Tag Archives: Literacy

Happy World Book Day P5/6!

Since we are not able to work together in school today I’ve put together some things you can to do to get into the spirit of World Book Day!  You can choose any from the list and you can work on your own or collaborate with others……I’m sure you are in touch with each other!


  • There are 3 departments at Bloor’s Academy, Music, Drama and Art. Think about your skills and talents.  What department would you be in and why?


  • At Bloor’s Academy, the pupils have to wear capes in different colours to show what department they belong to, blue for Music, purple for Drama and green for Art. Design a different item (instead of a cape) for your Bloor’s Academy uniform to show what department you belong to.  What do you have at home that you could use to make your design in real life?  Take a photo so that you can share when we’re back in class!


  • Bloor’s Academy is an old and spooky building with towers, stone spiral staircases, echoing corridors and doors that haven’t been opened for years. Have a look around at home and see if you have any materials you could use to make a model of Boor’s Academy.  Boxes and cartons would work or, Lego.  If you don’t want to build a model, you could draw your version of Bloor’s Academy.


  • Charlie had a tough first week at Bloor’s Academy. Imagine you are Charlie and write a personal diary for the first few days at your new school.  Use your Emotion Works cogs to explain how you are feeling about your new life and why.



  • Charlie Bone has an unusual talent. When Charlie looks at photographs, he can hear the people in the photos talking and the sounds happening around them.  Choose a photograph that you have at home and write down what Charlie would hear if he looked at your picture, voices and sound effects!


  • Mr Onimous is a mysterious figure in the story so far. He pops up randomly with his three very mysterious cats, ‘The Flames’.  If Charlie Bone was made into a film, I think Mr Omimous and the Flames would have their own music.  It would play when they were about to appear and when they were on screen.  Write your own words for an ‘Onimous and Flames’ song.  You can compose your own tune or fit the words to a piece of music or song you already know.


And, if you’ve worked too hard on all of that, relax,  sit back with a mug of hot chocolate and enjoy two super ‘Biggest Book Show on Earth’ films with authors and illustrators sharing stories.



There are outdoor ideas and Maths activity links in my post from yesterday if you missed it!

See you all soon.

Miss Kennedy

What in earth????

Last week p7 in science were investigating the structure of the earth.

We researched the different layers of the earth’s structure.

We found out there are 4 different layers.  The inner core is the hottest part of the earth, outer core still extremely hot. Mantle, the thickness of the mantle is 2900km thick and the crust is the thinnest layer.  It is the layer we live on and is between 50-60 km thick.

We decided to make plasticine models of the structure of the earth.  We even tried to match up the continents on the crust!


Inside the models they were different colours representing each layer, inner core,outer core, mantle, crust. We cut the models in half to see the inside of the earth.


This is what it looked like after.


We made labels from our research that gave  information about each layer.


If you want to learn about each layer, go on the websites we went on…….WHY NOT!?








or…..if you learn better through music, how about testing your knowledge with this song…

Blogged by Beth Kinroy and Lucas Stenhouse


This week P7 went to Sky Academy and had a SPECTACULAR time!



P7 made their own news report with the help of the Sky Academy team.

We have been using our listening, teamwork, co-operation and being a responsible citizen and representing Bankton Primary School.

P7  want to thank all the Sky Academy staff who trusted us with their expensive equipment, such as their £60,000 cameras and also their editing computers.

Special thanks to our helpers,Chris,Camy,Leanne and Alan!!!!!


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P7 had their own tour around Sky so when they are older they will know choices there are for jobs there.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THANK YOU SKY ACADEMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Blogged by Conner Douglas-Martin, Liam Leadbetter & Niamh Shaw

P1/2 Reporting Back on Last Week!

P1/2 worked really hard last week.   In maths we worked on counting groups of objects accurately and then worked out how many objects there were altogether.

In literacy we learned two new sounds ‘u’ and ‘d’.  We practised writing the sounds and using all of the set 1 sounds to read and make words.  We loved working at the craft table where we made umbrellas and dinosaurs.

We watched a live authors event and were a very attentive audience as the author read her book ‘Shifty McGifty and Slippery Sam’.  It was a very funny story and we enjoyed listening to it.  The illustrator of the book showed us step by step how to draw one of the main characters from the book.  It was great fun and we all did really well.  What do you think of our art work?  Mrs Lloyd and Mrs Stewart were very impressed!

Super Sounding Out and Marvellous Maths in P1/2

P1/2 have been using their sounds this week to try to sound out words.  They have been repeating the word a few times before trying to work out the first, middle then end sound.  They are getting really good at it!

In maths, we have been working on forming and sequencing our numbers correctly and have been practising estimating how many objects we can see.  We managed some good estimates and could spot when our estimates were much too high or much too low!

We were also very lucky to have a MoneySense workshop this week where a member of staff from the Royal Bank of Scotland came to work with us.  Miss Graham also kindly helped us out as we moved round three different activities and explored how we use money.

We finished off our busy week with some fun in the structured play area.  We enjoyed lots of activities including dressing up, building with construction materials, being creative at the art table and playing a healthy foods game with Miss Campbell.

Enjoy the holiday boys and girls, you deserve a break after all your hard work this term. I look forward to seeing you all again next term for more fun filled learning!

Another Funfilled Week in P1/2

Where to start!

This week we enjoyed some good weather and went outside for our daily mile.  The children walked well and showed good stamina.

In maths we have learned lots of different things.  We have been working on recognising and sorting the coins to £2.

We have been revising 2D shapes and have been thinking about their properties.

We have also been working hard on forming our numbers correctly and on sequencing the numbers in the right order.  We are getting better at this!

We are also working on reading and writing the number names and are beginning to be able to sound out some of the words.

As well as all this maths we were also working on our sounds.  We have begun using the colourful consonants mouth parts to spell out words and are continuing to practise forming our sounds correctly.

Keep up the good work Primary 1/2 and keep up the good growth mindset – keep thinking I can’t do it …….yet!!

Suspicion and suspense in P7a…..

In P7a this week, we have been writing in the mystery genre.  We talked about features in a mystery genre such as red herrings, suspense, tension, clues and another word for a detective which is is a sleuth.  After discussion, we realised that mystery writing is all about making the reader ask questions and then only answering them bit by bit.  An animation we all watched together generated a lot of questions, just as a mystery story should!  Why don’t you watch it and leave us a comment with the questions it made you ask?

We wanted to share some of our mystery writing with you…

Stewart: “The top of the gang was an eminence grise.  He would not listen to the gang, perhaps only on occasion.”

Fraser: “I went to the toilet but I forgot to look at the sign. The toilet was out of order. I was too late.  I heard the door click shut and then it locked…”

Robbie: ” Lying on the floor was the innocent body of Ashley, the woman who I normally work with.  She had brutal injuries. I heard a thud…”

Amber:”I went looking for him but he had already disappeared…”

Ellis: “No car was in sight.  Everything was conventional but a for file in among all the garbage.  All it had in it was rent, payment and bills.  I took it just in case.”

P7a Blog written this week by Ellis Sherwood.

Spring has sprung….in P7a at least!


It might not feel like or look anything like Spring outside but, it’s a whole other story in P7 Science this week!  We are investigating how flowering plants reproduce so, it’s time for some dissection!

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Josh “It was more fun than a normal lesson!”

Ellis “I liked learning about the pollination, fertilisation and germination.”

Robbie “It’s cool to see the inside of a flower properly.”

Ryan “I didn’t know that was how flowers reproduced.”

Amber “I liked learning the parts of the flowers even though I sneezed a lot!”


Article 29: Your education should help you use and develop your talents and abilities. It should also help you learn to live peacefully, protect the environment and respect other people.

Literacy in P1b

P1b were practising their group work skills today when they were working in teams to think of adjectives to describe the big, bad wolf.  The children worked together really well in their teams and thought of some super adjectives like mean, nasty, sneaky and evil!

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We have also been working on our rhyming skills and completed some super independent rhyme work.  Well done boys and girls!  Keep up the good work!

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World Book Day in P.4/5

I thoroughly enjoyed working with P.4/5 on our Gangsta Granny Extravaganza. Everyone enjoyed hearing the two short extracts from the book and watching the video clip where David Walliams shared his tips to become a good writer. There was a menu of activities to choose from including:

A profile of Gangsta Granny / Ben’s Heist Plan / SWAG bags full of jewels / Book cover designs

P.4/5 were completely engaged with these activities and impressed me with their skills.

Thank you also to the teachers who dressed up for World Book Day and to Hannah who delivered my fruit – dressed as Elsa.

Teachers dressed for World Book Day
Teachers dressed for World Book Day
Gangsta Granny Extravaganza
Gangsta Granny Extravaganza