Category Archives: Parents

Communication Board update

Please have a look at our communication board within the cloakroom this board changes weekly and offers key information and tips on aiding your child’s speech and language development. I have attached new information regarding speech sound development and this information is available in booklet form within the yellow folder attached to the communication board please feel free to take one. Our top tip is still adding on a word to your child’s sentences and I have attached a new poster linking to this to our board. For further information please have a look at our communication board. Thank you Miss Clark.

Nursery Rhyme of the week – Row, row, row your boat

Please sing this well known Nursery Rhyme with your child and try out the Makaton. When singing nursery rhymes or familiar songs with your child try missing out the last word in each line and wait for the child to complete it for example… “Row, row, row your……”

Thank you to our visitor!

P5a would like to kindly thank Mr Johnson (great uncle to Kyan and Ryan) who visited our class today. With him he brought lots of medals, information and models to teach us about his father’s experiences during WW2.

We would also like to thank Mrs Gallagher (mum of Kyan and Ryan) who helped us to organise this visit.

The children very much enjoyed listening to this talk and asking plenty of questions.

Have a look at some pictures below.


Donations Please

In the ECC we go through lots of liquid soap, hankies, wet wipes and kitchen roll.  We would greatly appreciate it if parents/carers could donate at least two of any of these items please.

To prevent us running out of storage, we ask that only Blue and Purple group parents donate just now and we will ask the other groups to donate over the year.

Thank you

★ Star of the Week ★

Well done to our ECC Star of the Weeks from last week for super listening ears! 😀

East Ayrshire Dyslexia Roadshow

Dyslexia Awareness Week 6-11th November. The theme of Dyslexia Awareness Week is ‘Positive about Dyslexia’

The Essential Skills Service, Vibrant Communities is an adult literacy and numeracy service, which offers free and confidential support across East Ayrshire for people who may need help and assistance with reading, writing and number skills. As part of Dyslexia Awareness Week, we would like to invite you to our free East Ayrshire Dyslexia Roadshow which will be held in partnership with Dyslexia Scotland and Glasgow Caledonian University in St Joseph’s Campus, Grassyards Road, Kilmarnock on the 10th November 2017 from 5.00-9.30pm.

The aim of the Dyslexia Roadshow is to raise to employers, parents, teachers, practitioners and adults awareness of Dyslexia and other eye difficulties such as Meares Irlen and how these conditions can impact on persons working, community, family and personal life.

Various Workshops will be taking place throughout the evening:

  • Fiona Dickson – Director Dyslexia Scotland – “ What is Dyslexia and What Helps”
  • 5.00 – 6.00pm and 7.00 – 8.00pm
  • Dr Nadia Northway – Glasgow Caledonian University “To See, To Learn”
  • 6.10 – 7.00pm and 8.10 – 9.00pm
  • Craig Mill – CALL Scotland – “Dyslexia Information Computer Technology (ICT)”
  • 6.10 – 7.00pm and 8.10 – 9.00pm
  • Gill Hudson – Iansyst – “Assistive Technology for Dyslexia Scotland”
  • 5.00 – 6.00pm and 7.00-8.00pm

Various exhibitors will be on hand to demonstrate their services such as Dyslexia Scotland, Iansyst, Cricksoft, Vibrant Communities and many more. There will be a chance to view Dyslexic friendly books, IT solutions and other suitable resources.

Base 3 Ayrshire College STEM Visit

The children in base 3 have been given the opportunity

to visit the engineering departments at

Ayrshire College

on the afternoon of

Wednesday 15th November.


P4B and P5A will walk from school to the event


P4A will walk from the cinema.


Packed lunches ONLY for all pupils on the day please.

Full school uniform and suitable outdoor clothing for walking.


Pupils will not be back to Gargieston until approx 3.30pm

where they will be dismissed from class through the upper end doors.


Please give permission below for your child to attend

and if you are available to help on the day.


ECC Jumpers

Could all parents please double check their child’s nursery jumpers as some have gone missing which have names on them. If there has been a mix up could you please return jumpers to the ECC. Thank you 🙂


P5A Term 2 Jigsaw

Please have a look at our learning for Term 2.

Jigsaw – Term 2 Miss Meechan P5a

Miss Meechan & P5a

Related image



P4B Cinema Trip

As part of the Into Film Festival

P4B  will visit the Odeon cinema

to see



Friday 17th November


Leaving school at 9.15 sharp

Returning for lunch.

(No home lunches on the day please)


Children will be walking and should be dressed

appropriately on the day in warm outdoor clothing.



Small snack and water may be brought- no large bags  or fizzy juice !