Category Archives: Social Studies

P5 Visit Robert Burns Birthplace Museum

P5 Burns Trip to Alloway Ayr.

What a great day had by all at the Robert Burns Birthplace museum. Thank you to all the parents and helpers who came along and made the day possible.



Right of the Month!

Our new right of the month is  ◊Article 7◊   and what a very important one it is!


Image result for we have rights children article 7

“You have the right to a name, and this should be officially recognised by the Government. You have the right to a nationality (to belong to a country).”

We will be learning a lot this coming month about the importance of Article 7.

Why not share your learning with someone at home?

The RRS school group!

Image result for un rights of the child



P7 – Kilmarnock District History Group

Thank you to the P7 children who  have volunteered to redo scenes from our play at the Kilmarnock District History Group meeting on Tuesday 28th November.

I would appreciate it if the children could arrive at 7pm at Ayrshire College on Hill Street ready to set up. Also, the children should come dressed ready to start. Parents can simply drop the children off, but are equally welcome to come in and join the meeting. Visitors to the group pay £2 on the night.

The meeting should finish at approximately 8.45pm. All children should be picked up inside the college, as it will be very dark and the children may not know the car park area well enough to walk round.

Many thanks,

Mrs Lawson


World War II Play

Congratulations to all the Primary 7s who put on a fabulous performance this week based around Grammar School; Kilmarnock and events around the world during the WW2 time. They delivered their lines so well – everyone taking on at least a small part. Well done! Thanks also to some of the P5s and P6s of Base 4 for coming along to support us with the songs.

Over £170 from ticket sales will go to Poppy Scotland. Thank you!

World War 2 Play

WW2 Play

Thursday 9th November

7pm – 8.15pm (approx.)

Two parents / friends of each Primary 7 child would be made most welcome at our play. Any Primary 6 children coming along to join in as a choir can also bring an adult with them.

Entry cost is a minimum donation of £2 per adult and will be payable on the night. All money collected will be donated to Poppy Scotland.

Primary 7 children should start arriving at 6.30pm or 6.45pm if already dressed in costumes. All children have been informed of the clothes they will be required to wear. Primary 6 children should arrive, dressed mainly in black please, at 6.45pm.

The children have also been invited to perform at a Kilmarnock District History Group meeting on Tuesday 28th November at 7.30 pm. It would be lovely to see as many of the Primary 7s as possible, also at this event. More details nearer the time.


Thank you to our visitor!

P5a would like to kindly thank Mr Johnson (great uncle to Kyan and Ryan) who visited our class today. With him he brought lots of medals, information and models to teach us about his father’s experiences during WW2.

We would also like to thank Mrs Gallagher (mum of Kyan and Ryan) who helped us to organise this visit.

The children very much enjoyed listening to this talk and asking plenty of questions.

Have a look at some pictures below.


Primary 7 – Kilmarnock During WW2 Bus Tour

Primary 7 finished their first section of WW2 with a bus tour of Kilmarnock! They drove along Dundonald Road where the railings were cut down for melting into ammunition. They continued up John Finnie Street imagining the cars collecting evacuees from the railway station. After passing The Grand Hall (used for Italian prisoners of war) they made their way to Culzean Crescent where 4 people were killed in an air raid – the only one to ever hit Kilmarnock. They looked at the memorial bench for these four civilians  killed that night in May 1941. Finally, after a visit to The Dick Institute to look at old Kilmarnock photographs, they crossed the road to the war memorial.

Stephanie Kerr’s dad had told her where to look for her relative’s name.

An interesting and thought-provoking afternoon out.

Better late than never!

Here are a selection of pictures from our fabulous day trip to Pollok Country Park the other week. We had such fun in the play park, before heading on a nature walk where we created our very own Art Attack of an elephant. Lastly, we were lucky enough to meet Mrs Mac in the beautiful house. She was the house keeper and took us on a Victorian adventure. We all had a brilliant day and the sun shined for us too.!

P1 Trip to Culzean Castle

P4/5 Great Pyramid Open Afternoon

A huge well done to P4/5 who planned and carried out a fabulous open afternoon for their parents, family and friends.