P3: Cody’s Patience Was Tested This Week!

p3 making roman armour 034The whole class were put into pairs to work together making their Roman Armour out of paper.  In order to do this they had to use lots of different skills such as problem solving, cutting, measuring and sticking as well listening and talking which is a challenge to such a ‘quiet’ class!!


p3 making roman armour 050p3 making roman armour 058p3 making roman armour 077

Everyone produced super diary entries about ‘A Day in the Life of a Roman Slave’ especially Liam who nearly wore out his gym shoes as Mrs Sinclair kept sending him back  to up-level his diary entry.

Samantha liked doing the Roman Mosaic with Mrs Ferguson.  Mrs Sinclair looks forward to seeing these mosaics displayed around the school.

The Roman Mystery Helmet Solved!  –  Cody finally got her answer!

to be sorted 631

Our helmet was loaned to us from a museum for our Roman Topic.


Other News & Requests

Paint Challenge

Can you paint from one side to the other using only two primary colours and white without repetition? I couldn’t!

The whole class enjoyed doing this challenge especially Isabel who worked very hard on her mixing skills to try and achieve this challenge. Please read this post next week to find out how she got on.

In maths we are learning our times tables.  Please spend a few minutes each day asking your child 2x & 3x table questions.