Tag Archives: Primary 7

Heart Start Training

Pupils from Primary 6 and 7 classes have recently participated in Heart Start training a British Heart Foundation Initiative. The pupils learned about emergency life support- as the motto stated,  ‘ Simple Skills Save Lives ‘. Training was delivered by members of the Dalbeattie First Responders team supported by the local Fire Brigade. Thank you to all volunteers who attended training to support with pupils learning.

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P7 Burns Competition

For the last few weeks Primary 7 have been busy learning their extracts from Tam O’Shanter for the annual P7 Burns Competition.

The children have worked extremely hard to learn the pieces, as well as applying their drama skills, using facial expressions and actions, to retell the story.
They were also challenged with choosing a scene from the poem to collage. The children used a variety of materials to create some wonderful finished pieces, which can be seen below.

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On Thursday 16th February, Mr Cathro came to judge both the poetry and collage competitions. Our winners were as follows:

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1st – Leon Pipe
2nd – Orrin Carson
3rd – Sam McKnight

1st – Molly Boynton
2nd – Tamzin Jolley
3rd – Kerrie Pendleton

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Miss Clendinning, Mrs Burn and Mrs Duncan were all very proud of all of the children for their effort. Well done everyone!!!

P7 – ICT Learning


In Primary 7C this term we are developing our computer coding skills. For the past two weeks we have been using Tynker to create characters and interactive games using coding blocks. So far we are all really enjoying the challenges and have been learning a lot about perseverance as some of the tasks have required us to problem solve and think very carefully.

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P7 Homefront Day 24.01.17

Primary 7C have had an absolutely fantastic day today with Dean from Homefront Histories.

We  engaged in a huge variety of hands on learning, exploring WW2 artefacts and taking part in pretend air raids. We had the chance to dress up in real WW2 solider uniforms, we learned how to deal with an incendiary bomb and even got to hold some real (disarmed!!) WW2 guns.

Primary 7C would like to say a huge thank you to Dean for such a wonderful day. It is definitely one that we won’t forget!!

To P7C:
Thank you everyone for your lovely manners and excellent behaviour throughout the day. Dean was very impressed with you all. Miss C

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P7C Anderson Shelter Projects

Recently, as part of their WW2 topic, Primary 7C were challenged with a homework project to create a model of an Anderson Shelter.

The challenge was to choose a variety of suitable materials to create a model which was accurate in shape, colour and fitted the time period. Children also had to consider the size of their model to ensure that it was in proportion to the other objects they were including in their scene.

I am absolutely delighted with the outstanding effort from all of the children and cannot thank the pupils and parents enough for their effort, help and support with this task.

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P7 Christmas Party

Last night Primary 7 had a blast at their last ever primary school Christmas party. We showed off our Scottish dancing skills and really wowed Mrs Duncan with how good we were. We played some party  games then strutted our stuff in the dancing competition. We even had a short break and ate some delicious party food. Mrs Burn and Miss Clendinning were thrilled with how well behaved and well mannered everyone was.

A big thank you to Mrs Duncan and Mrs Stitt for buying and preparing all of the yummy food.

We had a great evening!!

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Primary 7 and Primary 6/7 Outdoor Learning

Today, Primary 6/7 and Primary 7 took their learning about WW2 outside into the playground. They were learning about the number of casualties different countries suffered and were challenged to work in groups to create a human graph.

Team work was vital in this task as the children were asked to choose different ways to use their bodies to represent the different numbers e.g. someone standing upright may represent 100,000 casualties whilst someone sitting represents 100 casualties.

Every group worked together efficiently and came up with some excellent and creative ideas for their human graph.

Here are a few photos showing some of the team work taking place and the final graph.

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SSFA Primary 7 Soccer Sevens

Today it was the turn of our P7 football team to take part in the SSFA Soccer Sevens regional qualifier. The team played against 5 other schools during the tournament and represented the school extremely well. The team showed determination throughout each game and displayed very sporting behaviour at the end of each match. Mr Cathro and myself were both very proud of the team performance. The team finished fourth overall in their league. Well done boys.


Remembrance Service

Dalbeattie Primary School was represented at the Remembrance Service in church today by five of our house captains accompanied by Mrs Duncan. The children and Mrs Duncan  along with many other local organisations and members of the public then attended a service in Colliston Park to lay  poppy wreaths at the war memorial in memory of those who have served and those who continue to serve in our armed forces around the world today.
