Category Archives: creativity

Eco Group plants Commemorative Flowerbed in Colliston park

The Eco group recently went to Colliston Park to plant red, white and blue flowers to create a special bed to commemorate the Armed Forces in the year we mark the 100 year anniversary of the end of WW1. Thanks to Margaret Copp for organising the plants. We do hope the design comes into flower according to the design!



Outdoor Learning in the Upper School

Mrs Graham’s P6/7 maths group ventured outside in the sunshine today to learn all about angles. We created acute, obtuse, right, reflex and straight line angles from shadows our bodies made. We also drew pictures and made group models , finding the angles throughout . Using the cameras , we photographed as many different and unusual angles as we could . Photos to follow!



Heughan Choir Introduction

On Wednesday, Kate Howard –  Musical Director for the Heughan choir came into school to introduce herself to pupils in P5-P7. Kate will be organising and running the choir for any interested pupils from P5-P7. The choir is being funded by the Heughan trust. The choir will run every Thursday this term with a view to a first performance at the official opening of the Heughan Hall in June. Pupils interested in being part of the choir took letters of interest home today. We look forward to hearing the first performance from the choir in due course.

‘THREE TREES’ Easter Service In Church

On Thursday 29th March, we held our Easter Service in Dalbeattie and Kirkgunzeon Parish Church. The service re-told the Easter story through ‘Three Trees’ which each had different aspirations about what they wanted to be used for. Their hopes and plans did not work out and, although initially disappointed, the trees all saw the much greater worth of the uses they were actually put to. The story was told most effectively by the three Primary 7s who played the parts of the trees but also by the other Primary 7 narrators, interspersed with some lovely singing which the whole school has been practising over recent weeks.





The Romans Play

On Friday 23rd March, history was made in Dalbeattie Primary, within Dalbeattie Learning Campus.  Primary 4, under the direction of Mrs Anderson, staged our first dramatic performance in the Primary School Hall. This was the first time, out stage had been opened up to the hall to showcase a play. Primary 4 rose to the occasion. They worked so hard to learn their lines and knew all their parts well. By the end of the show, we had all learned so much more about life in Roman villas and how to build Roman roads. Well done Primary 4 and Mrs Anderson for making history!





Primary 4/5 and Primary 5 Ukulele Concert


Primary 4/5 and Primary 5 performed in their first ever ukulele concert this afternoon for parents. The children have been learning ukulele with Mrs Popov from Feis Rois this term. They performed 8 traditional songs which were; ‘ Feasgar Math’, ‘Row Row Row Your Boat’ , ‘Oh Dearie Me’, ‘Sandy’s Mill / Michael Finnegan’, ‘Good News’, ‘Tobar Tobar’ and ‘The Rattlin Bog’. Thank you to all parents and carers in the audience! We hope you enjoyed the concert!

P1F Dinosaur Models!

Last week P1 had a fun afternoon making junk model dinosaurs with our parents and friends.  First of all we sang a song which finished with some audience partcipation and then we got ‘stuck in’ to the enormous pile of junk we collected!  Mrs Fitzsimmons and Miss Yousaf were extremely impressed with all our creative models and collaborative work.  We would like to say a HUGE thank you to all the mums, dads, grannies and aunties who came along and supported us.  We hope you had as much fun as we did!!


Scots Poetry Assembly

Today, we heard all our winners from Primary 1 to Primary 7 recite their poems which they had been practising recently. The quality was excellent and it was clear why they had all earned first places in the recent competition.

Primary 1-3 winners

Primary 4-7 winners

Presentation of certificates to pupils missing from last week’s photo.

Primary 7 second and first place winners of the Burns collage competition based on Tam O Shanter

….and another prefect was presented with her badge.