Tuesday 14th March

Tuesday 14th March

It seems that we have another snow day, Draatsi class.  Hopefully you will get a chance to play in the snow at some point today.  Remember to wrap up warm!

Here are some things that you can try today.

  • Maths  – Sumdog Challenge.  Ask a family member to test you on your times tables facts too!  Is the snow deep at your house?  Take a ruler and measure the deepest part.  If you can, take a photo of this and send it in to me.  I wonder where the deepest snow will be…?
  • Topic – Can you find the Fairtrade logo on any items in your house?  Make a list or draw any items that you find.  If you have access to the Internet, you could research other Fairtrade products and where they are produced.  You could find out about bananas. tea, coffee or sugar.  Who is involved in the production?  How long does the process take?  You could make a poster or a PowerPoint with your information. I would love to see what you find out! You can email me gw08duncanfiona12@shetland.sch.uk
  • upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/02/Fai...
  • Reading – Continue to enjoy your Accelerated Reader.  This would be a nice thing to do after playing out in the snow.
  • EUROQUIZ team – The quiz that was due to take place today has been postponed until Tuesday 28th March.  This gives you extra time to study!  Have a look at the websites Mrs Smith emailed on recently.
  • Children’s Parliament Investigators – I will email you with some things you will need to think about before our online call tomorrow morning.

Have fun if you are playing out in the snow today.  Be careful when sledging and walking on slippery surfaces.  Hopefully we’ll see you all again tomorrow!

Mrs Henderson

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