P3 are becoming bloggers

Well done P3! Well done the pupils who have already logged in at home and left a comment on our Blog.

We have been logging onto Glow with our long usernames

gw17surnamefirstname  (Some pupils are gw15, some have their middle name or a number) Our usernames are on the front of our reading records.

To access the Blog from home visit our website; Kingsland Primary School. Find the tab along the top – class blogs then Primary 3

When you make a comment you need an email address. P3 pupils email address will be there glow username then @glow.sch.uk

e.g. gw17millerstruan@glow.sch.uk

I look forward to reading your comments P3

Mrs. Thomson

12 thoughts on “P3 are becoming bloggers”

    1. Thanks Thomas. I shall tell Mrs. Fletcher to read your comment. She will be delighted. I loved seeing the sequences you were all doing today.

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