Tag Archives: Effective Contributors

Eco Schools

On Thursday 31st August, the Eco Group went on a trip to Tongland Power Station and The Dee Hatchery. At Tongland, the group was learning about renewable energy using hydro power. We found out about the dam system on ‘The Dee’ and visited the turbine hall to find out more about how electricity is generated. We got to walk along the actual dam at Tongland and saw the gate being opened to see the force of the water rushing through. We also saw the fish ladder where the salmon move up river when they return from the Atlantic, back to their spawning ground.  Later in the day, the group moved onto the Dee Hatchery at Shirmers Burn where we watched the Galloway Fisheries Rangers undertake some electro fishing. The fish were put into buckets for us to look at more closely and handle. Some of the group members were even brave enough to handle the baby North American Signal Cray Fish. The salmon and trout were returned to the burn afterwards but not the cray fish as they are not native to the Dee River system! The group is very grateful to Tim and especially to Rowan who has worked so closely with the group over recent years.






The Rainbow Fish

This week we have focused some of our activities around ‘The Rainbow Fish’ by Marcus Pfister.  It is a great story to develop the themes of sharing and friendship with the children.  We have been using different media to create our own Rainbow fish and have made a beach themed tray to play in – which we decided to add pirates to!  Our playdough has been decorated with sparkles and we have been changing the words to popular tunes to make them fish related as well.  We have also been fishing for magnetic letters in the water and retelling the story in our own words.  We are still very interested in the book so next week may well be fish themed too!


End of Term Awards

Dalbeattie Primary held its last end of term awards ceremony on Friday 30th June. Amongst the awards presented were the sports day trophies and house cup (winners Colliston) and house shield (winners were Colliston.)

Boys Champion: Leon Pipe and Andrew Millar- joint winners

Runner up: Cohen O’Conner

Boys 300m winners: Ewan Taylor

Runner up: Leon Pipe

Girls champion: Tia Thorburn

Girls runner up: Lainey Ireland and Myah Sargent joint

Girls 300m winner: Tia Thorburn

runner up: Lainey Ireland

Also presented were:

Lions Citizenship Prize: Ciara McQuarrie- winner. Runners up: Lucy Glendinning, Andie Wilson, Sam McKnight

Alistair Gourlay Art award: joint winners Samuel Donnelly and Anaya Nerestan

Alan Younger memorial for art in the upper school: Brooke Henderson

Maureen McShane Award for effort: joint winners Stuart McFegan and Kerrie Pendelton

Jennie Corrie Trophy for Poetry: Louise Kelting

Babsie Caig Trophy for best role model: Tia Thorburn

Heughan Citizenship Awards: EXCELLENT: Robbie Wykes, Jasmine Wixon, Cameron Patterson, Rory McCormick; VERY GOOD: Emmie Sanderson, Carey McCubbin, Nell Porter, Owen o Dornan, Erin Styles, Aulay Webster, Harry Cameron, Jessica Bowden, Cara Houston, Ewan Herries, Kerri O Dornan, Ruari Webster. In addition to these awards a further special prize was awarded to Louise Kelting for dedication and commitment to eco schools activities.

Gold, silver and bronze awards for accreditation in Country Dancing were also presented by Mrs Fortnum to many children in her dancing after school club.

A new trophy was also presented for the first time this year. The Dalbeattie Primary School History Prize which has been donated by Dalbeattie Museum was presented to Jamie Laurie for his outstanding interest in this local history project about the Titanic. The trophy was presented by Mr Tommy Henderson and Mr Donald Henderson made  a very fitting speech about Murdoch being a former pupil of the school and how poignant it was that this cup was being presented for the first time in the old school and next year it will be presented again for the first time in the new school.


Scottish Opera Tale O Tam

Dalbeattie Primary has just staged a terrific performance of Scottish Opera’s  ‘Tale O Tam.’

Primary 6 and 7 pupils made up the chorus groups of ‘The Tavern Crew,’ ‘The Witches Crew’ and the ‘Stormy Crew.’

The opera told the familiar story of Tam O Shanter drinking late in the tavern before making his way home on his old grey mare Meg before stopping to look through the window of the auld Kirk by Alloway where he sees the witches and warlocks dancing with the devil. He shouts out ‘Well done Cutty Sark’ and the witches take chase after him. He reaches the keystone of the brig but only after the witch pulls off Meg’s tail.

The whole show was fantastic: the singing was tremendous and the costumes were brilliant. The school is very grateful to Scottish Opera for coming to school to deliver a day’s workshops and rehearsals in the morning before the actual show in the afternoon. The school is also very grateful to class teachers and especially to Kate Picken who helped the children to learn and prepare the songs and music in the weeks ahead of the actual day. The whole school enjoyed watching the dress rehearsal before parents came to watch the final show before the end of the school day. This year’s Scottish Opera was funded through the Creative Scotland’s YMI (Youth Music Initiative.)







Primary 4 – Primary 7 Sports Day

Well done to pupils in P4-P7 who took part in  our sports day today. This was our final sports day in Islecroft Stadium. Next year our sport will be held on the sports field at our new learning campus. Pupils all took part in their class races and demonstrated  their athletic abilities and sporting behaviour. The weather was also kind to us.

Thank you to Thomas for presenting the trophies to our winners, to all staff for their support in the organisation of this event and to all parents ,family and friends for joining us today. The winning House Team today was Colliston.


Potted Sports

What a wonderfully energetic and enthusiastic day we had for PE at Dalbeattie Primary!

P7 excelled themselves as confident and capable responsible leaders of our 16 activity stations around the school. Children were all mixed up in house teams of P1-P6, actively learning and extending our skills and fitness through activities like New Age Kurling, Orienteering, keep fit dancing and beat the goalies, to name just a few. Knowledge, skill and fantastic ideas were shared with excellent examples demonstrated. Great fun was had and new friends were made in different classes.

Senior Pupils from Dalbeattie High School joined us and made an essential contribution as team leaders too.

It was one of those feel good days to be glad to be a part of, and proud of all contributing to making such a success!

Mrs Gray P.E Specilaist

Primary 7 Catering Skills

12 P7 pupils accompanied Mrs Duncan to Dalbeattie High School to prepare afternoon tea for current and former staff attending an after school event at Dalbeattie Primary. The pupils worked with Mrs Houston from Dalbeattie High School to make tray bakes,scones,short break and savoury snacks for the event. The food  created was thoroughly enjoyed by guests at the afternoon tea.


P5D create Lego Robots!

Primary 5D pupils participated in an amazing  ComputerXplorers Workshop and astounded everyone with their engineering skills. They used the latest Lego Robotics Technology to build and program amazing creatures that moved using motors, gears and wheels. Pupils learned how to program sensors to make robots respond to their surroundings. They worked collaboratively to make Lego lions roar and then lie down when thrown a bone. They used skills of coding and programming to make crocodiles snap, sailboats rock, footballers dive randomly for the ball, kicking legs , plane engines rev and a sleeping giant wake up when approached. Mrs Dyson, Mrs Connel, Mrs Cox and Mrs Ross were blown away by the teamwork and computer skills demonstrated by every single participant. Fantastic work Primary Five!











Country Dancers at Civic Daze

Some of our festival winning country dancers performed a selection of dances today at a Civic Daze event in Colliston Park. This was a first public performance for some and they danced beautifully. Well done everyone and thank you to Mrs Fortnum and Mrs McMinn for supporting the dancers today.