Category Archives: Fundraising

Charity Donations

Lourdes Secondary School prides itself on the charitable work and fundraising it does for some very worthwhile causes.  Recently we donated to Downs and Proud, Breast Cancer Research and the Brick by Brick appeal.  Huge congratulations to all involved with this.


Christmas Craft Makers Sale of Work!

Pupils from the ALN Provision will be selling handmade crafts including calendars, Christmas cards, decorations and guess the sweets in the jar! During interval and lunchtime in the SS hall on Wednesday 2nd December.  Profits to charity the Teapot Trust, a charity that provides Art therapy for chronically ill children.

Duke Of Edinburgh Annual Awards Ceremony 2015

We’ve had another successful year in the Duke of Edinburgh camp; this year 6 pupils from S4, 5 and 6 achieved their Bronze award and, for the first time at Lourdes, 5 of our senior girls got their Silver award.  It was no easy task to achieve either of the awards.  The Bronze candidates had to complete at least 3 months each of self-motivated volunteering, physical and skill-developing activities, as well as taking part in two gruelling expeditions, lasting 2 days of walking and one night wild camping.  The Silver candidates had to up their game, and produce at least 6 months of personal activity plus adding an extra day and night onto each of their expeditions.

All candidates should be immensely proud of themselves, for showing great dedication and determination to achieve their respective awards, always with a smile on their faces!  Their efforts were recognised at the Glasgow Life Duke of Edinburgh Annual Award Ceremony that took place at the Royal Concert Hall on Tuesday evening, 17th November.  The successful pupils from Lourdes were invited on stage, where they received their awards from Maureen McKenna in front of family and friends.  They were entertained by a variety of performances, and were treated to an inspirational talk by one of Glasgow’s most successful Gold award winners.  A very enjoyable night all round.

The pupils who have achieved their awards are great ambassadors for both Lourdes Secondary, and the Duke of Edinburgh Award, and have already started to encourage other pupils to follow in their footsteps.  As well as this, some of our Silver winners are now considering going for Gold!  Good luck to them, and well done again!