We have one JRSO pupil within our P4/5/6 class, who has been working with the other P6 pupils in Mrs Scanlan’s class next door, to help promote road safety in our school. These pupils worked so hard to compile and deliver a special assembly following Road Safety Week. They also invited the older classes to create a road scene picture which highlighted some of the road safety dangers they addressed in their assembly. These pictures are displayed in the main foyer. Time has also been spent with some of the younger P2 pupils playing a board game that reinforces road safety. The JRSO pupils also plan to visit the ELC pupils to share ‘Ziggy’ stories in the future. Well done to all the JRSOs!
Our JRSOs for this year!Playing along with some of our P2 pupils in the Explore & Learn Room. (No Ratings Yet) Loading...
This afternoon, for The BIg Walk and Wheel Challenge, organised by the JRSOs, P1-7 came together to play games in the playground. Such a great way to get active!
The P6 Playleaders got the chance to build on their recent training, leading the younger classes in a variety of games. Everyone did so well to listen to the instructions given by the P6 girls.
In the multicourt, Ms. Scanlan lead a game of dodgeball too with the P4/5/6 and P6/7 classes. We hope to continue with our active times together, as often as we can!
Finding out who would like to be a catcher for “Toilet Flush”.
For the next 2 weeks, the JRSOs are encouraging the whole school to keep active as part of a nationwide challenge called Walk and Wheel.
Not many of us can walk or cycle to school every day, so each class has been invited to try doing some sort of physical activity for about 20-30 minutes.
Today we spent part of the afternoon playing dodgeball with the P6/7s. It was great fun!
Yesterday, our Primary 6 JRSOs had a visit from Police Sergeant Douglas. He came to talk to them about road safety and asked them about their previous JRSO campaign. He let them see the speed gun and explained how it worked. We are very grateful that he gave up his time for us. Please look out for more JRSO work coming in the near future!
What have P5/6 been up to on their final day of term? They all worked on grammar activities first thing before heading out to the multicourt for class P.E. where we scored a record number of frisbee goals! Then we all worked on our own personal learning goals before lunch so all different types of activities were going on at the same time. The afternoon saw us gather together to have a whole school photo to celebrate our 50 years and this was followed by a great JRSO assembly. Happy holidays everyone and here’s hoping this weather holds!
Today our newly appointed JRSO’s got to meet Elaine Skinley and receive their welcome packs. They have already been busy updating our JRSO board in the foyer area…so watch this space during the year for all the competitions and activities they are planning.
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