Schools Summer Meals Funding

Anyone wishing to access the school meals funding, which has been extended throughout the summer holidays should go to

Applications can be made there.

Please note that the Farmfoods cards will NOT be automatically topped up throughout the summer.

For further information re support accessing food or contact details for energy providers, please see ‘Supporting Wellbeing at Lourdes’ document on the school app.

Bereavement Support for Parents

We now have a dedicated section on our website for Parents/Carers to support their child if they suffer a bereavement. Go to Parents tab then Bereavement Support.

We have also added an additional two documents to help you as you support your child.

we are always here for you, all of you – love, teach, care

Support for S5 Pupils

Parents or Carers of new S5 pupils who wish to be involved in the planning of bereavement support for S5 are invited to join us on Thursday 18th June at 10am in the school concert hall.

Our purpose will be to identify how best to support our S5 group over the summer holidays and in the longer term.  If you would like to contribute please come along and share in the planning and discussion. We will be advised by volunteers from the Samaritans Step by Step team as well as workers from Action for Children and the Police. Our school counsellors will also be on hand to offer guidance.

Due to social distancing requirements could you please email if you would like to attend.