We had been reading Stick Man and went out to find some sticks of our own. Then we made Stick Man pictures. Take a look.
We had been reading Stick Man and went out to find some sticks of our own. Then we made Stick Man pictures. Take a look.
Mrs Wishart was in class one day, she took us out into the forest in the afternoon to do some exploring. We had great fun!
We had a week where we read about The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson. We read The Gruffalo’s Child too. We also heard them in Shetland Dialect. That was very interesting as there were some words we had never heard before!
After that we went out foraging for ingredients to make some Gruffalo recipes. Here are photos of us doing that. We had great fun and used great language and role play used in our cooking and searching.
We’ve used our imagination in many ways. We’ve been explorers looking for treasure, finding long lost animals and even hiding from robbers.
Exploring hasn’t been everyone’s cup of tea so there have been some inventive cooking classes and meals made during our time outside. From grilling sausages and pasta……
to making soup and other glorious recipes…….
with all ingredients foraged from the forest!
Then cooking hasn’t been for everyone either. Being in the south mainland and having many farming opportunities, the hairst has been a very busy time!
Tractor and combine harvester designs were discussed before the final model chosen and made. Crops were harvested and taken in and the staff were given many lessons on what to do and how to help with this busy time.
Next, the sheep have to be ca’ad…..
We went on a bear hunt and had lots of fun! Before we went outside, we did the actions to go along with the story. We also learned about different bears. There were bears EVERYWHERE!
The bears were in the forest, in the tyres, hiding behind the fence, next to the drainpipes, some were even in the pond area! We worked together to find as many bears as we could.
It was very tiring looking for all the bears and we still haven’t found them all! When we go into the forest, sometimes there are still bears there. We hear them roaring at us and have to hide. We found a den while we were looking.
Some of us decided that maybe bears could live in a cave built of bricks or wood and decided to build some bear caves. We had great fun and learned lots.
We got to explore and settle into our new class and school area. That was very important since we had been away from school for a little while. Here are some photos to show us having fun and doing exactly as the title says.
This week we have been focusing on Easter. Mrs Henderson introduced the Easter story earlier in the week and the children sequenced the story to retell it. They made Easter cards and had the opportunity to choose Easter Tasks during their free time. Today we spoke about Good Friday and Easter Sunday and how some of the things we do at Easter time are linked to the story. We were lucky enough to be visited by the Easter Bunny today and were left clues to find our hidden baskets! We also did a spot of egg rolling to end our day! 🙂
We had our second transition day yesterday with the boys and girls from the Early Years. After sharing what we were looking forward to doing next year we spent time getting to know each other in the various play areas in the classroom. After play time we ventured outdoors to our “forest” where we played some movement games and worked with a friend to find different coloured things in and around the trees. The trees continue to grow well, creating a super space for us to play and learn.
P1/2 have worked hard on the last day of term sequencing the main parts of the Easter story and noting down important words that would help them retell it later. In the afternoon, they deserved a run around the garden area having an Easter egg hunt. Happy Easter everyone! See you all on the 18th April.