What a super first week of sign language! We have talked about what sign language is, why it is needed and why it’s an important life skill to have. The pupils have learned various greetings and have been studying the finger spelling alphabet. They also learned how to ask, “What is your name?” and how to answer. They learned lots of colour signs and played Bingo using these signs. They concentrated SO hard for the full session.
Watch Iona and Callum in action below.
Lorelei and Christina signed really well together!
We’ve made it to the last day of term and what a busy term it’s been! Over the last few weeks, the class have been making lovely cards, decorations and calendars to take home and have been listening to The First Christmas Story so that they know why we celebrate Christmas. They worked so hard on their part in the Christmas production – we have some very keen singers!! Well done to all of P1/2! All that is left to say is that Mrs Henderson and I wish you all a very merry Christmas and best wishes for 2017!
Our Santa beard is filling up! It must be getting closer to Christmas! Georgia stuck on her circle this morning on the 15th. We are also adding to the food bank each day. Thank you for donations!
As part of our topic on Friendship and with it being the season of goodwill to all, we have decided to become a “Bucket Filling” class. This works on the idea that we all carry around an invisible bucket and by being a good friend and showing kindness towards others, we can fill their bucket and also our own. Then we all feel good! We have been introduced to a story (see link below) and have decorated our own buckets so that we can start to fill them when we give compliments and do good deeds. Bucket filling can also be brought into the wider school and home so we hope you will feel the benefits there too! Happy bucket filling!
One of our P2 pupils has had an exciting morning today! Roma was a runner up in the “Name A Gritter Competition” and has been to Tingwall Primary School to collect her prize. Her winning entry “Snow Blaster” won her a sledge, winter hat and a goody bag. Well done Roma!!
This week, P1 have been preparing for Remembrance Day by painting poppy pictures, talking about how and why it is commemorated and taking part in a one minute silence.
Here is the video clip we watched together. In quite simple terms, it explains what Remembrance Day is and how it came about. It also tells the story of how the poppy became a familiar emblem of Remembrance Day. We thought you might like to share watching it with your child.
What a quick term!! It’s been super to get to know all the new P1 pupils and to welcome back the P2’s who have been so good at helping to settle in our newcomers! Have a restful and fun filled holiday, hopefully with weather like today!! See you all on the 26th October.
On Thursday 6th October we celebrated National Poetry Day by reading poems throughout the day. We listened to a funny poem called “Sick” about a girl who wanted to stay home from school and we listened to Mrs Smith’s favourite poem from her childhood called “Rice Pudding.” We also enjoyed watching “The Jumblies” and “The Owl and the Pussy Cat” on the whiteboard. Then we tried writing our own senses poem. Everyone produced a super piece of writing. Here are just a few. The rest can be seen displayed outside P1/2. To round it all off, Christina brought in her poetry book from home and shared her favourite verses with us the next day. We really enjoyed our day!
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