Tag Archives: Health & Wellbeing

Voar Redd Up

It was a beautiful day today for our ‘Redd Up’.  We went as far as the Croft House and worked hard to collect as much rubbish as we could.  The roadsides were actually really quite clean which is a good thing!  Thank you to our adult helpers.

How many children are lucky enough to have a field of ponies right next to their school?

Not too many unusual finds this year but we did find an empty cookie packet!
We saw some lovely stones along the way!

Well done everyone! Every little bit helps!
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During Health and Wellbeing lessons, we’ve been thinking about the topic Friendship.   In groups, we talked about what qualities we think are vital, preferable or not necessary in a good friendship.  We had different ideas about this but there were many qualities that we all agreed on.  We decided to turn these words into a display for the hall and a ‘Tom Gates’ style display was chosen to reflect the interests of many members in the class.

We looked at books in the Library and from home and talked about the style of lettering and drawings used by Liz Pichon.  We then created our friendship words and black pen drawings of us with our friends.  This proved an enjoyable activity for many and the end result looks very charming!

We will now move on to think about different aspects of friendships and getting along with others.

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Adding the final ‘doodles’ to our display!


Monday 30th January

Our class had fun exploring the human body with the visitors from The Glasgow Science Centre today.  In the morning we were given the chance to play with different interactive exhibits relating to different parts of the body.

The girls were looking to see if they could spot when this patient needed an x-ray.
These boys learned about the different organs in our bodies and where they are.
Putting the brain back together wasn’t very easy!
Can you see which parts of their bodies were the hottest?
All the images are in the correct order! Well done!
This memory game was very competitive! We had to remember the correct sequence of flashing lights and try to repeat it.

Later on we took part in a Disgusting Digestion interactive show.

It was great fun and we learned about the journey of food throughout our bodies.

We learned how long our intestines are…up to 7 or 8 metres long!
What is going on here? Can you have a guess based on their facial expressions?

Somehow, we also managed to squeeze in a session with a local musician today!  We were treated to some dialect singing and fiddle playing by Claire White.  She planned a busy session looking at some interesting local stories and how she managed to turn these into songs for people to remember.

Then we split into groups to write our own stories and eventually turn these into songs.  Some groups chose their own local stories to develop.  These included the St Ninian’s Isle treasure, The Queen opening our school in 1969 and the Braer Disaster.  It was a lot to do in the short space of time, so we didn’t quite manage to finish this today.   Next term we are looking at local history, so we will save what we have achieved for now and build on these again at a later date.   I look forward to seeing what we can produce!

Well done Draatsis!

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We have one JRSO pupil within our P4/5/6 class, who has been working with the other P6 pupils in Mrs Scanlan’s class next door, to help promote road safety in our school.  These pupils worked so hard to compile and deliver a special assembly following Road Safety Week.  They also invited the older classes to create a road scene picture which highlighted some of the road safety dangers they addressed in their assembly.  These pictures are displayed in the main foyer.  Time has also been spent with some of the younger P2 pupils playing a board game that reinforces road safety.  The JRSO pupils also plan to visit the ELC pupils to share ‘Ziggy’ stories in the future.  Well done to all the JRSOs!

Our JRSOs for this year!
Playing along with some of our P2 pupils in the Explore & Learn Room.
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Walk and Wheel Challenge

For the next 2 weeks, the JRSOs are encouraging the whole school to keep active as part of a nationwide challenge called Walk and Wheel.

Not many of us can walk or cycle to school every day, so each class has been invited to try doing some sort of physical activity for about 20-30 minutes.

Today we spent part of the afternoon playing dodgeball with the P6/7s.  It was great fun!


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World Down Syndrome Day

Today we celebrated World Down Syndrome Day by wearing odd socks!

Down syndrome occurs when an individual has an extra partial (or whole) copy of chromosome 21. It is not yet known why this syndrome occurs, but Down syndrome has always been a part of the human condition.

World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD) , 21 March, is a global awareness day which has been officially observed by the United Nations since 2012.

The date for WDSD being the 21st day of the 3rd month, was selected to signify the uniqueness of the triplication (trisomy) of the 21st chromosome which causes Down syndrome,


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Our Day…

Today we have been looking at our digestive system.  We worked in small groups to demonstrate what is happening inside our bodies when we eat food.  We used everyday items to represent different things inside our bodies.

First we “ate” some food (crackers and bananas) and it travelled to our stomachs (plastic bag).

Then we added saliva (water) and stomach acid (orange juice) to help break down the food in the stomach.

Next our stomach muscles got to work and squeezed all of

the food until it was a gloopy mixture.


I wonder if everyone liked this part…?

Then the food was transported to the small intestine (tights) where it was again pushed and squeezed by many muscles.  This allowed all of the useful nutrients to be squeezed out for the body to use, leaving behind what our body doesn’t need.

After that, whatever was left over was sent to the large intestine (cup) and left the body as poo!  This was the part that many found too disgusting to watch!!

Poor Peter just couldn’t look!

We began our new novel today The Nowehere Emporium.  Don’t worry if you are not in school right now, you can catch up with the story on Teams!  Mrs Smith will post more information on this soon.

After playtime we did some Maths, focusing on different aspects of multiplication.   Keep practising at home too everyone!

In the afternoon we spent time in our research groups to begin our posters.  Each group has chosen an aspect of Human Body that they would like to find out about.  Everyone worked so well in their groups, making sure all members had a job to do and felt included.

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Class Charter

Over a few weeks, we have been working on our class charter.  First, we talked about the work of the United Nations which then led us to look at the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.  There are many “Articles” in the convention but we focused on the main ones that we felt were important in our class.  We chose those that fitted – Be Heard, Be Ourselves, Be Healthy and Be safe.  We worked in groups to say what this would look like in our class as we learn together.  We gathered everyone’s ideas and these were turned into statements that we are going to try our best to abide by in class.  🙂

There was also a discussion about what the children want their teachers to try to provide.  Mrs Henderson and I will work hard on these too and we’ll try our best not to let you down.  🌞

Please see pictures of our Class Charter below.

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