Category Archives: information

Residential booking to Lockerbie Manor

A provisional booking has been made to take S1 and S2 pupils to Lockerbie Manor on a multi-activity residential trip from Monday 22nd Feb 2016 – Friday 26th Feb 2016.

The week will comprise of a full programme of on-site activities such as climbing wall and abseil tower, obstacle course and zip wire. We would like to invite you to an information evening where Graeme Henry, School Journey Advisor of Manor Adventure, will be delivering detailed information of the experience your child can achieve at Lockerbie Manor.

We would be delighted if you could join us to find out more about this excellent opportunity for your child, where you can ask any questions you have regarding this experience. The information evening will take place on Monday 27th April at 630pm in Lourdes Secondary.

All S1 and S2 pupils will be issued with a letter with these details and a return slip to be completed and returned by Friday 1st May if interested in taking part in the residential.

SQA Exams – Study Leave

examExams begin in our school on Tuesday 28th April 2015
Arrangements for pupils are below:

  • From Monday 27th April until Friday 29th May, pupils with no or only one formal SQA exam, will have a programme of in-school activities that they must attend. This is to prepare them for their next step. (Details of activities to follow)
  • Pupils with 2 or more formal SQA exams will have Study Leave from Monday 27th April until Friday 29th May 2015. Pupils can study at home throughout this time if they wish.
  • Pupils can, if they prefer, attend school for all or some of every day during this period.
    Class teachers will be available until the day of each exam and pupils can go to subject classes as required for help and support until each exam takes place.
  • We will also provide supervised study throughout this time every period, every day for pupils who are in school to study.

Normal classes will resume for all (except pupils sitting Higher PE) on Monday 1st June 2015.

BBC Schools Report

Today the school have been taking part in Nationwide Reporting for the BBC. This has become an annual trend for Lourdes Secondary School. Have a look at our BBC Schools page which contain articles writen and filmed soley by pupils or follow us on twitter @LourdesSec

Internet Safety Month

Today marks the start of Internet Safety Month within Lourdes Secondary. Pupils will be exploring a number of areas throughout the month in their class tutors and assemblies. S2 pupils will be investigating areas such as social media, internet ethics, grooming and cyberbullying in their BECS (Business Education & Computing Science) class.

There will be two information evenings running in the school for parents in relation online protection. Thursday 12th February (S1-S3) and Tuesday 17th February (S4-S6). Both evenings will run from 6.30pm – 8.30pm. Should you require any further information about these evenings, please do not hesitate to contact Mr Kerr (Depute Head S1/S2) or Mrs McMullan (Head of BECS Faculty) on 0141 582 0180.

Keep an eye on our twitter feed @lourdessec for up-to-date hints and tips to protect your online identity.

Prelims Start Tomorrow

Reminder that Senior School Prelims start tomorrow within the school. Could all candidates please ensure that they are fully aware on when their exams start and where they are taking place.

If you are unsure of this please click here to find the most up-to-date timetable.


Please remember the following:

*  All pupils should attend school each day unless they have an examination. Pupils will be given permission to be absent from school for the full day of any examination.

*  On the days that pupils attend school they will follow their normal timetable and will have supervised study for their forthcoming Prelim Exams. Pupils are responsible for bringing relevant revision materials to school as required.

*  S4/S5/S6 pupils who do not have any Prelim Exams to prepare for will be given consolidation material during class time.

*  All learning and teaching will be suspended for S4/S5/S6 during the diet of Prelim Exams.

*  All homework tasks will be suspended for S4/S5/S6 during the diet of Prelim Exams.

Senior School Prelims


Senior School Prelims start on Friday 23 January until Friday 6 February 2015.

As part of the preparation for the external examination, all S4/S5/S6 pupils will experience a Prelim Exam in each of their National Qualifications for National 5/Higher/Advanced Higher courses and the timetable for this can be found at the right hand side of this page or by clicking here. Last Updated 20/01/15

Following the S4 Parents’ Information Evening, the majority of parents opted for a flexible model of Study Leave which is designed to include the following:

* All pupils should attend school each day unless they have an examination. Pupils will be given permission to be absent from school for the full day of any examination.
* On the days that pupils attend school they will follow their normal timetable and will have supervised study for their forthcoming Prelim Exams. Pupils are responsible for bringing relevant revision materials to school as required.
* S4/S5/S6 pupils who do not have any Prelim Exams to prepare for will be given consolidation material during class time.
* All learning and teaching will be suspended for S4/S5/S6 during the diet of Prelim Exams.
* All homework tasks will be suspended for S4/S5/S6 during the diet of Prelim Exams.

Should you wish any further information regarding S4/S5/S6 Prelim Examinations, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Devine at the school, 0141 582 0180.

Christmas Newsletter

We would like to take this opportinity to wish all of our pupils, parents and local community a happy and peaceful Christmas. School closes at 2.30pm on Friday 19th December 2014.

The Christmas newsletter can be found by clicking here.

School starts back on Monday 5th January 2015 at 8.50am.

Christmas Fair Update – 13th December 2014

Lourdes Christmas Fair
Saturday 13th Dec 10:30 – 1:30

Our top three prizes in the raffle are:

1. £50 voucher for Frankie and Bennys
2. £40 voucher for Bella Vita
3. Tour of Celtic Park *4 people

Many more prizes available in the raffle and tombola.

We look forward to seeing you all there