Category Archives: Social Studies

VE Day

What a pity so many of the VE Day celebrations had to be cancelled or altered due to our current circumstances. However, thousands across the country came together at 11 am this morning as a mark of respect.

Ten years ago Gargieston pupils were responsible for securing a memorial bench in Culzean Crescent where 4 civilians died in May 1941 during the only night Kilmarnock was ever bombed in WWII.

The children traced relatives of those killed and held an emotional unveiling ceremony attended by these families, the children’s parents, residents of the street and many more.

Some of you may like to take a walk up to Culzean Crescent during your daily exercise to see the bench and the street.

100 years ago….

We are living in extraordinary times right now and no doubt we will look back at 2020 and remember what was happening in our town.

The last time the country experienced anything like this was during WW1 when Spanish flu swept across Europe carried by soldiers. The Dick Institute was used as a hospital back then for the soldiers coming back injured or ill, as these two grainy photos show…. 

This short video clip was taken outside The Dick Institute in 1922.



Ancient Egypt Fun Day at The Baird Institute

This Fun Day at The Baird Institute may be of particular interest to the children in Base 3 who are really enjoying a topic on Ancient Egypt just now. Further details 01290 427084.

P7 WW1 Play – Thursday night tickets

As the two nights of the show draw closer, we can confirm there are some tickets left for the Thursday night community performance.

Any P7 family who would like tickets for grandparents, other relatives / friends (maybe even for parents to see the performance again!) or parents of the P6 children coming along to support the choir, please feel free to request extra. This can be done by commenting on this post (click the heading to do this) or by asking at the school on Monday.

The remaining tickets will be given out on a first come first served basis. Many thanks.


Primary 7 will be walking to Grange and then into Kilmarnock town centre on Tuesday. They are going to be photographing some of the wonderful architecture in the John Finnie Street area, The Palace Theatre, The Dick Institute – to name just a few places.

However, we currently have no parents to assist and can not go without extra adults, If you enjoy a long walk and are able to help, please click on the title above to reply or contact Mrs Lawson on Monday morning.

Many thanks.

P5A Titanic Assembly

Image result for titanic

*P5A would like to invite parents to journey back to 1912 and enjoy our Titanic Assembly*

*Monday 4th June – School Assembly Hall*

*Please arrive for 2:35pm to be seated as we aim to start our performance at 2:45pm*

*P5A children will receive a slip for parents to fill in – please return this to Mrs Kerr indicating the number of seats you require*

We can’t wait to share our learning with you!


Do You Know Your Rights?

As a part of our hard work on Rights Respecting Schools we have now covered many of the United Nation ‘rights’ in school. We are currently working towards achieving our silver award! Why not share your learning at home or ask your parents to discuss some of the rights we have yet to learn?

Attached below is a copy of the ‘Child Friendly Rights’ – hi-lighted in yellow are the rights we have covered in school.  Now let’s try to learn EVERY right!

rights of the child covered

Image result for rights of the child

New books…

Primary 7 recently received a generous Amazon voucher from Kilmarnock District History Group as a thank you for the class performance at one of their meetings. The children put on an extra showing of their WW2 local history play to all the group members one night in Kilmarnock College where they meet.

The class decided that it would be very appropriate to buy local history books for the upper school to use. We would like to thank the group once again for their kind gesture.

P5a are Global Citizens!

As a part of Global Citizenship week Base 3 have been studying Fairtrade!

We know that Fairtrade means giving producers a fair price for their hard work. We have been working in school to bring attention to Fairtrade in Gargieston!

Image result for fairtrade

“Article 27: Every child has the right to a standard of living that is good enough to meet their physical, social and mental needs. Governments must help families who cannot afford to provide this.”


P5 Learn About our Right of the Month!

We have been studying our Article of the Month through our work on Rights Respecting Schools ;

“Article 7 (Registration, name, nationality, care): All children have the right to a legally registered name, officially recognised by the government”.

In class we discussed the importance of our names and how it is personal to each and every individual. Unfortunately, we know that in many places in the world some children are not given this right and we spoke about how this might make us feel.

Together, we spoke about the stories of how we got our names and designed a name badge that was personal to us.

The children have been set the task to ask at home if there was a particular reason they were given their name. We are also going to try and find out when our birth’s were officially registered.

I’m excited to see what you discover!

“Our name’s make us unique” – Harry W