Tuesday 14th March

Tuesday 14th March

It seems that we have another snow day, Draatsi class.  Hopefully you will get a chance to play in the snow at some point today.  Remember to wrap up warm!

Here are some things that you can try today.

  • Maths  – Sumdog Challenge.  Ask a family member to test you on your times tables facts too!  Is the snow deep at your house?  Take a ruler and measure the deepest part.  If you can, take a photo of this and send it in to me.  I wonder where the deepest snow will be…?
  • Topic – Can you find the Fairtrade logo on any items in your house?  Make a list or draw any items that you find.  If you have access to the Internet, you could research other Fairtrade products and where they are produced.  You could find out about bananas. tea, coffee or sugar.  Who is involved in the production?  How long does the process take?  You could make a poster or a PowerPoint with your information. I would love to see what you find out! You can email me gw08duncanfiona12@shetland.sch.uk
  • upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/02/Fai...
  • Reading – Continue to enjoy your Accelerated Reader.  This would be a nice thing to do after playing out in the snow.
  • EUROQUIZ team – The quiz that was due to take place today has been postponed until Tuesday 28th March.  This gives you extra time to study!  Have a look at the websites Mrs Smith emailed on recently.
  • Children’s Parliament Investigators – I will email you with some things you will need to think about before our online call tomorrow morning.

Have fun if you are playing out in the snow today.  Be careful when sledging and walking on slippery surfaces.  Hopefully we’ll see you all again tomorrow!

Mrs Henderson

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Three cheers for SMUHA

What a really special day we’ve had!  An excellent procession and galley burning this morning and a noisy Jarl Squad visit in the afternoon.  It’s just a shame that the later celebrations have had to be postponed.  Here are some photos from today … including Mascot Max!  He’ll be returning to the Children’s Parliament with some amazing stories to tell!

Max with our galley
Lining up to welcome our Jarl Squad.
A* for costume effort!
Max’s first torch procession!
Watching the galley burn.

Max’s first SMUHA!
It was great to see this P4 Viking and his Dad!
A shield design from 2020!
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Preparing for SMUHA! 🤞

The two snow closure days have stopped us doing some of our planned activities for our Viking themed SMUHA week.  However, we managed to prepare torches and helmets on Monday and got our photo taken with our school galley today, before we burn it tomorrow.  🤞

There was a production line going for torch making!
The Draatsis with the galley that’s been waiting to be burned since 2020!
And a silly one!

Just in time for SMUHA, the Children’s Parliament mascot, Max, arrived in the post!  We have to show him around our school and community so it’s perfect timing to bring him along tomorrow!

Our Investigators with Max in the snow!
Alec made him his own helmet for tomorrow!

In the afternoon, we made Viking heads using clay.  The class practised on Monday using plasticine and explored how to add to the base to make it look 3D and used the different clay tools to add texture and detail.  This really helped them create Vikings with lots of character!

All engrossed and busy! 😌
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Wednesday 8th March

Following further snowfall overnight, which has results in difficult road conditions, we have another day at home    It’s a great chance to get outside, in the fresh air and enjoy playing in the snow!

Here are some things we would like to try today: 

  • Practise the Up Helly Aa song in preparation for Friday  The following link will remind you of the tune and lyrics.  You only need the lyrics for the first minute  Up Helly Aa – The Up Helly Aa Song (with lyrics) – YouTube
  • Sumdog Maths Challenge 
  • Make your own comic strip about being home on a snow day.
  • Take time to snuggle up and read a book.
  • EUROQUIZ TEAM – Please try to use this time to study for your quiz, which is Tuesday 14th in Lerwick.  You could find out about the European Union and who that involves.  Also, use your little blue Europe books to study the culture,/traditions and food from each country,.  Ask a family member to quiz you on some facts.


I’m sure you will have lots of fun playing in the snow today.  Maybe you could…

  • Build a snow sculpture.  It doesn’t have to be a snowman!  Can you take a photo to share with us?
  • Go sledging – be safe!
  • Write words in the snow with a stick.  Can you think of words to describe the weather?
  • How deep is the snow at your house?  Take a ruler and put it in the snow to measure the depth.

Whatever you do, have fun and be safe!

If schools are open tomorrow, Mrs Smith will be there to help you all get ready for SMUHA.  “From grand old Viking centuries…”


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World Book Day

Today we celebrated World Book Day in a number of ways.  Last week, we talked about the importance of listening to books, especially from a young age.  We talked about books that would appeal to younger children and how the reader has an important part to play in the enjoyment of a story.  With this in mind, each child chose a book that they would like read to a pupil in the ELC department or P1/2.  They rehearsed reading it and thought about stopping to ask questions or point out details in the illustrations.

Our class really enjoyed it and were super role models!  When the books were done, it was great to see the younger pupils rushing to get their books to read back!  We even had a little time to watch them paint.

Back in our class we played a World Book Day game where they were shown a cover, title and blurb.  Each team then had to create a believable opening sentence, thinking about recent class work done on different openers.  When all were written, we read them all out, including the real sentence.  Each group got 2 points if they correctly guessed the right sentence and a bonus 5 points if their sentence was chosen instead of the actual one!

Here are the made up sentences for the book ‘Jelly’ by Jo Cotterill.  Can you tell which is the right one?

  1.  Angelica, nicknamed Jelly, was the comedy queen of the classroom!
  2.  “Do it now, Jelly! Please!
  3. Angelica, also known as Jelly, was the class clown.
  4. ”Angelica, stop that noise,” said Mrs Brown.
  5. Angelica was shocked that her Mum had a new boyfriend and was going on a date!

At the end of the day, we shared some of our favourite books.

I really like the Wimpy Kid series. I like all the characters. Each story is new but the books link up a bit.
I really like The Call of the Wild and I have watched the movie. The book has lots of twists and turns in it!
This book is split into stories about each pet. So far, my favourite is Picasso the Horse because Molly gets rich when she finds out the horse can paint!
I like this book about animals. My Mum reads it to me. I like learning about animals like the poisonous dart frog.
We had some dressing up characters today too! We had a ballerina and Baby Yoda. 🙂
I like the Rainbow Grey series. They are good to read.
I like horses and ponies so this is the book for me!
I like this really funny book! It has good descriptions. Tom Gates writes little stories and puts them in the book.
This is about a cat that can turn spells on dogs. The spells can make them invisible and talk! Anyone who likes cats and magic would like this book.

Keep reading Draatsis!
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