Our Last Tennis Session

P1a thoroughly enjoyed their last tennis session and showed coach Eoin how much they had learned over the last four weeks.  The children showed off their fantastic listening skills and worked well in their teams to get warmed up.  Good skills were shown using the racquets and balls and great progress has been made over the last four weeks with much improved racquet and ball skills being demonstrated.  Well done boys and girls.

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P1a and P1/2 thorougly enjoyed the game-a-thon organised by P6 pupils last week.  The primary 6 pupils did a super job in planning games for the younger children to take part in.  They worked really hard to set up the hall with all the required equipment and demonstrate each game to the children before setting them off.  Music was played during the activities and the children really enjoyed themselves – a popular favourite was the funny races.  Well done to all involved and thank you to all the parents and carers for your kind donations towards fundraising for Team Jak.

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Our fun week! (or two) by P2/3

In Maths we have all been busy learning and practising working with numbers.  Some of us have been continuing with our 2, 5 and 10 times tables, whilst some others have developed this onto dividing too.  Still others were practising subtraction numbers stories for numbers to 20.

In Literacy, we have had some people learning all about verbs and how to make these past tense (like they have already happened).  Some verbs just need you to add –ed, for example whisper +ed = whispered.  Others which have an ‘e’ at the end need you to take off the ‘e’ before adding –ed, for example like becomes liked. There is still another way to make past tense verbs – this is more complicated, as you need to look at the letter before the last consonant.  If this letter is a vowel, which makes a short vowel sound then you need to double the end consonant and then add –ed.  Here are some of our examples –

Katie – hop becomes hopped, Darcy – bat becomes batted, Alex – jog becomes jogged, Kai – pat becomes patted.

Meanwhile other children were learning about words to show possession, for example –

Erin – their dance,  Zoe – her car, Brooke – my pencil, Keigan – his toy.

For our community topic we took a walk around some areas of Dedridge and we thought about what there is in the community to provide for our needs and wants.  Our needs are provided by – the health centre, the chemist, park for exercise, shops for food, houses for shelter.

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Of course we needed to try out the park for providing for our need for exercise and our want for fun!

Pancake Day at Book Club

The book club really enjoyed our pancake theme yesterday.

We read the story Mr Wolf’s Pancakes, and we all agreed that Mr Wolf was rather greedy!!

We then took the ‘Pancake Flipping Challenge’, where we had 30 seconds to flip a pancake as many times as we could (it was quite hard)!!!

Finally, we settled down to read some books and ate some delicious pancakes! Yummy!!!



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Chinese New Year

Over the last two weeks we have enjoyed learning about Chinese New Year.  The children listened to the story about the animals racing to see who would have the first year named after them and they participated in craft activities to make lanterns and dragons.  Everyone loved doing the dragon dance and enjoyed dancing while Rong Rong played her Chinese guitar.


Dressing up in Chinese costumes.
Taking part in a dragon dance.
Learning a Chinese song and working on keeping time.


Making Chinese lanterns.
Making Chinese lanterns.
Chinese New Year experiences.
Taking part in a dragon dance.
Trying chop sticks.
Trying chop sticks.

This Week in Structured Play

P1a made very good use of the structured play area today when they were involved in a wide variety of activities.  Some good role play was going on in the dressing up area and symmetrical printing was successfully completed in the art area with lots of accurate work being produced.  Matthew’s big sister Nikita very kindly handed in a castle that she had previously made for a school project so that the boys and girls could play with it in the small world area – this proved to be very popular today so thank you Nikita!  In the maths area the children were sorting some Goldilocks and the Three Bears pictures as well as sorting the compare bears under the size categories big, medium and small.  At the literacy area, some people used the magnetic letters to write some words while others relaxed in the library area with a book! Lots of good work today Primary 1 – keep it up!

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Tennis Taster 3!!

P1a have once again loved their tennis coaching this week.  Coach Ian had the children working really hard and even extended their racquet and ball skills to include some partner work where the children had to sandwich the ball and travel together, dodging in and out the markers.  The boys and girls are working hard to improve their skill in rolling the ball around the rim of the racquet (Around the World) without it falling off!  Lots of sad faces appeared today when coach Ian reminded the children that next week would be their last week of the tennis tasters.

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Symmetry in P1a

This week in maths P1a have been learning all about symmetry.  The children have been successful in their learning and have worked hard to cut, stick and colour pictures to make them symmetrical, complete symmetrical paint prints during structured play and some groups worked with Miss Hewit to design symmetrical leaves to stick onto a tree.  Callum showed good skills with his symmetry work and make a symmetrical ladybird on the smartboard.  Well done everyone!

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A Mystery in P1!

On Tuesday, our friendly dragon left us a small bowl and a spoon in our library area.  P1a spent most of the day wondering what on earth the dragon was trying to tell us.  After racking their brains all morning, Detective Sarah eventually worked out that the dragon had left us this clue to tell us to read Goldilocks and the Three Bears.  The children enjoyed this story and were very good at using a big voice for daddy bear, a medium sized voice for mummy bear and a tiny little squeaky voice for baby bear!
