Playleader Training

On Monday our P6s had their final training session. They are all now fully trained up and this is what they said about their training-

Shane: I liked playing games like Giant’s Keys.

Ronan: Playleader was good because we learnt fun games to play with the little ones.

Holly : I think it was very, very good because the games we are playing are so good.

Jessica: Playleader is great for the Primary 2s and 3s, because if they don’t have anyone to play with then they can play with us.

Archie: It’s quite fun, but sometimes the little kids don’t listen very well!

Ryan: Playleader was very good because we got to play good games and played with little ones, but they were hard to control!

Ruby: I liked Playleader because we all did it together and it was a lot of fun. I can’t wait to do it with the younger ones.

Thanks to Toby for all the photos.

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