Tag Archives: Drama

Baldy Bane Theatre Company Performance

Primary six and seven enjoyed a performance called ‘The Journey’  by the Baldy Bane Theatre company this morning.  The performance was ‘forum theatre’ which meant that the pupils were able to particiapte throughout the play and were invited to make certain decisions to determine the outcome of the scenes.  The key messages of the play were all about road safety.  The pupils shared a lot of great knowledge to ensure a safe outcome for all of the characters in the play.

One from the Sea, Three from the Land

This term pupils in P4n and P4s  have been learning all about Fishing. They have been lucky enough to tour a pelagic fishing boat the ‘Antarctic ll’ and had a visit from Frankie’s Fish and Chip shop to help them understand the journey of fish from the sea to their plate and making them aware of the richness around our island.

With excellent support from Izzy Swanson the pupils brought their topic to life with a special play, which they performed to their parents/carers last week.

‘One from the Sea, Three from the Land’ was written especially for the class by Izzy Swanson and brings together stories of old folklore and dialect singing.

One from the Sea, Three from the Land


P3s Assembly – Light and Dark

P3s entertained pupils in P1-3 today with their assembly on Light and Dark.  They did an amazing job of sharing their learning with others.  Their super audience were able to recognise many of the school values in their performance.  Stating that they were like ‘Le

o the Learning Lion’, ‘Resilient Super Rabbit’, ‘Enjoyment George the Penguin’, ‘Kate the Confident Unicorn’ and ‘Robbie the Respectful Owl’.

We hope you agree…………….

Victorian Day

This term Primary 6 have been learning all about Victorians, and we recently held our annual “Victorian Day”, where children are given the experience of what life was like for pupils during Queen Victoria’s reign.  The pupils and staff were dressed appropriately and everyone contributed to a memorable day!  We would like to express our huge thanks to Miss Swanson, who provided costumes for the day and visited both classes for a lesson in the afternoon.

(We’ve made the photos look old-fashioned to be more authentic!)

P2 – There’s a sunflower in my supper

Pupils in P2 entertained parents/carers and family members this afternoon with their performance of ‘There’s a sunflower in my supper’.

Their colourful, well rehearsed, fun and engaging performance was enjoyed by all.  Through it they evidenced how hard they had worked, the knowledge they had gained and their many skills and abilities. They were certainly successful learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens.  They should all be really proud of themselves.

P7s assembly

On Friday the P7s class entertained pupils from P4-7 with their climate change assembly.

This was presented in a fun and interesting way with the pupils deciding themselves how to present key  information.

They shared interesting facts in the form of a ‘Who wants to be a millionaire’ quiz and made suggestions for how the audience can make a difference.

All of the spoke with confidence and in nice clear voices.

The dancing at the end was not to be missed 🙂