Tennis Taster 3!!

P1a have once again loved their tennis coaching this week.  Coach Ian had the children working really hard and even extended their racquet and ball skills to include some partner work where the children had to sandwich the ball and travel together, dodging in and out the markers.  The boys and girls are working hard to improve their skill in rolling the ball around the rim of the racquet (Around the World) without it falling off!  Lots of sad faces appeared today when coach Ian reminded the children that next week would be their last week of the tennis tasters.

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Symmetry in P1a

This week in maths P1a have been learning all about symmetry.  The children have been successful in their learning and have worked hard to cut, stick and colour pictures to make them symmetrical, complete symmetrical paint prints during structured play and some groups worked with Miss Hewit to design symmetrical leaves to stick onto a tree.  Callum showed good skills with his symmetry work and make a symmetrical ladybird on the smartboard.  Well done everyone!

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A Mystery in P1!

On Tuesday, our friendly dragon left us a small bowl and a spoon in our library area.  P1a spent most of the day wondering what on earth the dragon was trying to tell us.  After racking their brains all morning, Detective Sarah eventually worked out that the dragon had left us this clue to tell us to read Goldilocks and the Three Bears.  The children enjoyed this story and were very good at using a big voice for daddy bear, a medium sized voice for mummy bear and a tiny little squeaky voice for baby bear!


Mid Week Catch Up!

Gabriel is enjoying working on drawing his Viking ship. “It is quite tricky to do,” he said. We had to follow instructions carefully. This week Armand has been learning to multiply a two digit number by a single digit. He thought that it was quite tricky and so did Ailsa and Xander. We are working on getting better at these. Emma P enjoyed reading for information to find out about Viking boats. Gerald the dog quite liked that too!!!! (Eric’s pet dog mascot!) We have been doing a writing assessment this week and Jade enjoyed it!! We are working hard to improve our writing by adding in more openers and connectives- tricky stuff but we are doing a good job. Alfie enjoyed his handwriting and we are all getting much neater with the presentation of our work. Mrs Balfour is impressed! Nearly everybody has started on their points homework. We are looking forward to having parents in some time in March to see all our our hard work on the Vikings.