Book Week at Bankton

Read, Write, Count and P1 Family Bookbugs

We were absolutely delighted to see so many families in Bankton today learning together!  The children are very excited about their bags and we are looking forward to hearing about the fun you have with them.

A huge thank you to Jen Harwood from the Scottish Book Trust for coming along today and joining in the fun!!!  


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Bankton Breakfast Club @ Book Week

We are still having lots of fun reading at breakfast club!  This week we have been doing lots of fun activities related to our favourite authors and we even had a prize draw for everyone who took part in activities this week!

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And the winners were….

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Happy reading, writing and counting!!!!!

Goodbye Mrs Horne

P5 had a very sad goodbye today to an important member of the Bankton family! Mrs Horne is leaving us for a whole new adventure.

P5 has some special things to say:

“She was always very kind” Jack

“I will miss you and hope to see you again!” Louise

“She was a very funny teacher and in P2 all the lessons were very fun!” Isabel


Thankyou for all your hard work Mrs Horne we will miss you lots!


Love from P5 and Miss Lovett xxx


Brrr… we’re getting Winter Ready here at Bankton!

winter ready


In anticipation for any snowy days, the children at Second Level are well-prepared for any closures! All children have (or will be given in the very near future) their Glow log ons, a home learning activity grid and a selection of websites you may wish your child to complete at home. The activities vary in challenge and offer a range of different approaches to the curriculum.

Paper copies of log ons, the activity grid and websites can be found in your children’s homework diaries. Or you can click here!


Right of the Month for December

Our right of the month in December is ….


Article 14 – You have the right to choose your own religion and beliefs. Your parents should help you to decide what is right and wrong, and what is best for you

Questions to think about at home?

What different religions are there?

How are they different?

What is a belief?

Please feel free to leave a comment below !



Our Wicked Week!

P5 has had a very busy week!

Between being busy rehearsing for the wonderful Emotion Works show case, we went on a walk up to Dedridge pond for outdoor learning. We used our senses to look, listen, taste, feel and smell what was around our local landscape. We did this to write fantastic, descriptive poems which we can’t wait for you to read!

We also saw a lot of familiar faces at the Emotion Works showcase on Friday! We hope you enjoyed our song, we loved learning it and sharing our learning about Emotion Works with parents and Claire Murray who created it! It even made Mrs Stewart cry.

P5 have an excited announcement to make this week so we hope you have your eyes peeled….img_5567

This week in P4

This week we have been learning and practicing our song for the Emotion Works showcase. We performed it in front of parents and we were very happy to perform. Emma, Louise and Iona showed our Emotions Works based on Monsters Inc to the parents in the small hall. We were delighted to have them show off all our hard work. Thank you girls.

In the past couple of days we have been focusing on money in maths. We were looking at selling items and calculated the change and profit. We will use these skills for our enterprise evening, which takes place on 8th of December.

We concluded our basketball lessons with the college kids. They were exciting to see and very helpful. Thanks to them for improving our basketball skills.

Breaking News…. P6/7

P6/7 had a fantastic time applying lots of skills at the Sky Academy in Livingston. We created an in-depth and highly professional news clip highlighting the plight of endangered animals across the world and the actions we can take to save them. Sadly the clip is too big to upload on this blog but each child was lucky enough to receive a USB wristband with the clip stored on it. We will show off our hard work in assembly next week. We also have a responsibility to ‘keep the magic alive’ for other prospective journalists!

We’re P6/7, reporting for Bankton Primary. Good afternoon!




Wonderful Work in Primary 1/2

P1/2 have worked very hard this week on counting groups of objects and then adding them together.  We can recognise the add and equals sign and have been learning how to write addition sums.  We have been practising locking the big number in our head to help us count on to quickly find the answer e.g. 5+3 – we lock the 5 in our heads and then count on 6,7,8.  We are getting better at this!

In literacy, we have been busy learning the r, l and ai sounds!  Here is a little clip of us singing along to the ai song.  We hope that you enjoy it!

To help us with blending our sounds to read words we have played some fun games at the teach table this week.  We played a fun game called ‘Win it or Bin it!’ where we rolled three dice to make a word.  We then sounded out our word and decided if it was not a real word we would bin it and if it was a real word we would win it!  It was fun and we made up some funny nonsense words!  We also played BOOM where we picked words out of a bag and used our blending skills to try and read the word.  If someone picked out a BOOM card the game blew up and was over.  The winner was the person or persons with the most cards.  We have also been working on forming all of our letters correctly.

On Thursday, we all dressed up in yellow or something spotty and made a donation to help raise money for Children in Need.  Well done!
