Writing Recounts of our experiences

Here is our recount of the games we played on Monday morning. We are learning to write a recount of our experiences or events. We need to remember that a recount has a title, the orientation, the sequence of events and a personal comment.

What special words did we use in our sequence of events to put it in order? Will, our P7 helper last week, told us we could call it chronological order!!

What do we tell our readers in the orientation?

Team Work

On Monday 4th November we played games in the P3 classroom.

First we shared a chair with a partner. Some pairs shared their chairs in amazing ways. Next we did the tangle activity in groups of six. It was quite hard but it felt good when we managed to do it. We sometimes had to step over joined hands or twirl to get untangled. After that we played Eek Zoom in a big circle. Finally we wrote a recount about our experiences.

Everything was fun. Mrs. Thomson was really pleased with how well we worked together.



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