Transition Day -Round 2!

We had our second transition day yesterday with the boys and girls from the Early Years. After sharing what we were looking forward to doing next year we spent time getting to know each other in the various play areas in the classroom. After play time we ventured outdoors to our “forest” where we played some movement games and worked with a friend to find different coloured things in and around the trees. The trees continue to grow well, creating a super space for us to play and learn.

The Titanic

We love hearing about your projects from home.  Arthur is very keen on learning about the Titanic and knows lots of facts already.  He brought in this superb model ship to show the class and shared what he knew about the vessel and how it sank.

P2 Dictionary Work

Well done to the P2 pupils who have been working hard on their alphabetical order and have been using dictionaries to help them find letters and words.  They have been keen and motivated workers!