
Dinosaur Dig

The Stars class were digging for dinosaurs in the sensory garden and we found loads. We also found frozen dinosaur eggs and used warm water to help the babies ‘hatch’.


Highlights of a Week in Oak

This week was National Reflection Day, we looked back over the past year and spoke about what we are thankful for. It was confident individuals all round thinking and sharing what and who they are thankful for.

In music we were effective contributors playing along to a song called ‘Bringing us Together’.

This week we have enjoyed taking part in lots of Easter art activities. We were concentrating on staying within the lines and taking our time on each section of our piece of art.

We have been getting back into our hard work jobs, we took part in our time work and we were successful learners.


Effective Contributors – Group Games

The boys were Effective Contributors as they  continued their trials of different group games, trying out sand bowls on different surfaces. We found out that the sand bowls run a lot further on the playground surface compared to the grass! We also found out that Mr Nicoll may have had a lot of practice growing up! The boys also consolidated their kick rounder skills for fielding by practicing their throwing and catching. The boys seemed to take great delight in stumping out the staff!


The Stars are back!

The whole Stars class were delighted to be back together again this week, especially as it involved Red Nose Day. We did lots of activities including making faces, icing biscuits, creating superhero masks, playing promethean board games and doing a red volcano experiment. We even enjoyed a red nose and spoon relay race! We had great fun.


The Boys are Back in Town

The Transition class returned to school this week and got straight to work being Effective Contributors. The boys were contributing to a whole school display about LGBT+. They decorated butterflies with the colours of the rainbow and different materials to make them as interesting as they could be.


Stars Home Learning Challenge W/C 01.03.21

Hi there. Hope all is well with you. 😊 This week sees World Book Day fall on Thursday 4th March. Find below some activities to do if you wish.

‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’

Listen to the story, ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’. Try and do the actions and noises.

We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’

Book Scavenger Hunt

For this task you will need a lot of books! Count how many books you can find in your house that have the following items in them. Will you be able to find them all?

   A castle

A frog

  A witch

   A bus

    A teddy bear

    A dog

    A pirate

  A train

   A king

      An elephant

   A farm

     A bike

     A tiger

A balloon

    A hug

Indoor Picnic

Plan a picnic to have indoors as it will probably be too cold to have outside. You could lay a rug on the floor. Make your favourite sandwiches , some fairy cakes or simply enjoy your favourite crisps, fruit and juice. Why not send some photographs of your picnic.


Build a Den

Use rugs, old sheets, cushions off the couch, dining room table and chairs or clothes horse to build a den. These are only suggestions. Read a book inside your den. It’s fun when using a torch to read.

I hope you enjoy trying some of these activities.

Have Fun! Stay Safe! 😎




Stars Home Learning Challenge W/C 22.02.21

Hi everyone. Hope all is well with you and your families. Find below some activities to do should you wish. Some of them are LGBTQ related. 🌈

Read the story ‘I am Jazz’ if you choose to. It is the story of a boy who would rather be a girl and do what are thought of as girls things.

I am Jazz

We are all very different. Draw or list some of the things that you like. Compare them with the likes of another member of your family. Are they the same…….or different?

You might have a favourite animal, school subject, TV programme, colour, sport, food, game or type of weather. These are just a few ideas.

 Play the game Shape Monsters.

Shape Monsters

Try and find things around your house with the shape of a….





How many can you find of each shape?

Paint can feel cold and slippery on your hands but is fun to touch with your hands to create pictures. Paint the colours of the rainbow on your hands to make LGBTQ rainbow  handprints. Make a handprint of everyone in your family if you can.


Friday is Purple Friday. Why not make a purple octopus picture or ice some biscuits with purple icing.

Make your own musical shaker using an empty plastic bottle, coleslaw tub or two yogurt pots stuck together. Fill your shaker with lentils, dried peas, broth mix, pasta, rice or small stones then shake. Do they sound like the maracas at school?

Here is a music game to play.

Monster Music

I hope you enjoy trying some of these activities.

Have Fun! Stay Safe! 😎


Stars Home Learning Challenge W/C 08.02.21

Hope all is well with you and your families. 😀  Find below some activities to do so if you wish. Friday 12th February is the Chinese New Year. 2021 will be the year of the ox. The ‘Chinese Zodiac Story’, sometimes called ‘The Great Race’, tells the story of how the Chinese calendar follows a 12 year cycle, each year named after a different animal.

The Chinese Zodiac Story

Below are two video’s showing preparing for and celebrating Chinese New Year.

Preparing for Chinese New Year

Celebrating Chinese New Year

Dragon Dance

One of the colourful activities to watch is the dragon dance.

Dragon Dance

Create Your Own Dragon

Make your own handprint Chinese New Year dragon. You will need:- paper, pen, glue stick, sellotape, two sticks and scissors.

Dragon Craft

Seeing Red

Red is a lucky colour in China. How many red things can you find in your living room.? How many can you find in your kitchen?

Chinese Dragon Game

Find below a Chinese Dragon Game for you to try.

Chinese Dragon Game

Noodle Handling.

Handle a tray of cooked noodles with your fingers. Try to lift noodles using chopsticks. If this is too difficult, use kitchen tongs. Try cutting noodles with scissors.

Paper Lanterns

Make paper lanterns to hang in your house. You can decorate them any way you like. Maybe use stickers or glitter.

Chinese Lantern Craft

I hope you have good fun doing some of these activities.

Have Fun! Stay Safe! 😀


Sungazers Home Learning Week 5

Hello, hope everyone is doing well! We are all really missing you and hope that it is not long now until we are all back together again.  Here are some activities for you to try at home and enjoy.


Numeracy – Number Pairs

You Will Need: A4 paper, scissors and a pen

  1. Fold a piece of A4 paper or card three times to give you eight equal rectangles.
  2. Cut out the rectangles.
  3. Write pairs of numbers on the rectangles. Can choose higher numbers if you wish.
  4.  Mix the rectangles up and turn them over to face down, so you can’t see the numbers.
  5. Take turns to turn over two of the rectangles. If you get two that match, you get to keep them.
  6. Play until all the numbers are gone.
  7. (Make more rectangles to add to the game for a challenge for next time if suitable).

Literacy – Chinese New Year Story

On Friday, it will Chinese New Year.  Click on the link to hear the story all about it.   We have previously read the story of The Great Race in class.  Each year a different animal is celebrated.  Can you find the year you were born?  What animal is associated with your birth year? This year it is the year of the Ox.

See the source image

Health and Wellbeing – Dressing Games

Image result for clothes clipart

  1. Lay out three items of clothing for two people, eg socks, trousers and sweatshirt.
  2. Ask child to stand in front of items of clothing.
  3. Who can dress the quickest?
  4. On your marks, get set, race!

Expressive Arts – Chinese New Year 2021 Song for Kids 

Image result for chinese new year clipart

Have a listen to this song about the Chinese New Year.  Enjoy!


Expressive Arts – Chinese Cupcake Cases Dragon

Click on this link to see how to make a Chinese Dragon out of paper cases.

We would love to see photos of all your activities! Have fun!

Team Sungazers 🙂


Stars Home Learning Challenge W/C 01.02.21

Hi everyone. 😀  Find below some activities you might like to try. Maybe you would like to send us photographs of some of the things you’ve been doing at home.

Sound ‘s’

Listen to the Crazy Stir Fry ‘s’ Song

You collected some things from around the house last week beginning with the sound ‘s’. Have you found any more? Play ‘I Spy With My Little Eye Find Something Beginning With ‘s”

Roll out some playdoh in to a long snake and form into the shape s.

Enjoy playing the game Ten Little Snowmen


Play the game Planet Pals

Try printing coloured patterns with household items e.g. cotton reels, back of fork, pen tops, duplo/lego bricks, cookie cutters.


To relax, make this Home Made Stress Ball 

Cookie Cutter Bird Seed Ornaments

Cookie Cutter Bird Seed Ornaments 

You will need – 2.5 cups birdseed, 2 packs unflavoured gelatine, 2 tbl golden syrup, 1 cup water, 12 cookie cutters, 12 x 5cm lengths drinking straws, string.

  1. Prepare gelatine as per packet instructions.
  2. Add 2 tbl syrup and stir.
  3. Add bird seed, mix, and put in fridge to firm up. (approx 10 minutes)
  4. Put cookie cutters on to parchment baking sheet.
  5. Spoon mixture in to each cookie cutter to the top and press down firmly with the back of a spoon.
  6. Press length of straw into bird seed before it is set so you have a nice neat hole for the string to go through afterwards. Make sure it is at least 1 cm from the edge.
  7. Refrigerate overnight.
  8. Remove straws and remove from cutters. Thread string through holes and tie the ends in a knot.
  9. Hang in the garden from trees and shrubs and wait for the birds to come.

I hope you have fun with these activities should you wish to try them.

Have fun! Stay safe! 😀

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