Tag Archives: Health and Wellbeing

Visit from a Fire Fighter

On Wednesday 28th November, Kirsty’s Dad came to visit our class to talk about his job as a retained fireman. He brought in lots of things to show us and we leanred about the importance of his job in our local community. P1/2 asked him LOTS of questions and we all had fun trying on some of his firefighter gear! The oxygen tank was VERY heavy!

Thank you to everyone who sent in information about their job in the local community too, the children have discovered the wide range of services in our local area and the importance of each one.

Visit from a Doctor

As part of our “Around our School” topic, we have been finding out about jobs in our local area and the types of services they provide. Thank you to everyone who has sent in information about the jobs they do, the children loved finding out about them all and could see how important every single person was in our community.

We were lucky enough to have Dr Anita Graham in to visit our class on Wednesday to share information about the type of work she does. The class all came up with questions prior to her visit and everyone loved getting to try out some of the equipment Dr Graham uses on a day to day basis. Afterwards we shared our thoughts on what we want to be when we are older…a Doctor was by far the most popular choice!

Worries and Wonders

As part of Health and Wellbeing, we have introduced our “Worries and Wonders” bag.  This can be used by the children to send myself and Mrs Henderson notes to tell us about their achievements and things they are proud of.  These are then shared with the class and celebrated!  The bag can also be used to tell us about any worries they may have. These will be spoken about privately and we’ll try to help with any problems.  The bag has already been used for both purposes, which is great!  Please feel free to encourage your child to use this at school.

We love being active!

P1/2 are really enjoying class PE and other opportunities to learn in active ways.  Please have a look at some of our class PE photos.  The children have really enjoyed using mats, benches, hoops and raised bars to practise balancing and jumping and using different movements to travel over, under and around.  Today we used the book “Dear Zoo” to help us think about using our bodies in different ways, just like the animals in the story!  P1 have also been jumping during language and literacy time to show how many words are in a spoken sentence.

Our first week…

That’s the first three days done!  It’s lovely to be back and getting to know each other.  Primary 1 are settling in very well and, as always, they are being helped by the P2 pupils who are delighted to be showing them how it’s done! Here are a few photos from some of our activities today.

Transition Day -Round 2!

We had our second transition day yesterday with the boys and girls from the Early Years. After sharing what we were looking forward to doing next year we spent time getting to know each other in the various play areas in the classroom. After play time we ventured outdoors to our “forest” where we played some movement games and worked with a friend to find different coloured things in and around the trees. The trees continue to grow well, creating a super space for us to play and learn.

P1/2 Assembly

Well done P1/2!  You did such an amazing job preparing for your assembly at school and home.  Thank you to everyone who supported you learning your parts!  Everybody said what big loud voices you used on the day so that everyone could hear what we’ve been learning about.  Thank you to those who came to watch …we hope you enjoyed it.

Boddam Beach Clean – Voar Redd Up

What a beautiful afternoon for our beach clean!  It was a big task again this year and today, we just concentrated on picking up as much plastic as we could find.  P1/2 worked hard and did a super job!  Thank you to the parents who joined in too.  Many hands make light work!