Category Archives: Parents


4.00 pm, Wednesday, 6th November 2013

Any pupil in S4-S6 who is interested in pursuing a career in Engineering and would like to attend a prestigious lecture by renowned Professor of Engineering, Ed McCann should speak to Mr Urquhart in Pastoral Care at interval or lunchtime today. Attendance at this event will be advantageous to those applying to University degree courses in Engineering this year or in the future.

Mr Urquhart

Scottish SPCA – Cardonald Dog, Cat and small animal Centre Appeal

The Cardonald Dog and Cat home is appealing for donations of new or old clean blankets, towels and sheets to be used for the animals in their care for the approaching cold winter weather.

Please note, duvets or pillows cannot be used as the insides may be harmful to the animals if swallowed.

Also donations of tins/cartons of dog or cat food will also be very much appreciated.

This appeal will be running in the school for the few weeks and we will look to deposit any donations near the end of November.

If you have any donations, please bring them to Miss McSween at the P.E Dept.

Thank you.

Senior Awards Ceremony

Our Senior Awards Ceremony last night was a wonderful occasion of celebration and recognition of the achievements of our young people. Parents and pupils filled the hall and there was a lovely atmosphere of excitement and delight at the success of sons, daughters, students. Once again our musical talent performed to the highest standard, from soul band classics to moving extracts from Les Miserable. Our pupils and former pupils received their awards with a real sense of satisfaction at the level of their accomplishments and humility at being so recognised by their school. Presentations from pupils on experiences such as volunteering in Lourdes with the St. Margaret Scotland Youth Group, participating in the Transplant Games and developing confidence through involvement with Career Academy were both moving and inspirational.

As keynote speaker Father John had the opportunity to once again provide inspiration to parents and staff, as well as to the senior students in Lourdes. In addition it was a fitting occasion for him to say a final farewell to the community he has served so well and has loved so much these last eight years. Our invited guests indicated that they had really enjoyed the ceremony and were very impressed by our young people.

The success of the event was in no small way due to the meticulous and thoughtful levels of preparation and presentation.

Thanks to the many Principal Teachers / Faculty Heads and staff who came along to participate in such a wonderful celebration of the successes of our young people. It is very much appreciated by parents and pupils to see staff joining in this celebration

I would like to thank all the staff who worked so hard throughout the year to support young people in their learning so that they were able to achieve such high levels of success.

Mrs Lennon

Preparing for School

As the time ticks by on another Summer Holiday please remember that the Lourdes Secondary uniform is as follows:

School Blazer

Skirts and Trousers: Black without any other coloured inserts or slogans on them. (no leggings or jeans)

Blouses and Shirts: White. All should have a collar and should not have any colour inserts.

School Ties: The School Tie should be worn at all times. Ties are available to purchase from the School Office. Junior – £4.00, Senior £5.00

Parentzone Website

Parentzone –Tell us what you think about the Parentzone website.

Parentzone is a website dedicated to providing you as a parent or carer, with the most up to date information about your child’s education.

It provides practical advice and ideas of how you can be involved in your child’s learning as well as essential information on features of Curriculum for Excellence.

If you are a parent of a child aged 3 – 18 we would be grateful if you would complete our short survey to help us ensure that Parentzone reflects the needs of all parents and carers.

The survey should take about 5 – 10 minutes to complete and all responses are confidential.

The survey will close on 30 August 2013

Activities Day Information S1-3

Can pupils now make contact with the Activity Leader for their allocated activity. Activities taking place out of school will have additional paperwork to complete (permission form). All Activity Leaders were detailed in the information booklet distributed prior to the May holiday.

5 a side footballers: You DO NOT have to contact a staff member as the Sports Leaders will be taking charge of this activity. You should organise your teams for the competition. All 5 a side teams should report to the PE Dept on Monday 24th June after registration.

If you are not on a list and would like to be please contact Mrs Cullen in Home Economics. Any changes to Activities must be completed via Mrs Cullen and the specific Activity Leader.

BBC Schools News Report

Please make sure you have a look at the fantastic articles produced by our reporting team today – click here to access the site or click on the right side of this page.  Some excellent entries from Scotlands Independence, Scottish Hydros development, Bullying and Weather to name a few. 

Pupils turned one of the rooms in the school into a reporting room for this National event.  Some budding journalists, camera crew and editors in the making – Well done to all involved.

Burns Celebration

Many thanks to English, Art and Music Departments who provided such beautiful evocations of the work of Robert Burns.

Our pupils art work, singing, piping, recitation and all round creativity was quite outstanding; the front foyer has never looked so resplendent. 

Congratulations to all involved.