It was great to welcome P5 back this week, and everyone was chatting enthusiastically about the holidays.
We have started lots of new learning:
Maths – fractions of shapes. We are also continuing to link multiplication and division and see how they link to fractions.
Writing – poetry. We are collecting words! Firstly we used thesauri to find words for the verb ‘moving’. We are also looking at Scots words as we read and write Scots poems.
Scots – we have two poems to learn – Oor Wullie and To a Mouse. We have read Oor Wullie and split into 4 groups to learn a verse each as a group. We can also learn the whole poem to recite if we want to.
Rocks and Minerals – our topic is about rocks, the surface of the Earth and natural disasters. We have learned that there are many minerals and that there are three types of rock defined by the way they are formed. We are excited about becoming geologists and collecting our own rocks to study!
Health and Wellbeing – we are learning about emotions and how they can be categorized in zones. We talked about ways to get ourselves out of some zones so that we are in the best place to learn.