Category Archives: Pupils

Preparing for School

As the time ticks by on another Summer Holiday please remember that the Lourdes Secondary uniform is as follows:

School Blazer

Skirts and Trousers: Black without any other coloured inserts or slogans on them. (no leggings or jeans)

Blouses and Shirts: White. All should have a collar and should not have any colour inserts.

School Ties: The School Tie should be worn at all times. Ties are available to purchase from the School Office. Junior – £4.00, Senior £5.00

Activities Day 2013

Today Lourdes Secondary pupils took part in a wonderful range of activities in and out of the school. 

Street Photography, visit to Edinburgh Zoo, Rock Climbing, Basketball, DJ Workshop, Bowling & Cinema are only a few of the activities which took place. 

Click here to see some photos of additional opportunities which took place in the school.

A great day for all pupils and staff.

Activities Day Information S1-3

Can pupils now make contact with the Activity Leader for their allocated activity. Activities taking place out of school will have additional paperwork to complete (permission form). All Activity Leaders were detailed in the information booklet distributed prior to the May holiday.

5 a side footballers: You DO NOT have to contact a staff member as the Sports Leaders will be taking charge of this activity. You should organise your teams for the competition. All 5 a side teams should report to the PE Dept on Monday 24th June after registration.

If you are not on a list and would like to be please contact Mrs Cullen in Home Economics. Any changes to Activities must be completed via Mrs Cullen and the specific Activity Leader.


During Fairtrade Fortnight, we received the good news that after submitting evidence of our various Citizenship themed activities, Lourdes Secondary had successfully renewed our Fairtrade School status!

Once again, a number of events took place in Lourdes Secondary during Fairtrade Fortnight 2013:

The Fairtrade Tuck Shop reappeared during several lunchtimes, selling a range of chocolate and fruit juice. With the help of members of the Eco School Committee and the Justice & Peace Group, almost £215 was raised to help support the producers and their families in Developing Countries; thanks to – Francesca Woulfe, Christie Jordan, Alannah Pollock and Mehrunisa Khan of S5, Sybaris Ali and Andrew Quinn  of S6 for their help.

The Fairtrade Big Brew saw over 50 staff enjoy a tea and coffee morning on Friday 8th of March where there were also Fairtrade biscuits and a raffle of Fairtrade products. As a result of this event, a cheque for £100 was sent to SCIAF.

Arctic Star Command and Bomber Command clasp – message from Ian Davidson MP

Veterans of the Arctic Convoys are to be awarded an Arctic Star Medal and the aircrews of Bomber Command are to be awarded a Bomber Command Clasp to be worn on the previously issued 1939-1945 Star.

Arctic Convoy veterans risked their lives helping to supply our allies in the Soviet Union between 1939 and 1945. Likewise, the men of Bomber Command were at the centre of Britain’s fight back during some of the darkest days of the war, when we stood alone. Medallic recognition of their service to the country had previously been overlooked and I have been pushing for this recognition for a long time.

Unlike the Veteran’s Lapel Badges previously issued to local veterans, these are particular service medals which are being retrospectively issued, and as such are available to next of kin, in cases where the recipient has passed away.

If there are any Arctic Convoy and Bomber command veterans – or there relatives- who wish to recieve the recognition they deserve, please contact me at or collect a form from the Lourdes Secondary School office.

Yours sincerely

Ian Davidson MP

Attention summer leavers: Engineering Apprenticeships

Scottish Water is recruiting Electrical & Mechanical Engineering apprentices.

Requirements: minimum of 5 SGs (to include English, Maths & a science).

Closing date: 26th April 2013

Further info:

If you require support with your application, see Mrs Ross or your PC teacher to make an appointment with Ms Currie (ESO).

BBC Schools News Report

Please make sure you have a look at the fantastic articles produced by our reporting team today – click here to access the site or click on the right side of this page.  Some excellent entries from Scotlands Independence, Scottish Hydros development, Bullying and Weather to name a few. 

Pupils turned one of the rooms in the school into a reporting room for this National event.  Some budding journalists, camera crew and editors in the making – Well done to all involved.

National No Smoking Day

Each year the No Smoking Campaign helps hundreds of thousands of smokers to quit smoking and begin a new healthier lifestyle. This year is the campaign’s thirtieth anniversary, and we are invited to join No Smoking Day with the 2013 theme: ‘Swap fags for swag’.

Why swag? Because focus groups told the campaign organisers that the cost of smoking is one of the main drivers for quitting. Health and family are also high on the list, but the cost is what gives people the final push.

This year’s campaign is all about what smokers will gain when they quit – as well as improved health, their wallets will also get heavier, and they can spend the extra cash on whatever they like – whether it’s a fun day out for all the family, or a holiday in that place they’ve always wanted to go.

We think this year’s theme is one you can really get creative with!

More information is available from the Campaign’s website: