Cash for Kids Christmas Grant Applications

Each year Cash for Kids supports thousands of children from birth to 18 years old who are ill, disabled  or who simply need extra care and guidance. We do this by providing grants to individual children, other children’s charities, community groups, schools and health organisations across the UK.

If you would like to be considered for a grant, please complete the form below.

The information you submit is completely confidential.

P4A cinema trip – Wed 15th November

As part of the Into Film Festival

P4A  will visit the Odeon cinema

to see



Wednesday 15 November

Leaving school at 9.15 sharp

Returning for lunch.

(No home lunches on the day please)


Children will be walking and should be dressed

appropriately on the day in warm outdoor clothing.



Small snack and water may be brought- no large bags  or fizzy juice !


Base 4 Cinema Trip – Friday 10 November


As part of the Into Film Festival

Base 4  will visit the Odeon cinema

to see



Friday 10  November

Leaving school at 9.15 sharp

Returning for lunch.

(No home lunches on the day please)


Children will be walking and should be dressed

appropriately on the day in warm outdoor clothing.



Small snack and water may be brought- no large bags  or fizzy juice !





Primary 3 – cinema trip

As part of the Into Film Festival

P3 will visit the Odeon cinema

to see

*Despicable Me 3*


Wednesday 8 November

Leaving school at 9.15 sharp

Returning for lunch.

(No home lunches on the day please)


Children will be walking and should be dressed

appropriately on the day in warm outdoor clothing.



Small snack and water may be brought- no large bags  or fizzy juice !




ECC Star of the Week


★ Every week we choose a nursery rule and pick one child in each group who has followed this rule well and is deserving of our Star of the Week. Well done to this weeks winners for wonderful walking feet! ★

and a big well done to those who won last week for super sitting!

ECC Halloween Party

Our Halloween party will be on Fri 27th Oct. Your child will attend their normal am or pm session and can come dressed up if they wish. Please no scary masks and we ask you label all accessories!

October Holiday

School and ECC  will close today  for the October holiday.

Children will return  on Tuesday 24 October.

( Monday 23rd will be an in service day)

Have a lovely holiday!

Intergenerational Project

It was another successful and lovely day for the Gargieston children and residents from Howard House.

ECC October Home Learning Task

For our home learning this October, we would like to encourage you to put a post on your child’s e-portfolio.  It can be something that you and your child did over the holiday that they would like to share with us in the ECC.

Thank you

This is an optional task.

Yoga with Miss Bechelli

This week we learned 9 new yoga poses! Have a go at home with your child it’s so much fun! 🙂

Yoga is beneficial for children in a number of ways:

It helps improve concentration.

It helps with Balance and coordination.

It enhances flexibility as we practise using our muscles in different ways.

It’s helps calm our minds.

and most importantly, it’s a fun way to exercise!