Fabulous Artists

Over the last couple of weeks we have been looking at the story of ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’ in P1a.  This week the children drew out the bears from the story.  Some people decided to draw Daddy Bear using a big piece of paper, some people drew Mummy Bear using a medium sized piece of paper and some people drew baby bear using a small sized piece of paper.  The quality of the art work is outstanding and the pictures look even better now that they are coloured in and have some porridge oats added to them!  We did make a bit of a mess while producing this work but it was definitely worth it for the finished effect.  More pictures to follow when the Goldilocks display is finished………

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Our Last Tennis Session

P1a thoroughly enjoyed their last tennis session and showed coach Eoin how much they had learned over the last four weeks.  The children showed off their fantastic listening skills and worked well in their teams to get warmed up.  Good skills were shown using the racquets and balls and great progress has been made over the last four weeks with much improved racquet and ball skills being demonstrated.  Well done boys and girls.

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P1a and P1/2 thorougly enjoyed the game-a-thon organised by P6 pupils last week.  The primary 6 pupils did a super job in planning games for the younger children to take part in.  They worked really hard to set up the hall with all the required equipment and demonstrate each game to the children before setting them off.  Music was played during the activities and the children really enjoyed themselves – a popular favourite was the funny races.  Well done to all involved and thank you to all the parents and carers for your kind donations towards fundraising for Team Jak.

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Our fun week! (or two) by P2/3

In Maths we have all been busy learning and practising working with numbers.  Some of us have been continuing with our 2, 5 and 10 times tables, whilst some others have developed this onto dividing too.  Still others were practising subtraction numbers stories for numbers to 20.

In Literacy, we have had some people learning all about verbs and how to make these past tense (like they have already happened).  Some verbs just need you to add –ed, for example whisper +ed = whispered.  Others which have an ‘e’ at the end need you to take off the ‘e’ before adding –ed, for example like becomes liked. There is still another way to make past tense verbs – this is more complicated, as you need to look at the letter before the last consonant.  If this letter is a vowel, which makes a short vowel sound then you need to double the end consonant and then add –ed.  Here are some of our examples –

Katie – hop becomes hopped, Darcy – bat becomes batted, Alex – jog becomes jogged, Kai – pat becomes patted.

Meanwhile other children were learning about words to show possession, for example –

Erin – their dance,  Zoe – her car, Brooke – my pencil, Keigan – his toy.

For our community topic we took a walk around some areas of Dedridge and we thought about what there is in the community to provide for our needs and wants.  Our needs are provided by – the health centre, the chemist, park for exercise, shops for food, houses for shelter.

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Of course we needed to try out the park for providing for our need for exercise and our want for fun!