Great start to p4!

I like that the teachers have been really protective. Elizabeth

I’ve really enjoyed SRA because it challenges you to remember what you have read. Sadie

I’ve really liked seeing my friends again. Caitlin

It was my best first day ever because I got to see my friends again. Jaime

I like reading George’s Marvellous medicine because it’s fun. Laura

I like that PE is longer now. Bebe

I liked getting back to music because we are getting to learn new things. Rory K

It has been kind of hard getting used to the new rules but we are getting there. Ella

I really enjoyed seeing my friends in the class. Allan

I like how the tables are set out in an L shape. Thomas

I like PE because it’s outside all the time. Jacob

I liked doing the stormy day pictures – especially splattering paint! Charlotte

I like having 2 breaks instead of 1. Ronan

I like SRA because it’s really fun. Holly

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