Category Archives: Nursery

Nursery News

Continuing our ‘Spring’ context this week we planted our runner beans to grow in different conditions; light, dark, watered and dry. We made our predictions about which would grow and which wouldn’t and will monitor them for progress.  The children enjoyed digging into the compost and getting the watering can out.  We also emptied the flower tubs and re-filled them before planting some pansies to brighten up the garden.

There has been lots of fantastic play in the garden, it’s great to see the children making up their own games and role plays using different things they have found in the garden. One of the children asked if we could have a picnic so, on Friday, we all had snack together outside on the mats before singing some spring themed songs.

Mrs Carson began potted sports practise with the children this week; they were learning to hurdle with great success. The children will learn a new event each week in the run up to our potted sports day in June.

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Nursery News

The children have been working together to plan our new topic this week in the Nursery. We are going to be learning all about Spring.  There were a variety of different learning suggestions from the children ranging from birdwatching to growing plants to getting some caterpillars.  We will cover all of this and more over the coming few weeks.

We began our topic by creating observational paintings of daffodils using water colours, the children produced beautiful work which is now displayed on the wall just inside the Nursery door. Some of the children also created daffodils using craft materials to great effect!

We all enjoyed getting back into the Nursery garden this week. The children dug and weeded the old potato plot – we even found a bucketful of potatoes that we had missed at harvest back in September – oops!  We discussed what we could plant this year and decided that we could have potatoes again.  We will also dig another plot and plant some kale which is quick growing and, all being well, will allow the children to see the whole process from plot preparation to planting to harvesting to their plates within the term.

A number of children recognised that plants need water to grow so before we begin our own planting we are undertaking an experiment to understand how plants use water. We have put daffodils in dyed water and predicted what will happen and are now keenly observing the daffodils for any changes.  Next week we will try growing beans in different conditions to understand what else plants require to grow.

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Nursery News

We have been learning all about the Sun and the Moon in the Nursery. We read ‘Whatever Next’ and had a great time re-enacting the story using the same props as the bear in the story.  We then created our own stars and 3D Sun, Moon and Earth to hang in our space role play area, alongside our space ship!  We used different art techniques to create the Sun and Moon on paper too and had lots of interesting chats about what the Sun and Moon might be made of.  We have now watched some super videos which have helped us understand what the Sun and Moon are really made of and why they are important to us on Earth.

We finished off this week being sporty for Sports Relief! We had a workout outside, played a lot of football, rode the bikes and used the exercise equipment inside.  To keep us fuelled up Mrs McLatchie prepared home-made pizza with the help of some keen cooks!

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Nursery News

This week we have been busy learning about transport in the Nursery.  We have been practising our mechanical skills in our ‘garage’, excavating compost with the diggers and building bridges and ramps with a variety of construction materials.  Some of the children helped to create a car mat to play with the toy cars and remote control car on while others created tools to decorate the ‘garage’ using collage materials.  We have been learning about road safety and have been practising crossing the road; everyone understands that we must stop, look and listen and only cross the road when holding an adult’s hand – fantastic!  On Friday we undertook a traffic survey outside the school; we used tally marks to record what vehicles we saw and next week we are going to create pictograms to graph the results of our survey.

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