Today we have been looking at our digestive system. We worked in small groups to demonstrate what is happening inside our bodies when we eat food. We used everyday items to represent different things inside our bodies.
First we “ate” some food (crackers and bananas) and it travelled to our stomachs (plastic bag).

Then we added saliva (water) and stomach acid (orange juice) to help break down the food in the stomach.

Next our stomach muscles got to work and squeezed all of
the food until it was a gloopy mixture.

I wonder if everyone liked this part…?

Then the food was transported to the small intestine (tights) where it was again pushed and squeezed by many muscles. This allowed all of the useful nutrients to be squeezed out for the body to use, leaving behind what our body doesn’t need.

After that, whatever was left over was sent to the large intestine (cup) and left the body as poo! This was the part that many found too disgusting to watch!!

Poor Peter just couldn’t look!

We began our new novel today The Nowehere Emporium. Don’t worry if you are not in school right now, you can catch up with the story on Teams! Mrs Smith will post more information on this soon.
After playtime we did some Maths, focusing on different aspects of multiplication. Keep practising at home too everyone!
In the afternoon we spent time in our research groups to begin our posters. Each group has chosen an aspect of Human Body that they would like to find out about. Everyone worked so well in their groups, making sure all members had a job to do and felt included.

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