Category Archives: creativity

Bin Bag Fashion Show January 2017

Primary 6/7 delighted us all with a catwalk show of their wonderfully unique designs made from recycled plastic bin bags. The show was the result of a very interesting class topic about clothes. It was amazing to see the range of designs created by our pupils. Mrs Burn talked us through the design processes behind each unique item or collection. Here are just a  few of the pictures.







P2/3 Fairyland Topic

The children in P2/3 thoroughly enjoyed their Fairyland topic this term and were so excited by all the visits from the Friendly Dragon. They asked if they could dress up as characters from fairytales to celebrate the end of the topic and brought in fairytales from home to share in class – thank you for the effort put in at home to make this happen. Here are some pictures of work from our topic and our dress up day on Tuesday.

Christmas Jumper Day 2017

Today, we came to school wearing our Christmas jumpers to raise money for Save The Children. At the time of posting, the exact amount is not known exactly but is thought to be over £140.

All children may not be in the photos as some may have been busy elsewhere when pictures were taken……Here is a taste, however, of the huge variety of jumpers which were on display.





Primary 4 and 4/5 Photo Competition

P4 and P4/5 took part in a photo competition as part of their class learning about Dumfries and Galloway this term. The children had to take a creative photograph anywhere in Dumfries and Galloway. Mr Phil McMenemy, a  well know local photographer came  into school today to judge the competition. Well done to all the pupils who entered photographs.



Just Like Yesterday

Primary 7 put on a terrific leavers show, ‘Just Like Yesterday.’ The children had gathered their memories of their journey  from nursery through to Primary 7. There were some sad stories  but mostly they were happy and funny ones.  Some highlights included re-enacting a bus trip and the  stresses of sports day. Miss Clenndinning was delighted with the performance, especially as the children had had so little time to learn a set of new songs so soon after they had worked with Scottish Opera.