The children have really enjoyed exploring the rhyming words in this story and creating their own poems based on the rhymes called “What the Cat Did!” Mr Woodward and I were blown away by the children’s creativity – well done everyone 🙂

In Numeracy the children have been exploring fractions. This week we have focused on finding fractions of amounts. We have been using a variety of strategies to help us to do this including – drawing pictures on our whiteboards, using counters/cubes and using number squares. Well done everyone – keep up the good work!

Our Viking topic continues with the children beginning to create their own dramas to retell the Viking creation story. They have all chosen their own roles including acting, directing and some even choosing to be in charge of sound effects and production design! Each group will film their own dramas later in the week and we cannot wait to see the finished results!

Thank you so much for all the help and support that you provided your child with during remote learning. It is greatly appreciated.

Have a great week!

Miss Clark & Mr Woodward

January Active Fun Challenge results

Thanks so much to everyone who participated in our January Active Fun Challenge. The number of active minutes logged across West Lothian Primary Schools was phenomenal and 32 primary schools in West Lothian took part.

Carmondean Primary logged 33 days, 2 hrs and 9 minutes of active minutes in January- AMAZING!

Take a look at the results video here to see which schools ranked in the TOP 10.

Judy Murray  announces the winner in the video and sets out a challenge to everyone.  I gave the challenge a try- can you do better than me?

Lego WeDo Fun!

This week the Primary 4/5 Bubble had lots of fun trying out Lego WeDo kits. The group worked hard building two different models and using the computer software to programme their Lego creations to move. They created a pair of free-standing Lego legs which when programmed correctly a motor triggered the leg to kick a football. Before moving onto a further challenge of creating a motion-sensor alligator, where the jaws snapped shut when an object entered its mouth.

For many students this was a brand new task for them, however they all rose to the challenge and were able to troubleshoot all their construction and programming problems. The children adapted really quickly to the programming software and by the end of the lesson they were giving Ms Munro hints on how to complete her model!

We cannot wait to show the rest of our class our creations when they return to school!

January 2021 Active Fun Challenge

Happy New Year everyone.

I’m hoping that you all made your New Year Resolution to be as active as possible in 2021 because I have entered the school into a competition to find the most active school in West Lothian and in true Carmondean spirit we are in it to win it!

How can you help?

  1. Be as active as you can.  Any activity counts from taking taking part in PE lessons to walking your dog to dancing along to Just Dance.
  2. Record the number of minutes each week you are active and submit the number on this form. This most be done by 10am every Monday. ( first submission date is Monday 18th January)

  1. Every Tuesday the school with the highest number of weekly activity minutes will be announced and at the end of the month the school with the highest number of minutes throughout the month will be the champions.

Good luck, happy exercising and if you have any questions please get in touch.

Mrs Ferguson

Primary 4 Remote Learning Update

Hello everyone

We hope you had a lovely Christmas and are enjoying the end of the holidays.
Mr Woodward and I have uploded a video to Teams explaining how Remote Learning will operate this month starting on Monday.
This video is available on both class Teams pages if you would like more information on this.

Have a lovely weekend and enjoy the end of the holidays.

Miss Clark & Mr Woodward

Primary 4 10.12.20

Hello everyone

It has been a very fun and busy week again in Primary 4. Yesterday we finished filming our part of the nativity story for Carmondean’s “Christmas 7” Project. The children were able to watch our part in class today and were very excited and pleased about how it all came together! Keep your eyes peeled for a festive post on the blog next week from Mr Shanks which will contain the full finished product! We can’t wait for you to see it 🙂

In numeracy this week we began learning the 7 times table. The children are now confident in using their strategies to help them to solve times table problems and Mr Woodward and I are impressed with how quickly they are now being able to learn these new facts. Keep up the good work everyone!

Our Animals topic is nearly over and what a great topic it has been! This week we learned about endangered animals and the reasons why some animals are currently endangered. We learned some interesting new words such as – “poaching”, “climate change” and “deforestation”. Ask your child if they know what these words mean. Today the children then used their artistic skills to sketch close up images of some endangered animals. The children were given zoomed in images of the faces of a tiger, polar bear, panda and elephant. They had to look closely at the details in the picture and try to use a grid to copy the animal in proportion. We also learned about the importance of using thin, light lines when drawing the outline and how to shade the darker parts of our drawings with a pencil and smudging with our finger. Mr Woodward and I were extremely impressed with the finished results! Next week we are going to turn these works of art into posters where the children will use what they have learned to share messages about how to save these animals from possible extinction. Wow – well done Primary 4!

Important information:
– Next Friday (the 18th) is a dress down day in school. Children can come to school wearing a Christmas jumper, Christmas party clothes or casual clothes for a £1 donation. All monies go to the Carmondean PSA. The children will also be taking part in a Christmas Quiz!
– PE will take place as normal next week on Wednesday with Mrs Ferguson and on Friday with Miss Clark & Mr Woodward.
– This term will finish on Friday 18th December and the new term will resume on Wednesday 6th January 2021.

As this will be the last blog post of the term Mr Woodward and I would like to thank all of you for supporting your child and their learning so far in Primary 4. 2020 has been a strange year for all of us but it has been made easier for us as teachers by having your support and highly resilient and eager to learn children in both our classes!

We hope you all have a fantastic Christmas with your families.
Here’s to 2021!

Miss Clark & Mr Woodward

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