Category Archives: Health and Wellbeing

Sports Day Programme Cover Competition !

Sports Day Programme Cover Competition !

Your task is to design a cover for the sports day programme.

The Sports Council will decide on the best entry for the P1-3 programme and the 4-7 programme.

The winning entries will be printed on the official programmes.

Entries should be drawn on A5 paper.

Designs  should be sports day related – cups, podium, medals, races, sports , house colours etc.

Each entry should include a heading – either :

Gargieston Primary School Sports P1-3.


Gargieston Primary School Sports P4-7.

Entries should be in colour.

Entries should be handed to class teacher first thing in the morning of Wed 6th June at the latest for judging.

Yours sincerely

Sports Council.


P7 at Portland Bowling Club

What a good time Primary 7 had at their first week of bowling at Portland Bowling Club. The members kindly gave up their time to share their knowledge with the children, who quickly realised it’s not as easy as it looks! Two more sessions to go – fingers crossed for the continued good weather.

Dancing at Howard House (ECC)

The afternoon boys and girls have been practising a dance with the residents at Howard house. Today it was filmed on camera, they all did super!

Coming to a screen near you! 😀



Even with all the rain (and some of the children being up at 6.15 am this morning!!) Mr Smith and Mrs Bloomfield have been in touch to say all is well!

Mr Smith and Mr Johnston took one group abseiling and Mrs Bloomfield was mountain biking with the others. Also lovely to hear that the children are being a credit to the school.

Fingers crossed for some sunshine tomorrow!

Gardening Club

Just a reminder that there will be no gardening club on Wednesday 9th May 2018.

Gardening Club

Image result for gardening

Now that the snow and ice have finally cleared away, the Gardening Club will be commencing for the Summer Term.

The Club is open for any pupils within P4 -P6 and will run from 3:15pm until 4:15pm.

Starting Wed 25th April – Wed 20th June.

Could any pupils, who are interested in coming along to the club, please see Mrs Bloomfield in Base 1 to pick up a permission slip.


Primary 3 at Dance Fest

Huge congratulations to the group of Primary 3 children who performed in The Grand Hall at Dance Fest this week. They had rehearsed hard and their enthusiasm was clear for all to see during their performance. So proud of you all! A big thank you to Emma Dickson in Primary 7 who helped train the group and was with them every step of the way on the night doing everything from their make-up and hair, to calming their nerves.


Do You Know Your Rights?

As a part of our hard work on Rights Respecting Schools we have now covered many of the United Nation ‘rights’ in school. We are currently working towards achieving our silver award! Why not share your learning at home or ask your parents to discuss some of the rights we have yet to learn?

Attached below is a copy of the ‘Child Friendly Rights’ – hi-lighted in yellow are the rights we have covered in school.  Now let’s try to learn EVERY right!

rights of the child covered

Image result for rights of the child

P5a are Global Citizens!

As a part of Global Citizenship week Base 3 have been studying Fairtrade!

We know that Fairtrade means giving producers a fair price for their hard work. We have been working in school to bring attention to Fairtrade in Gargieston!

Image result for fairtrade

“Article 27: Every child has the right to a standard of living that is good enough to meet their physical, social and mental needs. Governments must help families who cannot afford to provide this.”


Thank you GFG!

We would like to say a huge thanks to our Gargieston Fundraising Group for purchasing and organising gym bags for the storage of our new football kits and for the fantastic t-shirt. We love them!