Government Update – A Message from the Head Teacher 28 August 2020

Dear Parent/Carer,

I wish to congratulate all our pupils for their willingness and support so far in making a very smooth  and safe return to school.

The Government and Council announced an update this week on the strategies to be employed in school to make us all feel safer.

From Monday all pupils and staff are required to wear a face mask or face covering when moving from class to class, in social areas and in practical workshops in Technical.

There will be some medical exemptions to this – please inform your child’s Pastoral Care Teacher if this applies to your child.

S1 – Miss Campbell

S2 – Miss Fitzpatrick

S3 – Mrs Cassidy

S4 – Mr Blaney

S5 – Mrs Hughes

S6 – Mr Downes

There is no requirement for face coverings in class but all pupils and staff can wear these if it makes them feel safer.

I ask you to support us in this by ensuring that your child has a covering, is aware of the correct methodology for putting on/taking off and can safely store when not required.

Best Wishes

Mr McGuigan