Health and Wellbeing

Today in our Health and wellbeing we started to discuss the changes we and our body make in preparation for parenthood.

There was a lot of discussion around the different types of relationship we will face throughout our life. Sharing thoughts for how these relationships can sometimes be good and sometimes not, yet it is how we face these that will help to mould the person we become in the future.

The class split into groups and discussed the important decisions that we must make before (in adulthood) a couple decides to have a baby. This was a great exercise that proved to be much trickier for some than they expected as there was no right or wrong answer.

We had some good discussions over what was perceived to be right and not in the types of relationships and environments in which we could raise a family. It was lovely to hear that the pupils had a very open mind to all of the questions asked and their main concern was that a family was loved and cared for as this was the ideal environment for a family to flourish.

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