Category Archives: extra-curricular

Pupils Vs Staff Charity Football Match

Photos from the Charity Football Match are now available to view by clicking the photo below.  Huge Congratulations to all pupils and staff who took part and a special thank you to all pupils who supported the event in order to raise funds for Make a Wish Foundation. Final score 6-2.

Charity Football Match

September Newsletter

Sept NewsletterNow available to view is the Schools September Newsletter.  To access this please click on the link to the right-hand side of this page.

If you wish to see old newsletters, these can be found under Parents, Newsletters at the top of this page.

Career Ready Programme

The Career Ready programme offers an exciting and challenging mixture of experiential and practical learning to help young people develop the skills, knowledge and attributes they need for work.

Students take part in our structured two-year programme in addition to their studies during S5 and S6 at school. But it is the way that classroom learning is linked to direct contact with the workplace and employers that makes the Career Ready programme stand out.

Students will be leaving the classroom for one-to-one mentoring, masterclasses, workplace visits and an internship. These activities happen either after school or at a time to ensure that any interruption to students’ school studies are minimized.

Applications forms can be found here and should be emailed to Mrs Ross at Closing date for applications is Tuesday 25th August and Interviews will be held in school on Thursday 27th August.
For more detailed information on the programme follow this link

Lockerbie Manor Update


All S2 and S3 parents/ carers

A reminder that the rescheduled information evening for the outdoor residential to Lockerbie Manor in February  will be held in the school on Wednesday 19th August @ 6.15pm. All S2/S3 parents/ carers are invited to attend.

There are still spaces available for s2/s3 pupils to be part of this excellent experience, pupils should speak to Mrs Cullen for more details.

Residential booking to Lockerbie Manor

A provisional booking has been made to take S1 and S2 pupils to Lockerbie Manor on a multi-activity residential trip from Monday 22nd Feb 2016 – Friday 26th Feb 2016.

The week will comprise of a full programme of on-site activities such as climbing wall and abseil tower, obstacle course and zip wire. We would like to invite you to an information evening where Graeme Henry, School Journey Advisor of Manor Adventure, will be delivering detailed information of the experience your child can achieve at Lockerbie Manor.

We would be delighted if you could join us to find out more about this excellent opportunity for your child, where you can ask any questions you have regarding this experience. The information evening will take place on Monday 27th April at 630pm in Lourdes Secondary.

All S1 and S2 pupils will be issued with a letter with these details and a return slip to be completed and returned by Friday 1st May if interested in taking part in the residential.

BBC Schools Report

Today the school have been taking part in Nationwide Reporting for the BBC. This has become an annual trend for Lourdes Secondary School. Have a look at our BBC Schools page which contain articles writen and filmed soley by pupils or follow us on twitter @LourdesSec