Tag Archives: Health and Wellbeing

Scholland Farm Soup


We made soup using the vegetables from Scholland Farm.  First we washed the vegetables ready for peeling.

Then we carefully peeled the carrots and parsnip. We peeled away from us to help keep our hands safe from harm and we did it carefully.

We added the onion to our pan. Mrs Inkster chopped that for us and it made her eyes water!

Then we chopped some carrots and parsnip.

Some of us watched while others prepared the vegetables.

Then we chopped and added some neep .

Next it was the broccoli and cauliflower.

Then we put the soup on to cook.  We decided to have vegetable soup and lentil soup using the vegetables too.

While it was cooking we were being good listeners and following instructions for our activity.

We had a break and tried some raw carrot and raw neep.  Some of us had never tasted raw neep before and it was delicious!

Once the soup was cooked we tried the lentil soup first.  We thought that was delicious.

Then we tried the vegetable soup. Some of us didn’t like it but some of us like it so much we had another bowl!

It’s been a busy morning in our class but we really enjoyed using the vegetables that we got from the farm and we all agree that it tastes great when we know and have seen where the produce comes from.

Farm visit

We have had a fantastic trip to Scholland Farm today.  Mrs Leslie was showing us around. Jamie was busy doing what farmers do at this hectic time of year.  We were lucky to catch him for a little while and he came to tell us about some things before heading back to continue with some bailing.  Here are some photos.

Jamie is baling straw so Mrs Leslie is telling us all about the barley and combining and then the straw being put into big bales to be used for animal bedding.

Then we went to see the cows.  There were lots of them along with their calves.  They were being moved so we’re running and kicking their heels with delight!

We stood back and watched. It was funny!

Then we got to see some of the farm machinery. Some of us knew what it was and some us learned what these were called and what it was used for.

After that we went for a short walk along a track to see Jet caa the sheep.  Jet was lovely and did everything she was told.  We asked how she knew what to do and Jamie told us what commands he used to get her to do what he wanted.  She’s very clever!

Next it was the vegetable patch and we were very lucky to see lots of different types of vegetables.  We even got some to take back to school and will use them this week.

Finally we passed the smelly slurry spreader and went to see the caddy lambs, hens and one of the horses.

We had a great time and even managed to see a few planes and helicopters take off and land. What a fantastic day we’ve had.

P1/2’s Top Tips for New Entrants!

This week we have been thinking about how we can support the new P1 pupils as they get ready for school.  The class thought back to when they started their school journey and we talked about all the things the new entrants may be unsure of or worried about.  We drew and wrote down some pieces of advice for them and our work will be made into a book for them to look through before the holidays.  We hope it helps them feel confident about starting school!  Here are some of our suggestions.