Tag Archives: Effective Contributors

P1F – Special Delivery

Last week P1 received a special delivery from a professor in Canada needing our help.  He sent us an egg he discovered while digging for dinosaur fossils.  As he was so busy he asked if we would monitor it for him in different conditions and report back with our findings.  Of course we were very up for the challenge and decided to pack it carefully and first of all put it beside the window in our classroom!

To find out what happened next you will need to ask P1!!!

Salmon In The Classroom

Our school Eco Group enjoyed a trip to Shirmers Burn to release our alevins today. Mrs Dyson’s Primary 5 and the Eco group have been involved in looking after salmon eggs in school. Rowan Armstrong from Galloway Fisheries brought us a tray of 100 eggs together with a water cooler, just over two weeks ago. They hatched a week later and so were ready to be released, today, into the water so that they can continue feeding once their yolk sacs are all used up. We will revisit the burn in June to take part in some electro fishing when we will be able to see how much our salmon have grown. By then, they will be ‘fry’ before becoming ‘parr’ when they are one year old.  We were also very interested to see frogspawn in one pond and toads in another. Afterwards we enjoyed eating our snacks while enjoying the pleasant weather and the lovely views of the Loch Ken countryside.









Speech Festival

Well done to all the boys and girls who took part in the Dumfries Music and Speech Festival yesterday. The children all performed their poems very well and were a credit to the school. Each section had a significant increase in entries this year and the standards from all competitors was very high. All participants received feedback from the judge on the day. Well done to all those who achieved places within their section.



Scots Poetry Winners Visit Alma

The Scots poetry winners from each class visited Alma House today and recited their poems to the residents. Well done to the boys and girls who performed their poems extremely well . During our visit, the children also chatted to the residents. Thank you to Mrs Henderson for inviting us. We hope to visit again in the near future.

World Book Day 2017

We have had a fantastic day in school celebrating World Book Day. A great number of our pupils came dressed as a character from a favourite book and brought along a copy to share with their classmates. The costumes were terrific, as you will see from the pictures. We are also very grateful, this year, to Dalbeattie Book Shop whose donation of many books has meant that we could allow each pupil to select a free book from previous years of World Book Day publications. The children have also been given their World Book Day 2017 tokens which can be exchanged either  for a free 2017 World Book Day or can be used as £1 towards any book or audio book over £2.99.

















P5 Scottish Wildlife Projects

Primary 5D pupils created 3D models of Scottish mammals and birds and presented interesting facts about their chosen animal. Mrs Dyson was very impressed with how much effort pupils made with this homework task and was amazed with how different each model was. Well done everyone! Pupils gave a presentation to the class then shared their research and models with pupils from P4/5. All models are now on display outside our classroom and have received lots of praise from staff and pupils.

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New School Badge Winner

We are delighted to announce that Lainey Ireland from P7  is the winner of our new school badge competition. Lainey’s badge was one of four final designs that pupils have been voting on over the past two weeks. Lainey’s badge has now been copy righted to the school for use on school clothing and documents.

Congratulation Lainey.


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Code Club fun!

Our Code Clubbers enjoyed another busy session at Code Club this week. Keira, Aimee, Millie, Logan and Aaron used code to create their own ChatBot animations. Murdo, Orla and Heather were coding to create their own Dodgeball game. Our Micro:bits arrived so Orla and Heather also investigated how to make their own interactive badge using these pocket-sized computers! Mrs Duncan even popped in to play the animations and games. Mrs Dyson and Mr Muirhead are amazed each week with how well our Code Clubbers are collaborating and progressing. Well done everyone!

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