Tag Archives: Health and Wellbeing

Sports Day

Today pupils took part in our annual  Sports Day.

All pupils were allocated to a house  – Thorfinn, Olaf or Magnus and they took part in a number of events to earn points for their team.

Pupils in P4-7 took part in 8 different events and  finished with a relay.

P1-3 had 7 different events.

It was lovely seeing so many parents and family members come along to support the children.


Primary Netball League

Huge well done to the Tirricks netball team for getting in to the finals of the Primary Netball League.  They competed today against Dunrossness and then Scalloway to end in third place.

The league has been running over the winter with an impressive 16 teams taking part.

The netball players all showed great commitment, teamwork and sportsmanship.  Big thanks to Active Schools staff, the school coaches  – Leah Henry, Louise Birnie and Anne Wood and to all the parents/careers who kindly transported the players to locations throughout Shetland and who supported them during their games.


Safety Outside School Campaign

The Shetland Islands Council and Police Scotland are running a Shetland wide campaign this week to promote safety outside of schools.  As part of their campaign they have spoken to P4-7 pupils at assembly, handed out leaflets to families and erected banners outside of schools.

A number of schools have also had small characters outside encouraging parents/carers not to park on yellow or zig zag lines.

We are really grateful to all parents/carers for supporting this campaign and parking safely around the school. The photograph below was taken at 3pm on Monday 5 March.  The Crossing Patrol Attendant and pupils couldn’t believe the difference this made to their safety as they crossed the road.  They could easily see any vehicles coming.

Busy Week in P7S

P7S had an extremely busy week last week! We went to the street to see this year’s Guizer Jarl, Stewart Jamieson and his squad on Tuesday for Up Helly Aa day and were lucky to get a visit from them in the afternoon. We had a visit from Jill Charleson on Thursday who works for the NHS. She was speaking to us about making healthy choices. She showed us some artificial lungs and what they would look like for a non-smoker/someone who smokes up to 20 cigarettes a day – the pupils in P7S were shocked to see the lungs that had been exposed to so much smoke. On Friday we finished up with our hop at Sound school which we all really enjoyed – it was good to spend time with the P7 pupils from Sound and also great to see some of the Jarl Squad again! On Friday we also said our goodbyes to Miss Clubb, who has been with us for a month as part of her teaching practice.