Category Archives: information

School Transport – Message from Glasgow City Council

Dear Parent/Carer,

We wrote to you recently to inform you that the council’s administration was planning on reinstating the original distance eligibility for families to claim free school transport for their children.

Yesterday, Thursday 8 October at the Executive Committee, elected members formally agreed to the criteria reverting back to 1.2 miles for primary pupils and 2.2 miles for secondary pupils.

Their decision has been taken following a cost of the school day project carried out across the city and to try to reduce some financial pressures on some families that could impact on a child’s access to learning.

This means that families of all children in P1 –P7 in primary schools and S1 – S6 pupils in secondary schools who live these distances and more  from their catchment schools will now be eligible for free transport to and from their school.

Council officers have been working with our colleagues in SPT to tender and secure travel and bus arrangements and it is anticipated that these will all be in place for pupils by Monday 2 November.

Council officers have also begun identifying the new P1 and S1 pupils who will now quality for free home school transport and will work with schools to contact these new families and help them register.

We will continue to keep pupils and their families updated with information on timescales and details of the new transport arrangements over the coming weeks.

Pupils Vs Staff Charity Football Match

Photos from the Charity Football Match are now available to view by clicking the photo below.  Huge Congratulations to all pupils and staff who took part and a special thank you to all pupils who supported the event in order to raise funds for Make a Wish Foundation. Final score 6-2.

Charity Football Match

September Newsletter

Sept NewsletterNow available to view is the Schools September Newsletter.  To access this please click on the link to the right-hand side of this page.

If you wish to see old newsletters, these can be found under Parents, Newsletters at the top of this page.

Welcome Letter from Head Teacher

August 2015

Dear Parent/Carer,

I would like to take this opportunity of welcoming your child back to school after the summer holidays. I would like to extend a particularly warm welcome to our new S1 pupils. I am confident that they will be happy, safe and flourish in their new environment.

At this early stage I would like to take this opportunity to pass some important information on to you.

The new shape to the school day in Lourdes Secondary

School begins at 8.50am and finishes at 3.15pm each day.

Pupil Support

We have made some significant changes to the delivery of Pastoral Care within the school this session. The House system no longer operates. Pastoral Care staff will support pupils from one year group. Each year group will have a Depute Headteacher(DHT), a Pastoral Care teacher and a number of My Time Tutors. The My Time Tutor will have daily contact with your child and will work with Pastoral Care and the DHTs to ensure that your child is well known, supported, safe and working to their full potential.

If you have any questions and/or concerns regarding your child’s welfare and progress please do not hesitate to contact your son/daughter’s Pastoral Care teacher.

The DHTs and Pastoral Care teachers are assigned as follows:

Yeargroup Depute Headteachers Pastoral Care Teacher
S1 Mrs Downie Mr MacKinnon
S2 Mr Kerr Mr Downes
S3 Mr Kerr Mrs Black
S4 Ms Cairney Ms Sellar and Ms McSween
S5 Mrs Devine Mrs Kennedy (Mon-Wed)/Mrs Hughes (Thurs- Fri)
S6 Mrs Downie Mrs Kennedy (Mon-Wed)/Mrs Hughes (Thurs- Fri)

Mrs Dolan, Principal Teacher of our Additional Learning Needs Provision, Mrs Taylor (Support for Learning teacher) and Mrs Barclay (English as an Additional language teacher) work very closely with many children in Lourdes Secondary and are also available to offer help and support to you if required.

School Uniform

I am delighted at the very high standard of uniform this session. I would like to ask that you ensure that your child continues to wear the full school uniform every day. Your support with the uniform is very much appreciated.

School Diary

Pupils have been issued with a school diary this week. The diary should enable your child to organise and plan their homework for all their subjects. The diaries will be checked on a regular basis by staff, particularly by the My Tutors, Pastoral Care and the Depute Headteachers. Your help and support ensuring that your child is completing homework on time and to the best of their ability will be greatly appreciated.

Data Check

All pupils have received a data check sheet with home contact information and details of any medical concerns etc.
I should be grateful if you would check the details and update as required. Please ensure the data sheets are returned to school as soon as possible.

Pupil Absence Procedures

If you child is absent from school, Parents/Carers should not automatically contact the school. Glasgow City have set up a Pupil Absence line for all schools and Parents across the city are encouraged to phone: 0141 287 0039.
Information from the Pupil Absence line will routinely be passed to us.

Important Dates for your diary this term:

Event/Activity Dates
Welcome Mass for all pupils & Parents/Carers Thursday 17th September
September Weekend Friday 25th and Monday 28th September
S1 Parents’ Evening Tuesday 6th October 4-6pm
October Holidays Monday 12th to Friday 16th October
Staff In-service Monday 19th October

I am looking forward to working with you and your children in the weeks and months ahead.

Yours faithfully

G McGuigan
Head Teacher

Career Ready Programme

The Career Ready programme offers an exciting and challenging mixture of experiential and practical learning to help young people develop the skills, knowledge and attributes they need for work.

Students take part in our structured two-year programme in addition to their studies during S5 and S6 at school. But it is the way that classroom learning is linked to direct contact with the workplace and employers that makes the Career Ready programme stand out.

Students will be leaving the classroom for one-to-one mentoring, masterclasses, workplace visits and an internship. These activities happen either after school or at a time to ensure that any interruption to students’ school studies are minimized.

Applications forms can be found here and should be emailed to Mrs Ross at Closing date for applications is Tuesday 25th August and Interviews will be held in school on Thursday 27th August.
For more detailed information on the programme follow this link

Lockerbie Manor Update


All S2 and S3 parents/ carers

A reminder that the rescheduled information evening for the outdoor residential to Lockerbie Manor in February  will be held in the school on Wednesday 19th August @ 6.15pm. All S2/S3 parents/ carers are invited to attend.

There are still spaces available for s2/s3 pupils to be part of this excellent experience, pupils should speak to Mrs Cullen for more details.