Wind Power!

As part of our topic looking at Renewable Energy, we have been working with a partner this week to construct a wind powered car.  Each group were only allowed to select up to 4 “wheels” using the materials provided, along with straws, wooden skewers and tape.

This was definitely a task to test our patience and perseverance!  We quickly found that our first designs were not quite right and needed to be modified.

Then it was time to have a little test to see if their cars were going to work.  Most groups found that there were still small changes to be made to improve on their design.

It was lovely to see everyone working together to solve the problem.  What a helpful bunch we are in our class!

Next week we will set up a fair test and measure how far each car travels when wind energy is provided.  We will also evaluate our own  designs, thinking about what could be adapted to make improvements.  We’ll let you know the results next week!

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31 Playful Minutes

What a lovely afternoon we had, playing together with friends!

Playing Dungeons and Dragons

Playing with horses

Craft and play dough

Busy on the farm

A photo opportunity was missed for those who were playing table tennis and Boccia in the hall, but they had lots of fun too!

When the class were asked if they had been doing any learning this afternoon, it was amazing to hear what they felt was important as they were playing.

Some of the main themes were:

  • Sharing
  • Helping
  • Taking turns
  • Solving problems
  • Thinking of others

What a great start P4/5/6!  I can’t wait until the next one!

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Term 1 Learning

Here is a brief overview of some of the learning that will be taking place in P4/5/6 over the coming term.

  • Maths – Place Value, Number Bonds & Measuring Tasks
  • Language – Spelling Groups, Grammar Groups and Handwriting Activities
  • Reading – Daily ERIC Time (Everyone Reading In Class) alongside Reading Groups and our class novel, ‘The City of Ember’.
  • Writing – Creative writing ideas that arise from our novel and other written tasks that allow us to work on our use of punctuation, sentence structure, spelling etc…
  • Listening & Talking – Encouraging good listening skills, especially to new routines and instructions.  Encouraging respectful talking to both staff and peers alike.
  • Topic – Sustainability/Renewable Energy/Electricity
  • Health & Wellbeing – Class Charter, Zones of Regulation & Growth Mindset
  • Religious & Moral Education – Christian Festival of Harvest

If you have any experience or expertise that you can bring to any of these topics, we’d love to hear from you!

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