Here are the spelling words this week. The pattern is different ways of making the short o sound.
In art we drew a patchwork patterned cat. We worked on fine detail to add a variety of patterns. Can you spot the ‘Elmer’ cat?!
We wrote a description of a person this week, focussing on organising our ideas into paragraphs. The subject was Mrs May, the teacher from the ORT stories.
In health and well-being we learned about the dangers of smoking. We were in groups and had an aspect to present to the class. The main messages were
- Most people don’t smoke
- smoking is bad for you for lots of reasons
- It is illegal to smoke in many places
- smoking related diseases kill
- there are supports to help people stop smoking
We learned that we have a partner school in Nepal and we are going to ask them questions about their school, tell them about our school and share what we do as a school to help the climate. We are learning about COP26 that is happening in November and are keen to share our own ideas about the environment.