All posts by Mrs Inkster

Ready to Rock and Roll

We are all set to welcome Primary 1/2 ready for a new school year.  Here are some photos of our breakout space ready for the soft start.  I look forward to hearing all about the summer.

These areas will change frequently as we go with the children and their learning, topics and interests.  Keep your eyes on the blog for updates.

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Friendship – health and wellbeing

We have been learning about relationships, in particular looking at friendships.

We had to sort pictures to find friends.  Then we spoke about how friends can fall out.  Most importantly, we learned how friends can help each other and make things better to stop them from falling out.

It was a really interesting discussion and now we are trying to make sure that we don’t fall out with our friends.  If we do, we know what we can do to make up and be friends again.

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Learning through play

Some of us have been wanting to work with letters and the alphabet so decided to make up the alphabet puzzle.  We didn’t want our photo taken though!  Katie, Nora and Lottie Mae all helped to make the jigsaw.

Others wanted to make their jigsaw a little trickier so decided to do it upside down so that they couldn’t see the picture.  They worked together to make sure the piece all fit together correctly.  Archie, Nora and Lauren all worked together as a team!

Others decided to make lovely patterns using the mosaics.  It must have a been a camera shy day as they too didn’t want their picture taken.  Maximus made these lovely patterns.

This also inspired Nora to make her own pattern.

Ollie decided he wanted to build a tower using the lego.

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Visit from the school nurse

We had a visit from the school nurse.  She came to speak to us about staying healthy and looking after ourselves.

She measured us to see how we were doing too.  It was great to have a visitor in class!  Zoe even read us a story about bucket filling and making sure we are kind.  Then she had us doing some activities too.

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There has been inspiration for lots of different things this week.  Lottie Mae has designed and made her own olden days school and classroom using the blocks.

Ewan has been making pizza after having a delicious school dinner.

Ollie designed his very own boat with lots of different things that move on it.

Using our imaginations, we have made fantastic things and have been inspired by many different situations.  We shall post up more as we see/do them, keep an eye out for updates!

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